- What are the benefits of this diet?
- The basic principles of the buckwheat diet for 14 days
- How much can you lose weight on a buckwheat diet in 14 days?
- Buckwheat diet menu for 14 days
- How to get out of the buckwheat diet?
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Contraindications to the diet and the opinion of doctors
The popularity of the buckwheat diet for 14 days is quite understandable. After all, in such a short time it is possible to significantly reduce weight without making any effort. If you stick to the buckwheat diet strictly, you can lose 5 kg or more. So that the weight does not return after a short time, it is necessary to exit the diet correctly and continue to eat low-calorie and healthy foods.
Nevertheless, do not forget that any method of losing weight in the form of a diet is a stress for the body that cannot pass without consequences.
What are the benefits of this diet?
Buckwheat porridge is familiar to every person since childhood. However, few people know how beneficial it is for health and how the body needs it. It should be eaten at any age. It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of buckwheat, because it has a positive effect on almost all body systems, from the gastrointestinal tract to the brain. Thanks to the regular use of buckwheat, you can achieve the following effects:
Raise hemoglobin levels.
Cleanse the body of toxins.
Get a lot of useful substances from just one product.
Enrich the body with B vitamins, saturate it with calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, vegetable protein.
Reduce blood cholesterol, regulate blood pressure, improve blood circulation.
Prevent exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system.
Strengthen immunity.
Get rid of cellulite.
Get your skin in order.
Remove excess fluid from the body, normalize the work of the kidneys and liver.
Buckwheat provides a good supply of energy, which allows you to fight chronic fatigue and stress.
Reduce the volume of the stomach.
Buckwheat is an excellent prophylactic to prevent the development of oncology, varicose veins, and atherosclerosis.
The basic principles of the buckwheat diet for 14 days
For the diet to be effective, buckwheat must be cooked correctly. Experts do not recommend cooking cereals, since during long-term heat treatment, most of the nutrients are destroyed. Buckwheat is best steamed.
There are recommendations that porridge should be eaten without salt and spices. Nutritionists point out that a sharp restriction of salt on the menu will negatively affect a person’s well-being. Fatigue will increase, malaise will appear. Therefore, salt can be added to buckwheat, but in moderation.
During the diet, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, use spices and sauces to improve the taste of porridge, and add sugar to it. All sweet foods will also be banned.
How much can you lose weight on a buckwheat diet in 14 days?
If you follow a strict buckwheat diet and do not eat any other foods, then in 14 days you can lose 12 kg of excess weight. This will not harm your health and will not make you feel hungry.
You need to eat according to the regimen. Weight will decrease even after leaving the diet, if you do not get carried away with high-calorie foods and do not overeat. In addition to the fact that in 14 days it is possible to get rid of a fairly impressive amount of excess fat, it will additionally be possible to improve the body. Of course, you can extend the diet from 14 to 30 days. During this time, you will be able to lose a lot of weight. However, such a prolonged diet can adversely affect health.
If you stick to a strict menu, then the result will be maximum. However, a rigid buckwheat diet puts a significant burden on the body. Therefore, it is best to use a lightweight menu option for 14 days. This will allow you to lose weight without harm to health. The presented diet can be changed, depending on your own preferences and needs of the body.
Buckwheat diet menu for the first week:
Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, tea with a spoonful of honey.
Lunch: soup based on a set of vegetables.
Afternoon: apple.
Dinner: stewed groats with onions and champignons.
Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with cucumber and tomato (fresh vegetables)
Lunch: buckwheat soup with low fat milk.
Afternoon snack: a glass of yogurt.
Dinner: buckwheat porridge, greens, boiled chicken egg.
For the next three days, you need to eat only cereals. You can cook it in any way. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of pure water. If weakness appears, then you can eat a spoonful of honey. It is also allowed to add 150 g of dried fruits to the menu.
Breakfast: steamed buckwheat, fresh celery and stewed onions, green tea.
Lunch: soup with vegetables.
Snack: low-fat yogurt.
Dinner: buckwheat with herbs and a boiled egg.
Breakfast: buckwheat with butter, unsweetened black coffee.
Lunch: chicken broth and greens.
Afternoon snack: a handful of dried fruits.
Dinner: boiled cereals, fried cauliflower in batter.
Buckwheat diet menu for the second week:
Breakfast: boiled buckwheat, fat-free cottage cheese (150 g), herbal tea.
Lunch: vegetable salad, boiled chicken breast (100 g).
Afternoon snack: a glass of fat-free kefir.
Dinner: boiled buckwheat with any fresh vegetables.
Tuesday: Throughout the day, you can only eat buckwheat and drink enough water.
Saturday: Throughout the day, you can eat buckwheat and do not forget about the liquid. If weakness joins, then it is allowed to eat a little honey. A glass of strong black tea helps to cope with fatigue.
Thursday: Throughout the day, you can eat only buckwheat and drink enough water. If the state of health begins to deteriorate, then the diet must be stopped.
Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with butter, coffee without sugar.
Lunch: soup with vegetables.
Afternoon snack: a handful of dried apricots and raisins.
Dinner: buckwheat, fresh vegetables, 2 slices of hard cheese.
Breakfast: boiled buckwheat with prunes, unsweetened tea.
Lunch: soup with lentils.
Snack: a glass of ryazhenka.
Dinner: buckwheat with stewed mushrooms, onions and carrots.
Breakfast: fat-free cottage cheese, boiled buckwheat, herbal tea.
Lunch: chicken broth with greens and eggs.
Snack: a glass of yogurt, a handful of nuts.
Dinner: buckwheat with vegetables, boiled chicken breast.
Do not forget that you need to get out of the diet correctly!
How to get out of the buckwheat diet?
If you do not follow the recommendations for the correct exit from the buckwheat diet, which lasted for 2 weeks, then the lost kilograms will return very quickly. As a result, all the efforts expended will be in vain, and you will have to start losing weight again.
After completing the diet, you must stop eating sweets, do not abuse flour products, do not drink alcohol. Foods containing fast carbohydrates, which are almost instantly transformed into fat, are very dangerous.
You can not start overeating after completing the diet. It is necessary to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. It is equally important to continue drinking enough water.
If you follow all the recommendations for the correct exit from the buckwheat diet, the result can be maintained indefinitely, and maybe even for life.
Advantages and disadvantages
Buckwheat diet is very popular, due to its undoubted advantages:
You can lose weight in the shortest possible time.
The feeling of hunger throughout the diet will be absent.
The intestines and liver will be qualitatively cleansed.
Cellulite will either disappear completely or become less noticeable.
The condition of nails, hair and skin will improve significantly.
The intestines will begin to work properly.
There will be an inner feeling of lightness.
However, despite all the positive aspects, the buckwheat diet has a number of disadvantages, including:
It is possible that while following a diet, a person will experience a feeling of malaise and weakness. He can get tired faster.
It will be possible to start losing weight again with the help of a buckwheat diet only after 30 days, but not earlier.
A sharp drop in blood pressure is not ruled out.
If a person has chronic diseases, they can worsen.
The diet has a number of contraindications.
Contraindications to the diet and the opinion of doctors
It is strictly forbidden to lose weight with the help of a buckwheat diet in the presence of the following contraindications:
Diseases of the digestive system.
Intestinal dysbiosis.
Heart failure.
Depressive moods.
Renal failure.
High blood pressure.
Childbearing period.
Teenage years.
Experts strongly advise to refuse to follow a strict diet for 14 days and take advantage of its lightweight version for everyone. In this case, the load on the body is reduced, and the likelihood of harming your health will be minimal. Before embarking on a weight loss program, it will not be superfluous to visit the office of a nutritionist and gastroenterologist. It is important to know 100% that there are no contraindications to a diet in humans. If in the process of losing weight there is a deterioration in well-being, then the extension of the diet must be abandoned.