In the Soviet Union, the range of alcoholic beverages was limited, but this did not stop enthusiasts from creating original cocktail recipes. True, the popular mixes of those times were not famous for their exquisite taste, but they quickly and cheaply intoxicated. One of these is the Bear cocktail, which exists in two variations: White and Brown.
Historical information
The exact time of appearance and the author of the recipe are unknown. According to legend, the cocktail was invented by Siberian gold miners, approximately in the 70s of the XX century, when vodka, cognac and champagne began to be delivered to their workers’ settlements.
In fact, this is one cocktail – strong liquor with sparkling wine. Champagne with vodka is called “Polar Bear”, and champagne with cognac is called “Brown Bear”, because it has a brown color. Both options are almost the same in taste, but Brown Bear gives off tannic tones of barrel-aged cognac.
Another similar cocktail is Northern Lights, but it is more gentle, as it contains lemon juice and sugar, which soften the taste.
Cocktail recipe Brown (White) Bear
Composition and proportions:
- vodka (cognac) – 50 ml;
- champagne (sparkling wine) – 100 ml;
- lemon wedge for garnish (optional)
Ideally, you should use a domestic brand of vodka, which, according to the recipe, is as close as possible to the vodkas sold in the USSR, for example, Stolichnaya or Sibirskaya. Traditional cognac – Armenian or Georgian. Also, for the authenticity of taste, it is advisable to take “Soviet Champagne”.
The glass for serving does not matter, in the classic version a faceted glass was used, but in its modern form, the Bear cocktail is usually served in narrow glasses for shamanism or in glasses (for whiskey).
Technology of preparation
1. Put vodka (cognac) and champagne in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.
Attention! The main thing is not to forget the champagne in the freezer for longer than 30 minutes, otherwise the drink may turn into ice, good vodka and cognac do not freeze completely.
2. Pour vodka (cognac) into a serving glass. Then gently pour in the champagne in a thin stream (a lot of foam will appear). Wait until the foam settles and mix lightly with a spoon.
3. Garnish with a slice of lemon if desired.
4. Drink in one gulp. Fortress – about 20% vol.

Attention! Because of the carbon dioxide in champagne, “Bear” quickly intoxicates and causes a severe hangover, it is not recommended to drink more than two servings per evening.