Strawberry disease brown spot develops when the rules for planting and caring for plants are not followed. The causative agent of the disease prefers dense plantings and high humidity. Special preparations have been developed to combat brown spotting. In addition to them, folk methods are used, which have good efficiency at low cost.

Symptoms of the disease

Brown spotting has the following features:

  • the appearance of light spots on the leaves and peduncles, darkening with time;
  • the presence of brown plaque on the back of the leaves;
  • the number of spots increases over time;
  • drying of leaves.

The reason for the appearance of spots is high humidity. The spread of the disease is carried out by spores of the fungus.

Brown spotting of strawberries: control methods

The disease can destroy half of the strawberry crop. Spotting does not apply to berries and stems, however, they lack nutrition due to a violation of the photosynthesis process.

Chemical methods

To combat brown spotting, copper-based products are effective. Use drugs must be strictly in accordance with the instructions. The first treatment is carried out as a preventive measure in early spring. Some products are allowed to be used during flowering. All processing stops a few weeks before harvest.


To combat brown spotting, special tools have been developed that contain copper. When processing strawberries, such preparations are used with care to avoid their accumulation in the berries.

Brown spotting of strawberries: control methods

Important! Fungicide treatment is stopped when the fruit grows (one month before harvest).

The first procedure is performed in early spring before the strawberries begin to bloom. Then the treatment is repeated after two weeks. An additional procedure is carried out in the autumn after harvest.

The following fungicides are used to control the disease:

  • horde – contains copper oxychloride, which has a detrimental effect on fungal spores. The components of the drug penetrate into the deep layers of plants, where they destroy lesions and restore plant tissues. For 5 liters of water, 25 g of Ordan is diluted. The procedure is carried out twice with a break of 7 days.
  • Coside – a copper-based preparation that remains on the surface of the leaves and does not prevent the penetration of the fungus. No more than 4 strawberry treatments are carried out per season. The protective properties of Kosida are preserved for 14 days after spraying.

    Brown spotting of strawberries: control methods

  • Oxykhom – a fungicide that can penetrate into plant tissues and reduce the activity of the fungus. Oksikhom is allowed to be used during the growing season. For 10 liters of solution, 20 g of powder is enough. Between procedures should pass from 9 days.
  • Ridomil – a tool that can effectively deal with spotting and other pathogens. To prepare a solution of 25 g of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water. Ridomil is used during the growing season of strawberries two weeks before picking berries. No more than three treatments are allowed per season.
  • Chorus – a fungicide with a protective and curative effect. The drug is effective in spring and summer. Horus fights fungal diseases even at low temperatures. The tool is most effective when processing young plantings. 10 g of this fungicide is enough for 2 liters of water.

    Brown spotting of strawberries: control methods

  • Phytosporin – an effective drug with low toxicity. It can be used at any stage of strawberry development. Fitosporin is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20, after which the plants are sprayed. The procedure is repeated after 10 days. With a high degree of damage, the concentration of the drug is taken 1: 2.

Bordeaux liquid

An effective remedy for spotting is Bordeaux liquid. For its preparation, copper sulfate and quicklime are required. The components are diluted in separate containers.

Advice! For work, you will need glass or plastic dishes.

First, copper sulfate is diluted with a small amount of hot water, then cold water is added to obtain a volume of 5 liters. Lime must be diluted with cold water of 5 liters. Then copper sulphate is carefully poured into the resulting milk of lime.

Brown spotting of strawberries: control methods

Important! A 1% solution is required to process strawberries. For this, 0,1 kg of vitriol and 0,15 kg of lime are taken.

Treatment with Bordeaux liquid is carried out in early spring. The procedure is repeated after picking the berries. When working with components, care must be taken not to allow them to come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes.


Copper oxychloride is an effective means of combating pathogens of fungal diseases. On its basis, many drugs have been developed – Blitox, Zoltozan, Kupritoks and others.

The substance has the appearance of green crystals, resistant to sunlight, humidity and high temperatures. The tool is used to prevent brown spotting of strawberries. Chloride has similar properties as Bordeaux liquid, but it is easy to prepare.

Brown spotting of strawberries: control methods

Important! Chlorooxide is not phytotoxic to strawberries, however, in large quantities it causes leaf scorching.

No more than three strawberry treatments are performed per season. The last procedure is carried out 20 days before picking strawberries. Up to 14 days elapse between treatments.

To prepare the solution, 40 g of oxychloride and 10 liters of water are required. Processing is carried out by spraying. The substance has no side effects for plants, however, requires the use of gloves and other protective equipment.

Copper sulfate

Copper sulphate has the form of powder or blue crystals. The substance is used to prepare Bordeaux mixture. On its basis, aqueous solutions are also prepared for spraying strawberries from brown spotting.

Brown spotting of strawberries: control methods

When used correctly, vitriol is not dangerous. However, when interacting with it, protective equipment is used and precautions are taken.

The substance is not addictive in strawberries, has no side or any undesirable effects. Vitriol has a superficial effect and does not penetrate into plant tissues.

Advice! To process strawberries, 50 g of vitriol per 10 liters of water is required.

Vitriol is applied in early spring to prevent spotting. The solution is applied by spraying strawberry bushes. To disinfect seedlings, their roots are dipped in the preparation for 3 minutes, after which they are thoroughly washed with water.

Brown spotting of strawberries: control methods

Folk methods

Folk remedies are safer for humans. They are prepared from available components, so they do not require large expenses. The action of such drugs is aimed at disinfecting the soil and strawberries. Folk methods of struggle can be used repeatedly during the growing season of strawberries.

Manganese solution

Treatment with potassium permanganate is a common method of controlling strawberry diseases. This substance is commercially available, is not dangerous to use and gives good results against brown spot.

Manganese provides metabolism in plant organisms, as well as the process of photosynthesis, carbon and nitrogen metabolism. Additionally, this element increases the sugar content in strawberries.

Advice! The first treatment with potassium permanganate is carried out in the spring in the amount of 10 g of the substance per 10 liters of water.

Brown spotting of strawberries: control methods

For each bush, 2 liters of solution is enough. Additionally, we fight spotting by spraying strawberries. For this, 1 tsp is taken. potassium permanganate in a bucket of water.

Iodine solution

Iodine has good disinfecting properties. On its basis, root dressing and spraying of strawberries from brown spot is carried out. Iodine prevents the spread of fungus on plantings.

Top dressing with iodine performs in early spring. This procedure is especially useful for young plants. The solution requires 10 liters of water and 3 drops of iodine. In autumn, plantings are watered with a solution obtained from 10 liters of water and 15 drops of iodine.

Important! Spraying strawberries from spotting requires 10 liters of water, 1 liter of milk and 10 drops of iodine.

Iodine treatment is allowed every 10 days. Before flowering, plants can be additionally fed with iodine solution.

Brown spotting of strawberries: control methods

Work is carried out only in cloudy weather, since iodine can cause leaf burns under the influence of the sun.

Wood Ash

The combustion products of wood and plant residues contain phosphorus, calcium and other useful components. An additional effect of using wood ash is protection against diseases and pests.

Ash is applied under each strawberry bush when mulching the soil. Re-plants are fertilized with ash in the fall after pruning.

Advice! Based on the ash, a solution is prepared for spraying strawberries.

1 glass of ash is added to 1 liter of water. The remedy is infused for a day. Then it is added to a bucket of water and sprayed on the plants.

Brown spotting of strawberries: control methods

Onion or garlic infusion

Onion peel contains phytoncides that destroy the fungal environment. Watering with infusion on onion peel is used to prevent brown spotting and when its first symptoms are detected.

Advice! To prepare the product, you need 1 cup of husk, which is poured into 1 liter of boiling water.

The agent is infused for 2 days, then it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. The resulting infusion of strawberries is watered under the root or sprayed over the leaf. During the season, several such treatments can be carried out.

Instead of onion peel, garlic is used in an amount of 0,1 kg. Heads, husks, leaves or arrows of garlic are suitable for infusion. All components are crushed and poured with hot water. The product must be left for 5 days.

Brown spotting of strawberries: control methods

Garlic infusion can be sprayed with strawberries or watered under the root. The tool copes with the causative agent of the disease and can be used for its prevention.

Preventive measures

The following measures will help to avoid the development of the disease:

  • timely care for strawberries, destruction of infected bushes;
  • choice for planting illuminated places;
  • elimination of high humidity due to drip irrigation equipment;
  • application of nitrogen fertilizers within the normal range;
  • selection of varieties resistant to diseases;
  • processing of seedlings and soil before planting;
  • providing air exchange in strawberries by trimming the leaves;
  • soil mulching;
  • additional feeding with potassium and phosphorus;
  • limited use of nitrogen fertilizers.

Brown spotting of strawberries: control methods


Brown spot affects the strawberry leaf plate, which negatively affects the development of this plant. In the absence of the necessary measures, crop losses reach 50%. To combat the disease, copper-based substances are used. Depending on the type of preparation, treatment is performed in early spring or during the growing season.

Positive results are obtained by processing strawberries with folk remedies. They are used to disinfect plants and soil. Competent care will help protect plantings from brown spotting: watering, pruning, fertilizing. Planting material and adult plants are processed.


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