Everyone would like to live as long as possible. Unfortunately, it depends on many factors and not all of us can influence them. An example is our own genes. However, we are not so passive, but many things depend on us. A study published a few years ago in the Journal of Aging Research showed that one such important modifiable factor is … brushing your teeth, especially at a specific time.
- According to a study published a few years ago in the Journal of Aging, healthy teeth promote longevity
- The study found that skipping tooth brushing before bedtime increases the risk of dying by 20 to 35 percent. compared to brushing your teeth every evening
- One of the major predictors of early death was missing dentition
- More information can be found on the Onet homepage
Neglected teeth shorten life
Everyone knows that brushing your teeth regularly improves appearance and combats bad breath. However, there are more benefits. It is known, among others that dental hygiene can protect against heart trouble. This likely has to do with fewer bacteria under the gums, preventing them from entering the bloodstream.
In 2011, the peer-reviewed journal Journal of Aging published studies which indicated that brushing and flossing teeth daily is a way to extend life. Moreover, this method is cheap and uncomplicated. It also means that neglecting the condition of your teeth and skipping dental appointments can actually shorten your life.
Another interesting issue emerged from the study. In those who neglected their evening toothbrushing, the risk of dying increased by 20 to 35 percent. compared to those who brush their teeth every evening during the examination.
The rest of the article is available under the video.
Missing teeth and life expectancy. Important conclusions
The authors of the study examined the relationship between dental hygiene and the condition of the dentition and mortality (from any cause) in 5 611 elderly people. The researchers also took into account such variables as gender, body mass index (BMI), education, smoking, and a history of chronic disease. The analyzes were conducted in the years 1992-2009. The next step was to assess the risks for men and women. As it turned out? We have already discussed the impact of evening dental hygiene on life expectancy. However, there are more conclusions: in people who have never used floss, the risk of mortality increased by 30%. compared to those who flossed their teeth every day.
You need to take care of your teeth from an early age. For your children, you can order Sweet Orange Georganics natural floss at Medonet Market.
Not visiting the dentist in the last 12 months increased the risk of death by up to 50%. compared to those who received dental care at least twice a year.
And another surprising finding: missing teeth were one of the major predictors of early death. People who wore dentures had 30 percent. a higher risk of death than those who had 20 or more of their own teeth.
The researchers concluded that ‘oral health behaviors help maintain natural, healthy and functional teeth, but also appear to be conducive to survival in older people’.
Teeth reveal the state of our health
Another study published in the journal Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology confirmed these findings. Scientists have been investigating the link between tooth loss and mortality. It was confirmed that the number of teeth was significantly correlated with life expectancy.
The results showed that people aged 70 who had 20 or more of their own teeth had a much greater chance of living longer than those who had fewer than 20 teeth.
According to Dr. Nigel Carter OBE, director of the British Dental Health Foundation, an oral health charity, the health of teeth and gums is a reliable indicator of the health of our entire body. “Indicators of oral health such as gum disease are regularly linked to a wide range of general health problems such as heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, dementia and pregnancy problems.”
The LACTIBIANE Buccodental probiotic for oral cavity infections and caries, which you can buy at Medonet Market, supports the prevention and treatment of cavities and oral cavity inflammations.
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