Buffalo milk

The Asian buffalo is a strong and hardy animal with invincible immunity. Buffalo milk is valued as an important source of nutrients and natural antioxidants. This drink is very similar in composition to women’s milk, which is why it is considered one of the most beneficial for humans among other types of animal milk. This rare, almost exotic, product, if desired, can be found anywhere in the world. And it’s definitely worth doing, now we’ll find out why.

Product features

Unlike other popular types (cow, goat, sheep), buffalo milk has a more viscous consistency. This density is given to it by increased fat content, as a rule it is 7-8%. Despite the high fat content, this drink is very low in cholesterol – approximately 0,65 mg / g (for comparison, in cow is 3,14 mg / g).

In addition to the density, it has a sweeter taste than that of a cow. The smell of buffalo milk is almost neutral, while pasteurized “copies” have almost none. The color can vary from pale white to light brown, like ryazhenka.

This drink does not contain casein, so it is often suitable for people with intolerance to goat’s and cow’s milk. It is perfectly stored and does not undergo fermentation for quite a long time, for which nomads have appreciated it so much since ancient times. Thanks to this property, Indian ghee – ghee – from the same milk may not lose its properties and taste for many years.

Today, Pakistan and India are considered the main suppliers of this healthy drink. But there are buffalo farms in Europe, the main European supplier is Italy. Also, Asian buffalo milk is produced on an industrial scale in Transcaucasia, in the Ukrainian Transcarpathia and Lviv region, in Bulgaria.

The use of buffalo milk is the same as any other. It is useful fresh, fermented, ideal for cheeses that are highly valued. In addition, this product is suitable for homemade hair and face masks.

The composition of milk

All the benefits of Asian buffalo milk are based on its composition. Here, as in any other form, there is a whole list of vitamins and minerals, proteins, amino acids. However, the difference is that the concentration of nutrients here is much higher than in other popular species. For example, the same calcium is here in an increased dosage, and due to the absence of casein and the presence of phosphorus, it is absorbed much better. To get a commensurate benefit, you need to drink three times more cow’s milk than buffalo.

Chemical composition of milk
Nutritional value (in grams per 100 g)
Unsaturated fatty acids2,06
Saturated fatty acids3,85
 Cholesterol20,1 mg
Caloric value106 kcal
Chemical elements (per 100 g)
Calcium (Ca)173 mg
Potassium (K)131 mg
Phosphorus (P)108 mg
Sodium (Na)47,5 mg
Magnesium (Mg)18,5 mg
Iodine4,0 μg
Molybdenum2,1 μg
Fluorine20 μg
Cobalt0,8 μg
Manganese (Mn)0,02 mg
Iron (Fe)0,05 mg
Copper (Cu)0,02 μg
Vitamin complex (per 100 g)
Retinol (A)59 μg
Thiamine (V1)0,06 mg
Riboflavin (V2)0,12 mg
Niacin (B3)1,0 mg
Pantothenic Acid (B5)0,33 mg
Pyridoxine (V6)0,02 mg
Cyanocobalamin (B12)0,33 μg
Vitamin PP0,13 mg
Tocopherol (E)0,3 mg
Ascorbic acid2,6 mg

Despite the increased calorie content of the product, the fats in its composition are easily digested and used by the body for energy production. This milk is recommended during the recovery period after surgery and infectious diseases. Due to the wide list of useful components, it is useful at any age. For children, such a product is recommended to replenish the reserves of vitamins and minerals so that the growing body develops well. In the elderly, drinking buffalo milk supports the functioning of internal organs and promotes cell regeneration.

Use and application in traditional medicine

In Africa and the Caucasus, buffalo milk is considered a longevity drink. It is enjoyed simply for the taste and for its health benefits. In addition to vitamins and minerals, a high content of immunoglobulin and lysozyme, an antibacterial enzyme, was found here. These components provide both the cows themselves and the calf with excellent protection against viruses and fungi. The same beneficial effect is received by the person who drinks this drink.

The increased content of calcium improves the structure of the teeth, strengthens the bone tissue in general. In this regard, traditional medicine recommends it as a means for rapid rehabilitation after fractures, because phosphorus, together with calcium, regenerate bone cells.

The content of potassium and calcium has a good effect on the work of the heart, strengthens blood vessels, improves blood composition. It is useful to drink such milk for the prevention of heart attacks, atherosclerosis, circulatory failure and coronary disease.

Also, this exotic drink is advised to use for people with leukemia, diseases of the respiratory system, thyroid gland. Drinking it is useful for eczema, psoriasis and high blood pressure.

Another feature of this product is that it retains its positive properties well during heat treatment. Therefore, it is useful both to drink fresh and to cook dishes from it.

How to apply in cooking

As already mentioned, buffalo milk can be used in cooking in the same way as any other. Hard elite cheeses, ghee butter, sour cream, fermented baked milk, kefir and more are prepared from it. In India, tea and cocoa based on a buffalo product are considered a traditional drink; such drinks acquire a creamy taste and become much healthier.

Porridge from any cereal will only get better if you replace the usual milk with this analogue. The proportions for cooking can not be changed, although it is thicker than others. It can also be safely added to make dough, sauces, desserts, homemade ice cream. In a word, everywhere and everywhere where milk is appropriate.

Yogurt is very healthy and delicious. You can cook it yourself, the main thing is to get yourself buffalo milk. For cooking, you need one liter of drink and 100 g of sour cream. The latter can be taken from any animal, the main thing is to choose the most fatty and natural.

You need to prepare a delicious dessert in an enamel bowl, it must first be poured over with boiling water and dried. First, pour the milk into the cooking container and bring to a boil, then immediately remove from heat and leave to cool. The drink should be about 500, add sour cream to it and mix everything well. After that, the pan with the future yogurt should be well wrapped up and put in a warm place. So it should be infused for 7-8 hours.

When the set time has passed, you need to add granulated sugar or honey to the yogurt, you can fresh or dry fruits, nuts. Such a product is stored for 3-4 days in the refrigerator. To get the most benefit from the dessert, it is advisable to eat it within two days.

How to use in cosmetology

External use of this product is also good for skin and hair. Organic acids in its composition well cleanse the top layer of dead cells, so that the skin becomes smoother, the color evens out and acquires a natural glow.

It is best to use this milk for baths, such baths rejuvenate the skin, make it soft and increase elasticity. To do this, it is not necessary to have a lot of milk; a full bath will require 1-2 liters of product. The water should be hot, aromatic or cosmetic oils can be added to it. It is better to extend the procedure for 30-40 minutes, then rinse your head in clean running water. It is better to wipe the body with a dry towel and wrap yourself in a warm bathrobe, so all the essential oils will continue to be absorbed and give off their beneficial properties.

Even with the help of buffalo milk, you can rinse dry hair. The oily consistency will nourish the hair structure, increase elasticity and add more shine to the hair. For rinsing on a wet head, you need to apply a little milk, collect the hair and hold it under a cap for a while. Then rinse everything in the usual way.

Dry skin can also be nourished with this product. To do this, cotton pads are moistened in milk and wiped over cleansed skin. It is better to do this twice a day, after wiping the face, you need to wash it with warm water without special products, if necessary, you can apply a cream.

Product contraindications

The only contraindication to the use concerns individual intolerance. As already mentioned, there are cases when an allergy to other types of milk is visible, but buffalo is tolerated without problems. In any case, if you are allergic to other species, you can use this product only with the permission of the doctor.

The increased fat content of this drink can harm the digestive system if it is severely weakened. For people who are accustomed to more “weak” milk, it is better to drink it in moderate doses, so there will only be benefits without harm to the body.

Where to get it

If you are not a Hindu or an Egyptian, not a resident of the steppes and mountains, it is not so easy to get this exceptional product. In a fresh steamy form, you can only try thick milk from an Asian buffalo after being on vacation. But this does not mean that it is not available at all.

Firstly, due to the fact that it does not curtail for a long time, such a drink is supplied to many large cities of the CIS countries in liquid form. Bottles with the treasured liquid should be looked for in the usual departments of dairy products and departments with imports. As practice shows, there are more chances to get a healthy drink in the largest food stores.

You can also order it online, but you need to be careful here. The first proposed manufacturer will, of course, be China. It’s not that bad, but the quality is not guaranteed. On a regular request, it is better to look for Italy, the same CIS countries: Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Romania, Bulgaria.

The easiest way to get a buffalo product is in dry form – a great alternative and not a bit worse than liquid. It has been proven that milk powder retains all its beneficial properties and, when restored, is no different from fresh milk. You can dilute it with plain water, it is even more useful to use cow’s milk. For one liter of cow’s milk, only 3 tablespoons of powder are required.

So, buffalo milk is a product that is delicate in taste and extremely beneficial to health. Those who have not tried it yet should expand their gastronomic knowledge, perhaps after that such milk will become a regular guest on the table, and maybe in the bathroom.

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