Brussels sprouts: cultivation and care
Belonging to the cabbage family, Brussels sprouts are still significantly different from their relatives in appearance and growing method. Not one head of cabbage is formed on it, but from 30 to 70 small heads of cabbage. The vegetable is grown in many countries of the world, which is explained by its unpretentiousness, excellent taste characteristics and a lot of useful properties. From the article you will learn about the peculiarities of growing and caring for Brussels sprouts and about its beneficial effects on the body.
Brussels sprouts can be grown at their summer cottage
The culture contains a large amount of potassium, iron, iodine, magnesium, calcium. By the content of vitamin C, which allows to stimulate the immune system, it is ahead of white cabbage. The nutritional value of a plant is determined by the presence of proteins and amino acids. The pectins and fiber contained in the vegetable help to strengthen the digestive system and reduce the amount of cholesterol. Vegetables are included in diet menus because they are low in calories. And thanks to the presence of glucosylates, it is able to prevent the development of cancer cells.
How to grow Brussels sprouts
Since the plant is long-growing, it is planted in the soil with seedlings. From the moment of germination to harvest, it usually takes 160-180 days (depending on the variety). The culture is sown with seeds in greenhouses. 30-35-day seedlings are planted in the ground. The optimum temperature for the ripening of the crop is + 18 + 20 ° C. A distinctive feature of cabbage is its ability to withstand temperatures below zero (down to –10 ° C).
For planting crops, you should prepare the land in the fall. Dig up, fertilize, adding organic and mineral substances. In the spring, add urea (25 g / 1 sq. M) to the soil. Seedlings should be planted according to the 60 × 60 scheme in a well-sunlit area.
Proper cultivation of Brussels sprouts requires adequate watering. The plant loves moisture, but, having powerful roots, it easily experiences its lack for some time. However, it is not worth allowing the soil to dry out.
You should feed the cabbage 10 days after planting in the soil, and then at the beginning of the appearance of heads of cabbage. To do this, you can use infusion of weeds and azophoska. You can use other fertilizers, the main thing is not to overfeed with nitrogen (this leads to a delay in the development of heads of cabbage). It is not required to huddle the culture.
1-1,5 months before harvesting, you need to break off the tops of the cabbage. This is necessary so that the heads of cabbage become larger. They begin to harvest in late September – early October, plucking heads of cabbage below. The final harvest is carried out in late October – early November. It is better to harvest the cabbage along with the stem and roots, transferring it to the basement and digging in the roots with earth. If you pick the fruits, then they should be used immediately, since they lose their appearance and properties.
Having grown this healthy and nutritious vegetable in your garden, you can enjoy delicious dishes from it all winter. Regular consumption of cabbage allows you to improve the functioning of all systems and organs and prevent serious diseases.