Bruises under the eyes of a child

Bruising under the eyes of a child is perhaps one of the most common reasons why worried parents turn to pediatricians. In the vast majority of cases, such anxiety is justified, since dark circles and bruises under the eyes can be evidence of a variety of diseases, some of which can be very dangerous.

At the same time, blue circles under the eyes of a child are not always an “alarm bell”. In order to establish the exact cause of this condition, the doctor must write out directions for research and analysis. So, about all the factors of bruising under the eyes in young children, read on.

When are bruises under the eyes in children not a sign of a disease?

The skin and mucous membranes always actively respond to every change in the body. Around the eyes, the epidermis is the thinnest, and therefore small blood vessels are visible through the skin and give it a bluish tint. This is the reason why, at the slightest disturbance in the state of the body, first of all, there is a change in the color of the skin around the eyes. However, not in all cases one should be scared when a child has bruises under his eyes.

There can be quite a few natural reasons for this:

  1. The first and very common cause of bruising under the eyes of a baby is heredity. They may have inherited extremely thin facial skin and close placement of capillaries under the skin from their parents. In such a situation, there is no need for any treatment, because the presented condition is far from a pathology, but only an individual feature of the baby. At the same time, this indicates an increased sensitivity of the vessels and skin of the child. That is why, in the most potentially dangerous situations, a specialist can prescribe vitamin complexes or drugs belonging to the group of vasoconstrictors;

  2. For those children who study at school or in preparatory groups, bruises under the eyes may occur due to banal overwork. The current school curriculum is extremely busy, and therefore children have to spend a lot of time doing homework. In addition, most of them go to additional classes, attend circles and sections. Therefore, children do not have time for a good rest. Does not positively affect the general state of health and the fact that children spend their leisure time in front of computer or TV screens;

    All this provokes the fact that the immunity of the child becomes weak, and his body does not receive the right amount of oxygen. At the same time, the skin becomes thinner, the vessels under it shine through. It is of great importance that parents establish what kind of load will not harm their baby. Also, do not load it with a lot of homework. The child needs time to rest, and, of course, it is most correct if he often happens in the fresh air;

  3. Violation of the daily schedule can also lead to the formation of blue circles under the eyes. For each child, it is extremely important that a certain regime of work and rest is observed, and that there is a good sleep. A child who is under the age of ten should sleep at least 9-10 hours a day. It is also important that he goes to bed at the same time. This will stabilize the daily routine;

    In the case when the baby periodically lacks sleep, the compensation algorithms in his body become more subtle. Therefore, the child becomes lethargic and develops dark circles under the eyes. Quality indicators of night sleep are also of great importance. Adults need to monitor the temperature and humidity in the room, ventilate it before going to bed;

  4. Doctors designate another of the most important reasons for the formation of bruises under the eyes in children, namely, poor nutrition. Almost all foods loved by children (chips, sweets, lemonade) contain a small amount of nutrients and vitamins. In the production process of sweets and crispy snacks, not only are not the most useful components used, but often those that are truly harmful;

    Periodic use of such products can cause allergies in the child, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bags and circles under the eyes. In this regard, it is very important to ensure that the food is complete, contains vitamins and minerals. The menu must include fruits and vegetables. It is most correct if these are fruits that grow in the area where the child lives, and are not exotic.

Causes of bruising under the eyes of a child

In some cases, blue circles under the eyes are a symptom of the disease. This manifestation is insidious in that bruising often turns out to be an early or only sign of the development of a serious illness:

  • Anemia is a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood. The baby’s skin is the first to react to a lack of hemoglobin. As a result, the skin becomes pale and dry. At the first visit to the clinic in connection with the appearance of blue circles under the eyes, the pediatrician will write out a referral specifically for the determination of hemoglobin in the blood. This is also necessary as a preventive measure, because sometimes anemia can take a latent form;

  • Enterobiosis, or helminthic invasion, is a common cause of blue circles under the eyes in children. With such a disease, toxic waste products of parasites accumulate in the child’s blood. All this creates obstacles for optimal absorption of vitamin and mineral components. As part of the diagnosis, it is necessary to pass a stool test for worm eggs and a smear for enterobiasis;

  • Infectious diseases chronic type, in which general intoxication is observed due to the fact that harmful substances are carried with the blood throughout the body. First of all, the thin epidermis in the eye area reacts to such changes;

  • Tonsillitis, or chronic tonsillitis is also often a factor in bruising. Due to the development of infection in close proximity to the nasopharynx, dark circles under the eyes appear especially brightly;

  • Vegetosovascular dystonia – This is a violation of the nervous-vegetative system. Its symptoms: frequent migraines, fatigue and weakness, as well as blue circles under the eyes, appear during any overstrain and as part of hormonal changes;

  • Allergic reactions, which in recent years occur in children more and more often. In order to make sure that the bruises under the eyes are caused precisely by allergies, you need to seek the advice of an allergist. He will indicate the need for blood tests and scarification tests for allergens;

  • dental diseases, for example, caries, can also be the cause of bruising and dark circles under the eyes of a child. To exclude this reason, it is necessary to visit a pediatric dentist at least once every six months and carefully perform all hygiene procedures for oral care.


Thus, the appearance of blue circles under the eyes of a child cannot be ignored. Whatever the cause of their occurrence, it should be understood and eliminated if necessary.

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