Brown discharge during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester
Brown discharge during pregnancy is always alarming for expectant mothers. Let’s figure out when they are considered a variant of the norm, and when they are dangerous to the life and health of a woman or child.

Brown discharge is not always dangerous for the expectant mother and child. However, in some cases, their appearance is an alarming signal. Together with the obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Elvira Semenova, we will find out which discharge during pregnancy is considered the norm, and which are an urgent reason to see a doctor.

Why brown discharge appears during early pregnancy

Brown discharge in early pregnancy is quite common. When they appear, it is recommended to see a doctor to make sure there is no danger. (one)

一 Any reddish brown vaginal discharge indicates the presence of blood. Brown discharge is a very small amount of blood, 一 explains obstetrician-gynecologist Elvira Semenova

Possible dangerous conditions with the appearance of brown discharge in the early stages include:

the threat of spontaneous termination of pregnancy (miscarriage)placenta previa
ectopic pregnancyplacental abruption
frozen pregnancyrisk of preterm birth

Obstetrician-gynecologist Elvira Semenova talks about the most common causes of brown discharge.

  1. Ectopia of the cervix. More often, blood impurities in the secretions may appear as a result of sexual intercourse or other mechanical effects on the cervix. However, spontaneous occurrence is also possible. In any case, cervical ectopia is a rare cause of brown discharge.
  2. Polyp of the cervix – a common cause of blood in the discharge from the vagina. It is formed during pregnancy, as a rule, from placental tissue and is not dangerous. However, a polyp can cause intermittent spotting that bothers a pregnant woman.
  3. Chorion. This is what the future placenta is called. The chorion is located inside the uterus, very close to its neck. Between the chorion and the wall of the uterus, there is an intensive movement of blood, a small part of which can go into the vagina, staining the discharge brown. This is not a dangerous condition. When the placenta migrates higher relative to the cervix, brown discharge will no longer embarrass the expectant mother.
  4. Premature detachment of the ovum and / or chorion. This can happen with any pregnancy. Usually accompanied by bright bloody discharge, but may be insignificant in volume and then the discharge becomes brown. In this situation, it is urgent to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist and an ultrasound specialist. 

1 trimester

The first trimester is considered the most dangerous and problematic. (2) At different stages, brown discharge can be caused by different factors.

  • At 5 weeks. Brown discharge (especially accompanied by pain) may indicate a threat of abortion.
  • At 6 weeks. They can be both safe and alarming. The danger is borne by diseases that a woman suffered before conception. Infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, hormonal disorders, miscarriages, abortions, missed pregnancies, stress. The appearance of brown discharge in the presence of a history of such diseases threatens with a miscarriage or missed pregnancy.
  • At 7 weeks. Danger sign. By this time, the embryo has already implanted in the wall of the endometrium, the body is set to maintain pregnancy. The appearance of brown discharge can be a sign of the development of an ectopic pregnancy or the threat of loss of the fetus.
  • At 8 weeks. Dangerous causes include infectious diseases (discharge is accompanied by pain and turns into bleeding), the threat of miscarriage or missed abortion (the symptoms of pregnancy disappear, and the discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor). 
  • At 9 weeks. The most harmless cause is cervical erosion. Risk factors include spontaneous miscarriage or cessation of fetal development.
  • At 10 weeks. Brown and bloody discharge is very dangerous. They most likely indicate a miscarriage or early placental abruption. 

In the first trimester, if brown discharge appears, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Even if they are not accompanied by pain or an unpleasant odor.

Why brown discharge appears during late pregnancy

“In the later stages, the causes of brown discharge are the same as at the beginning of pregnancy,” explains gynecologist Elvira Semenova. – One new pathology joins, placenta previa. In this complication, the placenta is located directly above the canal in the cervix (cervical canal). Part of the blood exchanged between mother and baby can enter the cervix and flow into the vagina, turning the discharge brown, and with an increase in blood, red. This condition is dangerous with intense and bright discharge. In any case, it is recommended to see a doctor to eliminate risks for the mother and the developing baby.

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2 trimester

The second trimester starts from the 14th week of pregnancy and ends at the 28th. During this period, the fetus is already formed, its growth continues. In most cases, the appearance of brown discharge at this time is the result of the formation of pathologies in the development of the fetus, placenta or internal organs of the mother. The main reasons for discharge:

  • cervical injury;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • placental abruption.

It is worth paying attention to the color and amount of discharge.

Light brown light discharge usually indicates the presence of infections in the birth canal or injuries that could happen due to fetal pressure on the cervix, as well as as a result of sexual contact.

Discharge of a dark brown color, accompanied by pain or aching sensations in the lumbar region, kidneys, lower abdomen, requires an immediate examination by a doctor. The specialist will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

The main danger of brown discharge in the second trimester is the loss of a child. The fetus may die in a few days. Therefore, the main task of the expectant mother is to timely contact a specialist and diagnose possible problems.

3 trimester

In the prenatal period, a change in secretions is considered a variant of the norm. The cervix prepares for the birth of the child, becomes soft and pliable. (3) The appearance of brown mucus usually indicates that the mucus plug has come off. The volume of discharge in this case is small, in addition, the passage of the plug may not be noticed (for example, it may move away when a woman takes a shower). The discharge of the mucous plug signals that the body is finally ready for the birth of a child and childbirth can begin at any time. Therefore, noticing her, it is recommended to go to the hospital.

Another reason is a gynecological examination. After it, abundant brown discharge may be observed, which appear due to the fact that the uterus is disturbed.

What to do if brown discharge appears during pregnancy at home

“At home, when brown discharge appears, it is necessary to remain calm and be sure to see an outpatient or hospital doctor,” advises gynecologist Elvira Semenova. – To do this, you can call an ambulance or come to the antenatal clinic, a private medical clinic or the emergency room of a multidisciplinary hospital (up to 22 weeks of pregnancy) or a maternity hospital (after 22 weeks of pregnancy) on your own.

Popular questions and answers

Expectant mothers are worried about the appearance of brown discharge. Some important questions regarding the causes and consequences of their occurrence are answered by our expert, obstetrician-gynecologist Elvira Semenova.

Is it possible to play sports if brown discharge appears?

Brown discharge does not always pose a danger to a woman and a child. For example, with implantation bleeding, sports are quite acceptable. But with the threat of a miscarriage, it is better to reduce activity as much as possible. Do not forget that in any case, heavy loads during pregnancy are not recommended. Specifically, about what is permissible or prohibited, you should find out from the gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

Is brown discharge instead of menstruation always a sign of pregnancy?

No not always. Pregnancy is only one of the reasons. In addition, the following are possible:

● stabilization of the menstrual cycle;

● climax;

● antibiotic treatment;

● lack of vitamins and microelements;

● dramatic weight loss;

● treatment with hormones;

● stress;

● abrupt climate change;

● excessive exercise.


If the discharge is accompanied by pain, bleeding, deterioration of health, you should immediately consult a doctor. In the absence of such signs and a possible pregnancy, you can do a pregnancy test or take a blood test for hCG. 

Can tampons be used for brown discharge?

The use of tampons is not recommended due to the possibility of infection of the birth canal causing harm to the fetus. Expectant mothers are advised to use panty liners.

Sources of

  1. Chesnova I.E., Ya soon mom // 2020
  2. Burmistrova E.A., Pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood // 2012
  3. Belokon O.A., I am pregnant, what should I do? // 2018

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