Buckthorn bark
Buckthorn bark has long been known for its medicinal properties. It effectively eliminates constipation. But for safe treatment, you need to know how to use buckthorn bark correctly.

Buckthorn is a small fruit-bearing shrub with petiolate leaves and reddish bark. Another name for the plant is buckthorn, or magpie berries. It grows along the banks of rivers, lakes, in swampy areas. Successfully survives on stony soils. Distributed in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in the CIS countries and North America. It blooms in May-June, and closer to September, fruits appear – black berries.

The shoots, leaves and fruits of buckthorn contain special natural compounds – anthracene derivatives. There are many of them in the bark of the plant, which makes it possible to use it as a medicine.

Medicinal properties of buckthorn bark

Buckthorn bark is known as a remedy for constipation. The anthracene derivatives contained in it (another name is anthraglycosides) enter the large intestine. There, under the action of the intestinal microflora, they are converted into aglycones. These substances irritate the nerve endings in the intestinal mucosa, which increases its contractions. As a result, the medicine has a laxative effect, that is, it helps to eliminate constipation.

The use of buckthorn bark

Constipation is a violation of bowel movement, in which the stool appears less often than usual and changes shape – it becomes more solid, in the form of lumps. Every person has had this problem. Often constipation is associated with a change in lifestyle and nutrition, which is observed during travel or against the background of stress. In most cases, medication is not required to correct this problem. However, in some situations, a special examination and treatment prescribed by a doctor may be required. Particular vigilance should be exercised in the event of constipation over the age of 45 – 50 years, as well as in the presence of cases of colon cancer in the immediate family. In this case, the appeal to the doctor should not be postponed.

Phytotherapy with buckthorn bark

Buckthorn bark is one of the most effective remedies for the treatment of acute (short-term, situational) constipation. We offer an effective recipe:


Filter bag (6 g), place in an enamel bowl, pour boiling water (100 ml) and close. Insist for 15 minutes.

Before ingestion, the infusion should be shaken.

For a more effective release of the active substance, the sachet can be pressed with a spoon, and at the end of the process, squeeze. When the infusion has cooled, you can drink.

The action of the drug does not occur immediately, but after 8-12 hours, since it takes time for anthraglycosides to enter the large intestine. In view of this, it is more convenient to take an infusion of buckthorn bark in the morning or at night. It should be noted that this remedy for eliminating constipation is recommended mainly for adults, it is forbidden to give it to children under 12 years of age.

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Buckthorn bark contraindications

When using infusions of buckthorn bark, instead of normalizing the stool, diarrhea and cramping pains in the abdomen, bloating are often noted. This is due to the irritating effect of the laxative on the intestinal wall. In addition, diarrhea sometimes contributes to the excretion of nutrients and loss of potassium and can be complicated by muscle weakness, interruptions in the work of the heart. If severe diarrhea occurs, further intake of buckthorn bark should be discontinued.

Despite the fact that buckthorn bark is highly effective in combating constipation, the use of the plant for medicinal purposes has some limitations. They, first of all, relate to the timing of taking drugs based on buckthorn. The use of the drug for more than 2 weeks is not recommended due to the development of intestinal adaptation to the action of the drug and the likelihood of developing a kind of dependence on the intake of irritating laxatives – “laxative disease”. In such a case, a person cannot empty his intestines normally without taking a laxative, and he has to resort to the use of drugs again. Therefore, the average course of treatment with buckthorn bark is 8-10 days.

Buckthorn bark infusion should not be used by people in whom the cause of sudden constipation is not clear, since stool retention may be a manifestation of intestinal obstruction or inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity (appendicitis and other diseases). To clarify the diagnosis in such a situation, you need to consult a doctor and discuss treatment with him.

It is important to consider what other medications a person takes, besides buckthorn bark. The substances contained in it can increase the side effects of other drugs, for example, hormonal (prednisolone, methylprednisolone) and diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide) agents. Also, you should not take an infusion of buckthorn bark along with the anti-arrhythmia drug digoxin, due to the increased risk of side effects.

Treatment with buckthorn bark is prohibited for pregnant women and breastfeeding. Anthraglycosides, presumably, can enter the child’s body, causing harm to him.

Reviews of doctors about buckthorn bark

Doctors have long been familiar with buckthorn bark and widely use it in their practice. This group of drugs is included in the official recommendations for the treatment of constipation. However, taking buckthorn bark without consulting a specialist is not recommended.

“According to current clinical guidelines, buckthorn bark may be the treatment of choice for acute constipation in people without evidence of inflammatory bowel disease,” says gastroenterologist Yulia Shulpekova. – However, it is important to coordinate the treatment with the doctor in order to avoid adverse effects. Nature has given us many medicinal plants, but they should be used wisely.

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