Bronze Summer: 17 Fake Tanning Products

Almost the fastest way to get a dark skin tone, but quite difficult. Self-tanning is harmless and will not harm your skin or health. Thanks to its use, it is possible to achieve the disappearance of bruises under the eyes: when applying self-tanner on the face, do not put it under the eyes and after a few applications the shade will be evened out. Self-tanning can hide extra pounds and cellulite, because the darker your skin, the visually slimmer your body. Self-tanners are available in any consistency. Cream and milk last longer, but require skill to apply, the spray is ideal for those who do not have time, it is quickly applied and dries up in 10 minutes, mousse is more convenient to apply than cream, and wipes are more suitable for the face and neck area and neckline.


How often do we see girls with self-tanning stains or yellow skin tones with orange palms and a sad face? It is worth using self-tanning carefully, with special preparation. If you’ve bought a new self-tanner, you should try it on a small area of ​​your skin to ensure that it is natural.

Before starting the procedure, thoroughly cleanse the skin with a scrub. But after that, self-tanning should be applied at least after 3 hours, otherwise the pores will clog and there will be black dots all over the body. Before the procedure, go to the shower and completely wipe your body, otherwise the water will cause the product to lie unevenly. Elbows and knees should be passed carefully, otherwise they will be darker than the whole body. Immediately after the procedure, you should thoroughly wash your hands, or even better buy special gloves for applying self-tanning. Do not forget that self-tanning occurs within a few hours, so it is recommended not to wash, not get caught in the rain during this time, and you also do not need to wear light-colored clothes, otherwise there is a high risk that it will stain.

Try to use your self-tanner correctly, renew it first every 24 days and then reapply once a week to avoid unwanted skin tone.

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