Buckwheat crispbread

The demand for buckwheat bread is closely related to the promotion of proper nutrition. If earlier dried bread was an indispensable part of dry rations, today it is considered as a product for weight loss, body cleansing and detox. Is this really so and is it useful to replace ordinary bread with bread?

General product characteristics

Bread is one of the varieties of bakery products. Traditionally, they are prepared on the basis of various flours, water and spices. Additionally, seeds, nuts, dried fruits and even chocolate are added to the product. This not only gives a special taste, but also affects the quality and nutritional value of the bread.

Whole grain bakery products are considered the most useful. It does not undergo merciless processing and does not lose the most important element – the outer shell. It contains most of the nutrients, and hence the benefits for the body.

Manufacturers and adherents of the strict principles of proper nutrition position the food component as a natural scrub for our stomach. It is believed that buckwheat bread helps to lose unwanted pounds, strengthen the immune system, absorb and remove toxins/toxins/allergens, stimulating detox. But it is not always the case.

The properties of a bakery product directly depend on the composition. High-quality buckwheat bread really relieves our body of excess, but it is quite difficult to find a “clean” product on the market. In order not to harm yourself – carefully study the composition. It should be free of excess sugar, starch, yeast, antioxidants and preservatives. Choose only the product whose composition is completely familiar to you and does not raise questions. Ideally, if the manufacturer adds garlic powder, dried vegetables / fruits, seeds, carob, natural cocoa beans or nuts to the bread. This will turn the product into a real healthy snack, which is perfect for a snack. Multi-component snacks affect taste buds no worse than pizza or your favorite chocolate, but the choice is always up to the buyer.

Manufacturing technology

One of the most popular ways to make bread is baking. The output is crispy thin crackers that can be prepared even at home. The only difference between such a product and ordinary bread lies in the structure. The first stage of production is dough kneading. It is made from flour, water and spices. Some companies add skimmed milk powder to make the flavor milder. The dough is insisted, then baked, cut into pieces and packaged in the necessary packaging.

Another method of preparation involves the use of equipment – an extruder. In the course of industrial processing, a dense wheat briquette is obtained, the structure of which consists of grains tightly adjacent to each other.

The production cycle looks like this:

  • preparation of a mixture of flour, water, spices and additional components;
  • soaking the product to soften the dense structure (the time frame depends on the composition);
  • processing in an extruder at high temperatures;
  • briquette formation;
  • packaging and transportation to retail outlets.

Useful properties of the food ingredient

Let’s focus on the constituent ingredient of the bread – buckwheat flour. Nutritionists rank it as one of the healthiest varieties of flour due to the following properties:

  • hypoallergenicity;
  • minimum calorie content compared to rye or wheat;
  • an abundance of nicotinic acid (PP), tocopherol (E), B vitamins – thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9);
  • the presence of iron (Fe), potassium (K) and iodine (I);
  • high concentration (⅔ composition) of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Regular consumption of buckwheat bread protects the gastrointestinal tract from a number of diseases (subject to a balanced diet). Also, the product is able to alleviate the condition of patients with diabetes.

The cost of buckwheat flour is higher than whole wheat flour, but less, for example, almond or rice. The product is in the middle price category, so you can save a lot of money and make healthy bread rolls yourself.

The finished product belongs to the category of slow or so-called complex carbohydrates. These are polysaccharides that consist of at least 3 molecules of simple carbohydrates. After such a carbohydrate is ingested, the following happens: the body begins to break down and release energy from food, at the same time, the level of glucose in the blood gradually rises, and insulin is produced in minimal quantities. The gastrointestinal tract does not experience excessive stress, the process of absorption and digestion of food occurs gradually, without causing pain, disruption of the intestines and other organs. The result is good health after eating, the absence of malfunctions in the body, heaviness in the stomach and the desire to lie down.

Nutritionists say that the most useful bread comes from green buckwheat. This is a separate variety of sowing buckwheat. Groats, flour, food for songbirds and even medications are prepared from its nuclei. The composition of green buckwheat is dominated by vegetable protein. It is much easier and more efficiently absorbed by the body than processed kernels. The component cleanses the intestines, promotes detoxification of the body, relieves inflammation in the abdominal cavity.

Another advantage of buckwheat bread is the absence of gluten. But people with celiac disease and gluten intolerance need to be extremely careful. During industrial production or planting, the product may be contaminated with gluten. The manufacturer is obliged to indicate the presence / absence of a dangerous protein on the packaging. Don’t be fooled by promising “Gluten-free” labels, always check the full ingredients list.


Use of the ingredient in cooking

Most often, bread rolls are used as an independent snack. They are eaten empty or with the addition of cream cheese, various sauces, meat, vegetables or fruits. But crispy sandwiches are not the only culinary use of bread.

Shredded dry bread can be used instead of breadcrumbs. Just wrap the bread in a bag and go through the rolling pin several times, a more sophisticated option is to kill them in a blender. Ready-made buckwheat mixture is much healthier and more nutritious than conventional breadcrumbs. The main thing is that the mixture is not inferior to breadcrumbs in terms of structural qualities and gives the dish more crunch and a pleasant buckwheat aftertaste.

Tip: you can add spices, chopped hard cheese or thick sauces to buckwheat breading. Additional components will make the mixture more moist and delicate in taste. Breaded bread dishes can be baked, pan-fried or deep-fried.

Crushed bread can be used as a base for both savory quiche loren and sweet cakes. The dry layer can be mixed with bananas, eggs, spicy dressings to make the structure of the product softer and moister inside. Do not worry that the base of the cake or pie will not go well with the filling. Try different combinations and find the perfect one for your taste.

With what to combine the product?

Bread is often eaten with tea or milk instead of sweets. If the combination with tea raises no questions, then milk is not the best pair for buckwheat products. Why?

Buckwheat contains a lot of iron (Fe), and milk contains calcium (Ca). Iron has one wonderful property – it accumulates in the human body and is gradually consumed if we ignore the new supply of the substance.

The daily norm of the nutrient is 10 milligrams for men and 18 milligrams for women. Children need a smaller dose of the mineral, but for pregnant women this figure increases.

Calcium, which is found in milk, prevents the iron from being properly absorbed and settled inside. Try not to eat buckwheat bread in combination with animal milk, as this blocks the activity of enzymes.

It is best to eat a baked product with legumes and a lot of fiber. Such a protein-carbohydrate combination will saturate the body with all the necessary amino acids, relieve hunger for a long time and definitely will not provoke heaviness / pain and other unpleasant symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders. Moreover, due to fiber and plant nutrients, the dish is quickly, easily and efficiently absorbed by the body.

Can bread be substituted for bread?

Nutritionists argue that this replacement makes absolutely no sense. Buckwheat bread and bread made from similar flour are different products, which include different components. Accordingly, the taste, structure, energy value and balance of nutrients are also different. Dietary properties and the unique ability of toasted bread to burn excess fat is one of the many myths imposed by the fitness industry.

The choice between bakery products should be based only on individual taste and preferences. In some cases (for example, if you are allergic to ingredients from the composition of bread), you will also have to rely on your state of health.

Remember that weight gain and health problems are not caused by a specific product, but by an unbalanced diet. Even if you eat a pack of bread every day, without exceeding your own KBJU norm (calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates), the weight will not go up, but will remain stable. The only condition for a stable body weight is the presence of healthy foods on the menu, in addition to dietary buckwheat bread. Eat a varied diet, be skeptical of gastronomic myths and be healthy!

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