Bronchial asthma – causes, symptoms, treatment. Management of an attack of bronchial asthma

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Bronchial asthma is a medical condition that usually occurs with acute (paroxysmal) expiratory breathlessness. It is a common respiratory disease. Bronchial asthma is caused by a number of factors that can be divided into genetic and environmental.

What is bronchial asthma?

Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease, otherwise known as asthma. It is caused by viral and bacterial infections, sometimes even stress. This ailment causes a significantly reduced airway efficiency in patients and affects an increasing number of the population.

Bronchial asthma is incurable, it causes irreversible changes in our bronchi from the very beginning. It is one of the most serious civilization diseases in the world, while in Poland alone, over three million people suffer from asthma. Unfortunately, research shows that the number of cases will continue to increase in the coming years.


Read also: Proper breathing – how does it affect our body?

A characteristic symptom of asthma is wheezing, shortness of breath and troublesome cough. However, thanks to well-chosen treatment – you can function normally with asthma.

Have your respiratory system checked regularly using the Philips Respironics Personal Best Asthma Monitor, available from Medonet Market.

Bronchial asthma – symptoms

Bronchial asthma is a common respiratory disease that presents with a wide range of symptoms, including: problems with the flow of air through the bronchi. In bronchial asthma, the following may appear:

  1. wheezing heard when breathing
  2. cough,
  3. pressure,
  4. swelling of the mucosa.

Asthmatics complain of sudden attacks of breathlessness that disappear only after taking the medications and may end in coughing up the mucus.

  1. You can check the patency of the respiratory tract at home. Buy Electronic Peak Flow Meter for Asthma Monitoring VITALOGRAPH asma-1.

The diagnosis of bronchial asthma is easy, it is facilitated by unambiguous symptoms, but sometimes it is difficult to clearly determine which factor is its cause. In determining the allergen, an interview conducted by a doctor and a therapy based on the examination of the patient’s reaction are important.

People with asthma symptoms should see an allergist. You can arrange an online consultation today via the portal.

Bronchial asthma – causes

The causes of bronchial asthma are not clearly established – it is rather a set of factors that can cause it. At the root of asthma attacks are inflammatory, allergic and immunological mechanisms as well as an allergic reaction to contact with certain substances, manifested by attacks of coughing. We divide these factors into genetic and environmental. A lot of asthmatics live in highly industrialized countries.

Genetic factors

Some patients have a genetic predisposition that causes bronchial asthma – then we are talking about its atopic form. These predispositions can also be activated by allergens present in the patient’s immediate environment. Chronic respiratory infections.

Order blood tests for potential inhalation or food allergens now. Through Medonet Market, you can order mail-order allergy tests with an atopic profile.

Environmental factors

Allergens, air pollution, cigarette smoke, dust and mites are among the environmental factors that can trigger or worsen asthma. This also applies to moisture in the apartment or substances that pollute the air: smoke and exhaust fumes. The presence of an allergen in the environment can vary, so coughing attacks can occur at different times and circumstances. Plant pollen, pet hair, medications, and some food products can also be an allergen.

At Medonet Market you can buy Imutest Allergy – Dust Mites – Home Cassette Test to determine if you are allergic to house dust mites. Prompt diagnosis will help you take the appropriate steps.

Bronchial asthma – prevalence

About 1,5% of the population suffer from bronchial asthma, of which about 30% are children. Its severity is influenced by other allergic and infectious diseases (especially of the respiratory system), high air humidity, tobacco and cigarette smoke, low air temperature. It should be noted that attacks mainly worsen in confined spaces where allergic agents have no way out. As a result of bronchial asthma, emphysema and chronic pulmonary heart syndrome usually develop.

If you want to support the treatment of asthma or prevent its occurrence, reach for Asthma – bronchial asthma – a herbal mixture of Father Klimuszko, which you can buy at Medonet Market at a favorable price and in a large package.


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A dangerous form of asthma

Patients with bronchial asthma can function normally as long as they take medication. However, this is not always possible. This applies especially to the most dangerous type of bronchial asthma – severe steroid-resistant asthma. This type of disease causes patients to experience shortness of breath during an attack so severe that they are unable to utter a single word. Steroid-resistant asthma is accompanied by tachycardia of one hundred beats per minute and often cyanosis. This type of ailment requires immediate consultation with a doctor and hospitalization.

The dangerous variety of asthma (the so-called severe asthma) causes that patients are unable to work normally, meet friends, perform the most banal household activities or play sports. Consequently, this ailment leads to permanent respiratory impairment.

The treatment of this condition is based on modern biological therapies. In Poland, successive biological therapies have been gradually reimbursed since 2015. Currently available biological drugs are intended for patients with an eosinophilic phenotype (mepolizumab, benralizumab) or an IgE-dependent phenotype (high titre of IgE antibodies, omalizumab). In the case of an individual patient, the decision to start biological treatment will depend on the phenotyping result.

Biological treatment is carried out in asthma treatment centers. There are about 50 of them in Poland. A full list of such centers is available on the website of the Polish Society of Allergology. According to epidemiological data in Poland, several thousand people may suffer from a dangerous type of asthma and the number is still growing. Many sick people are unaware of their disease.

  1. In the case of asthma, it is worth supporting your body and practicing breathing. A special device may be helpful, such as a breath trainer – Gima three-chamber respirogram or a breath trainer with the possibility of setting the resistance Threshold IMT Philips.

A bronchial asthma attack – management

People who develop a severe asthma attack need to get help as soon as possible. Unfortunately, even when we undergo treatment, take medications regularly, we are not able to completely eliminate breathlessness. Paroxysmal bronchospasm makes us wheeze and we can’t breathe. Practical advice on how to deal with this situation is listed below.

1. The first and most important rule is: stay calm. Try not to panic as this may worsen your health.

2. The asthma sufferer should be given a bronchodilator (salbutamol or fenoterol) as soon as possible to act immediately. Taking this preparation will make the patient feel free to breathe.

3. If you have an asthma attack – don’t lie down! The lying position makes breathing much more difficult, so it is good to stand and lean your elbows on e.g. a table or sit.

4. Even if the bronchospasm subsides, the patient should not be left unattended. You should wait for everything to return to normal.

5. Important information: if the seizure does not stop within 20 minutes of the administration of the relaxing drugs, give the second dose of the drug. If this does not help, an ambulance should be called as soon as possible.

In bronchial asthma, you can use the cough assistant – Philips Respironics CoughAssist E70, which helps to get rid of secretions accumulated in the bronchi and facilitates breathing.

Treatment of bronchial asthma

Treatment of bronchial asthma is symptomatic treatment, including the identification of the allergenic factor and avoidance of contact with it. During coughing attacks, patients are given reliever medication prescribed by a doctor to reduce breathlessness. These preparations inhibit allergic reactions. Chronic medication intake can negatively affect the condition of internal organs. At Medonet Market, you can buy the Lactibiane ALR probiotic today, thanks to which you will take care of your microflora and support the proper functioning of the digestive system.

If asthma attacks do not improve despite treatment, cyanosis, heart pain, increased heart rate or weakness develop, refer the patient to a doctor.

Prophylactic and supportive during treatment, you can drink tea recommended for allergies, which is rich in herbs that soothe and facilitate breathing. Asthma is also especially recommended – a mixture of herbs from Natural Medicine.

Note: Diagnosing your asthma early and choosing the right treatment helps you to function normally. The patient leads an active life, has no symptoms, and can work and study normally. Early diagnosis of asthma is important to avoid severe asthma.

Nebulization may be necessary in the treatment of asthma. On Medonet Market you can buy at attractive prices, incl. Nebulizer – Neno Sente compressor inhaler and convenient to use Mobile Neno Bene nebulizer.

How can I prevent asthma?

Actions to prevent the occurrence of bronchial asthma:

  1. preventing the development and effective destruction in the embryo of all infectious conditions of the respiratory tract (especially chronic ones);
  2. regular treatment of any allergic reactions and conditions;
  3. not staying in an atmosphere of dust, smoke, fog and humidity;
  4. effective elimination of damp and mildew in dwellings;
  5. quitting smoking because nicotine causes, inter alia, increased secretion of mucus in the respiratory tract and thus promotes the development of chronic inflammation (catarrh) and directly irritates the bronchial mucosa;
  6. rejection of foods known to trigger or worsen breathlessness;
  7. avoiding or limiting contact with substances that irritate the respiratory tract or trigger or worsen attacks of breathlessness;
  8. not keeping potted plants and other flowers (e.g. primula) at home, the smell or presence of which may trigger or aggravate an attack of asthmatic breathlessness;
  9. informing the doctor and, after consulting him, excluding any medications that trigger or worsen an attack of asthmatic dyspnea (eg Polopiryna, Penicillinum);
  10. frequent airing of the mixing;
  11. regular, not exhausting mode of daily life;
  12. less stress, conflicts etc;
  13. maintaining a good physical condition of the body through daily gymnastics, walks in the fresh air and practicing light sports.

As an auxiliary in the prevention and treatment of asthma, it is worth reaching for herbal preparations. We recommend, for example, ASTMOFIX – a herbal and fruit tea that supports the functioning of the respiratory tract. It contains thyme herb, elderberry fruit, mallow leaf, linden inflorescence, elderflower and anise fruit.

Do you want to know more about bronchial asthma? Here are the books you should know:

  1. Bronchial Asthma – Family Practice (see offer)
  2. All about diseases. Asthma and allergies (see offer)
  3. Bronchial asthma. Psychological and existential perspective (see offer)
  4. Asthma. Journey to health (see offer)

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