Bruce Springsteen: biography of the legendary rocker

Bruce Springsteen: biography of the legendary rocker

😉 Welcome new and regular readers! Friends, are you not familiar with the American legendary rock musician yet? Bruce Springsteen: The Biography of a Legendary Rocker provides a summary of the milestones in his life, plus a video.

Rock Legends: Bruce Springsteen

  • name: Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen (Bruce Springsteen);
  • date of birth: 23.09.1949/XNUMX/XNUMX, zodiac sign – Virgo;
  • place of birth: Long Branch, New Jersey, USA;
  • profession: rock and folk musician and songwriter.

His father was of Dutch and Irish roots and worked as a bus driver. Mother had Italian roots, worked as a legal secretary. Bruce was fond of the guitar since childhood, and school was in the background. After graduating from high school, he went to college, but soon dropped out to devote himself entirely to music.

In his songs, Bruce sincerely reflected the hard life of an ordinary American working class. His debut album “Greetings from Asbury Park, NJ” didn’t get the attention of the public, but the guy didn’t give up!

At the age of 25, Bruce Springsteen formed the E-Street Band, which accompanied him on his US tours until 1989.


Bruce Springsteen: biography of the legendary rocker

  • a year later (1975), the album “Born to Run” brings the musician fame. It is in demand in the American music industry. Springsteen’s concerts drew stadiums full of fans;
  • 1994 Bruce Springsteen won an Academy Award for the song “Streets of Philadelphia” for the film “Philadelphia”;
  • Springsteen becomes one of the highest paid musicians in 2009 in terms of income from concerts and album sales;
  • in 2013 a documentary film “Springsteen and I” about the life and career of a musician was released on the screens of the world.

Ups and downs

People who are having a hard time with a period of failure should pay attention to the life philosophy of Bruce Springsteen. He assures that he does not care at all about ups and downs.

Springsteen is considered a legend in music. But even he was going through times when he had to go into the shadows. Bruce believes that if he attached too much importance to them, he would live in constant stress. But this is not his path. He likes a stable emotional state.

“I don’t care about failures,” says the musician. – Each of us has moments in our life when we think: “Hmm, why doesn’t anyone want to listen to what I have recorded?” But I take ups and downs. After 50 years in the profession, this seems like a natural dynamic on a career path.

If the public has turned away from Springsteen, he does not despair. On the contrary, he is looking for new ways to conquer it, to establish a dialogue with listeners.

Bruce Springsteen: biography of the legendary rocker

“Every time you bring something to people’s judgment, you want to be understood,” the musician admits. – Especially if you yourself sincerely believe in it. You want it to be well received. You dream of reaching out to someone’s souls. This is my business. If that doesn’t work at all, disappointment is inevitable.

The singer takes his age into account when planning the show. Previously, his performances were very energetic, this was the artist’s trademark. But now he is trying to save energy. And he hopes that the audience understands him.

“I’m no longer cutting circles around the stage or doing somersaults,” Springsteen adds. – In general, I, of course, noticed that with age, a certain weakness appears in the body, it grows.

You have to manage yourself in a special way in order to withstand some mandatory, important processes. It is important for me to convey my ideas to the audience, to create what is intended. For the sake of this we have to give up something secondary.

His song for the film “Philadelphia” (1993) won an Oscar.

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