Bruises under the eyes: causes and treatment. Video
Bruises, or dark circles under the eyes, appear due to various reasons. For example, due to lack of sleep or fatigue, spending a long time at the computer, etc. This flaw can ruin even the most beautiful makeup. You can disguise the bruises under your eyes with makeup or use folk remedies.
Why do bruises appear under the eyes?
What do bruises or bags under the eyes mean? The reasons for their appearance are very different, including diseases of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system. In case of health problems, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
If dark circles under the eyes are a consequence of overwork, chronic lack of sleep or stress, you can:
- prevent such bruises by following a few simple rules
- eliminate them by using traditional medicine
- mask bruises under the eyes with decorative cosmetics
How to prevent bruising under the eyes: rules
It is better to prevent the very cause of the dark circles under the eyes than to try to eliminate the consequence.
To do this, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Observe your sleep schedule. As a result of constant lack of sleep, many different symptoms appear: insomnia, fatigue, loss of strength, decreased immunity, a feeling of constant fatigue, etc. This is reflected in the performance of a person, and on his health and well-being, and on his appearance;
- Don’t drink too much fluids before bed;
Overnight, excess fluid builds up in the body, leading to dark circles under the eyes
- Give up alcohol, smoking, coffee and strong tea, or at least keep their consumption to a minimum;
- If possible, take walks in the fresh air every day for at least half an hour or an hour;
- Use creams for the face and eye area that improve blood circulation, as well as toning and nourishing masks;
- Wash your face with soft water of a contrasting temperature (alternately cool and warm water);
- Stimulate blood circulation using massage therapy. When you feel tired, gently and gently slide your fingers from the temples to the bridge of the nose, and then from the bridge of the nose to the area of the temples above the eyelids. This massage should be quite tangible, but not painful.
How to remove bruises under the eyes with folk remedies
Simple and affordable tools will help you remove dark circles under the eyes:
- Black tea compress. After brewing the tea bags, let them cool, then place the warm tea bags on your closed eyes and hold them for 10-15 minutes.
- Raw potato compress. After cutting 2 slices of potatoes, attach them to your eyes and hold for 20 minutes.
- Milk compress. After soaking a cotton swab with milk, apply it to your eyes for 10 minutes.
- Bread crumb compress. Soak breadcrumb in cold milk and apply for 20 minutes.
How to disguise bruises under the eyes with makeup
To quickly remove bruises under your eyes, you can simply mask them so that they are not visible. It should be borne in mind that you should not use foundation for this. The skin around the eyes is very delicate and thin. Foundation creams will roll off quickly enough and will only accentuate wrinkles. For this reason, it is better to use special concealers – concealers or concealer creams, which contain reflective particles. They will make invisible bruises under the eyes, as well as fine wrinkles.
Choose a shade of concealer or concealer half a tone lighter than your natural skin tone. Before proceeding with the correction of dark circles, first prepare the skin: apply an eyelid gel or a fast-absorbing light cream to the area under the eyes.
A pink shade of a concealing corrector is suitable for pale skin, and a peach shade for dark skin.
Apply a small amount of concealer in gentle strokes using a small brush from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner, then blend with your fingertips. To make the bruises under the eyes completely invisible, on top of a thin layer of concealer, apply concealer along the same lines and blend again. Alternatively, you can use a lavender concealer and a small amount of a light foundation on top, which should be half a tone lighter than your main foundation.
When completing eye makeup, focus on the upper eyelid, while trying to draw its contour as carefully as possible.
This way you can visually distract the attention of others from the area under the eyes. Don’t forget to apply blush to the cheekbones as well. They can be coral, peach or cream shades.
You can also hide bruises under the eyes with the help of makeup.
Apply it to the under eye area in this order:
- white
- pink
- yellow
Bruises under the eyes: causes
This will bring the color closer to your natural skin tone. When using makeup to mask dark circles under the eyes, you should not tint the lashes on the lower eyelid, otherwise you will make the blue in the area under the eyes noticeable. To complete this corrective procedure, highlight the inner corner of the eye with a light outline.