Bruce Willis ends his career because of an illness he has been diagnosed with. The actor struggles with aphasia, which can manifest itself, among others, in problems with speaking, understanding others, reading and writing. At the moment, it is not known which variant of the disease the American star is struggling with.

  1. The actor’s family informed about the disease via social media: children, former and current wife
  2. “This is a really difficult time for our family and we are very grateful for your continued love, compassion and support,” reads a statement from Willis’ relatives
  3. Aphasia has as many as five varieties that differ in symptoms. The mainstay of disease treatment is pharmacology combined with speech therapy
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

One of the most popular American actors, 67-year-old Bruce Willis, is seriously ill. He was diagnosed with aphasia. The sad information was provided via social media by the actor’s family, including his ex-wife, that is, Demi Moore.

“As a family, we wanted to share the information that our beloved Bruce has health problems and was recently diagnosed with aphasia that affects his cognitive abilities. (…) It is a really difficult time for our family and we are very grateful for your continued love, compassion and support. We are going through this as a strong family and we wanted to inform his fans about it as well, because we know how much he means to you as much as you do to him » we read in the statement of the actor’s family.

Due to illness, Bruce Willis is ending a career which, as we can read in the statement, “meant so much to the actor”.

«Bruce always says:» live your life to the full «and together we are going to do just that»

with these words ends the statement of the actor’s family.

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Aphasia – what is this disease?

Aphasia is a group of symptoms caused by partial or complete damage to the brain structures. They happen as a result of damage central nervous system, which can lead to:

  1. craniocerebral trauma,
  2. beat,
  3. brain tumors of all kinds (vascular, inflammatory, cancerous, etc.).

Aphasia is manifested by disturbed mechanisms responsible for speech functions in people who have already mastered this activity. Based on the type of aphasia, the lesion can be located in the brain. Quite often the cause of aphasia is the destruction of nerve tissue in the left hemisphere of the brain, but it can also arise as a result of changes in subcortical structures or in nerve fibers located in the right hemisphere.

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Aphasia – varieties and characteristic symptoms

The classification of aphasia is based on two basic factors: the symptoms in the sphere of speech impression and expression, and the extent of damage to the brain structures specific to speech activities. Therefore, aphasia can be divided into five varieties:

  1. motor aphasia,
  2. sensory aphasia,
  3. conduction aphasia,
  4. anomic aphasia,
  5. aphasia global.

Motor aphasia (often referred to as Broca’s aphasia) is when a person has difficulty speaking or a complete loss of the ability to speak. With this form, the patient knows what he wants to say, but is unable to extract the words, let alone the whole sentence.

Sensory aphasia (also known as Wernicke’s aphasia) is manifested by the person losing the ability to understand the words spoken by other people. In this case, most people are unaware of their mistakes.

Conduction aphasia is a form of the disease where the main disability is the inability to repeat words or phrases. Other linguistic areas are less or not handicapped at all. A person with conductive aphasia can usually read, write, speak, and understand spoken messages.

Anomic aphasia is the mildest form of the disease. It manifests itself in a persistent inability to give words that describe exactly what they want to talk about. The patient’s speech is relatively fluent, but full of unclear words.

Global aphasia is the most severe form of the disease. Patients can say few recognizable words and have little or no understanding. They do not speak the spoken language, and they cannot read or write.

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Aphasia – treatment and prognosis

In the case of acquired aphasia, e.g. in patients after a stroke, drug treatment is also necessary in addition to pharmacological treatment speech therapy. It gives very good results in most patients. Thanks to the therapy, the patient improves the manner of pronunciation or learns the words and their meaning anew. It also happens that the disorders regress spontaneously within 1-3 months of their onset, especially when they were acquired as a result of a stroke.


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