Bronchitis during pregnancy: how to treat it without consequences for the child? Video
Bronchitis is a fairly serious disease that, if not properly treated, can lead to serious complications, such as pneumonia or respiratory failure. Bronchitis is especially difficult during pregnancy. Due to the fact that most drugs are contraindicated for the expectant mother, an alternative, but at the same time effective and safe remedy should be selected.
Bronchitis during pregnancy
Most often, bronchitis develops in the cold season or in the off-season, when it is damp outside, and the air temperature unpredictably jumps from a small plus to a deep minus. The body of a pregnant woman already suffers from increased stress, and therefore reacts very sensitively to such unfavorable weather conditions.
The first signs of bronchitis – cough and fever – are often attributed to the common cold, and therefore the prescribed treatment is often ineffective
Meanwhile, there are a number of symptoms that should alert a woman and help a doctor diagnose bronchial inflammation:
- chest pain
- shortness of breath
- sputum mixed with pus
- excessive sweating
- excessive fatigue and drowsiness
For the diagnosis of bronchitis, radiography is most often used, but it is contraindicated for pregnant women, and therefore the timely detection of the disease depends on the experience of the doctor and the test results. Only in the most severe cases, when the prescribed treatment does not help and the woman’s condition is rapidly deteriorating, a specialist may recommend an X-ray examination, but with the obligatory protection of the abdomen with a lead apron.
Folk remedies for the treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy
With a mild course of bronchitis or at an early stage, treatment with folk remedies is allowed. However, a pregnant woman should regularly see a doctor so that he can assess the dynamics and, if necessary, correct the appointment.
The safest for a child and at the same time effective for a woman are inhalations and warming compresses that promote sputum discharge. Compresses on the back area between the shoulder blades can be made from warm mashed potatoes or honey, mixed in equal proportions with flour. The duration of the procedure should be at least an hour, and the daily number of procedures should be at least three. It is important that the back is properly wrapped during treatment and that the legs are warm.
Compresses can cure bronchitis in 5-7 days
Inhalation with bronchitis can be carried out with an alkaline solution and with the help of essential oils. In the first case, you need to pour 3 tbsp into 2 liters of hot water. baking soda, in the latter – add 3-4 drops of thyme or thyme essential oils to the same volume of water. Leaning over the pot, inhale the warm steam for 10-15 minutes. You can find out whether such treatment is effective already on the second or third day. If the sputum begins to recede, and the cough has become less frequent, then the procedure is ideal and you can continue treatment until you are completely recovered.
Although folk remedies are very effective and safe, the disease can be stronger, and then you cannot do without standard drug treatment. These can be expectorant and immunostimulating drugs, and in severe cases, antibiotics. Do not be afraid of such appointments: an experienced doctor will select the funds approved for use during pregnancy.
Of the expectorant drugs during pregnancy, “Mukaltin”, “Bromhexin” and drugs based on ambroxol are allowed. Antibiotics that are safe for a child include Flemoxin and its analogues
During treatment and immediately after recovery, a gentle regimen should be observed: avoid physical activity, close communication with people, spend more time in bed. At the same time, walks in the fresh air (in the absence of temperature) will not be superfluous. The only condition: it should be warm and dry enough outside.