Brown spots on the skin: what to do? Video
Brown spots on the skin are very common. Such spots can appear on any part of the body and, as a rule, do not cause discomfort (except for aesthetic discomfort).
The reasons for the appearance of brown spots on the body can be different, ranging from genetic predisposition to diseases, including such dangerous ones as malignant tumors. Therefore, it is better not to risk it and consult a doctor to find out why these spots appeared, and, if necessary, start treatment.
Why brown spots can appear on the skin
In the upper layer of the skin there are special cells – melanocytes, which synthesize the dark pigment melatonin. It is thanks to this pigment that the skin receives protection from ultraviolet radiation.
But if for some reason the malatonin production mechanism fails, too much pigment is produced.
This phenomenon is called hyperpigmentation. Then brown spots appear on the skin, the number and size of which can vary widely.
As already mentioned, genetic predisposition plays a large role in the appearance of such spots. If your parents have a lot of blemishes on their skin, chances are good that you will have them as well. In addition, hyperpigmentation is often common in older people. These are natural age-related changes due to the processes taking place in the body. It is not uncommon for brown spots to appear on the skin of pregnant women. Moreover, they can reach very large sizes.
However, in most cases, these spots quickly disappear after childbirth.
Hyperpigmentation can also occur after exposure of the skin to ultraviolet light. For example, in the summer or after visiting a solarium, travel to the south, especially to countries with very strong sunshine.
Unfortunately, there are more serious causes of hyperpigmentation. Often, the appearance of brown spots indicates a number of diseases, ranging from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, ending with such formidable as skin cancer (melanoma).
What to do if brown spots are found
Be sure to consult a dermatologist, and, if necessary, in his direction – and to doctors of other specialties. Pass the examination, pass all the necessary tests.
Do not try to get rid of stains yourself, lightening them with any home remedies or on the advice of friends or acquaintances.
The main thing is to establish the cause of the spots. After all, if it turns out that hyperpigmentation is caused by a disease, the earlier the diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the more chances of a successful outcome are.