Broken Row (Tricholoma batschii)

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Tricholomataceae (Tricholomovye or Ryadovkovye)
  • Genus: Tricholoma (Tricholoma or Ryadovka)
  • Type: Tricholoma batschii (Broken row)
  • Tricholoma fracticum
  • Tricholoma subannulatum

Broken Row (Tricholoma batschii) photo and description

Ryadovka broken (Tricholoma batschii) is a fungus belonging to the family of Tricholomovs (Ryadovkovs), Agarikovs order.


The broken row, like any other species of this genus of mushrooms, belongs to the number of agaric mushrooms, the fruiting body of which consists of a cap and a leg. Most often, rows prefer to grow on sandy soils covered with fallen needles or moss. Rows look very appetizing, their fruiting bodies are fleshy and therefore it will not be difficult to notice them in a coniferous forest. The advantage of broken rows is that these mushrooms are not only edible, but also very tasty. They can be eaten in any form. Boiled, fried, stewed, salted and marinated broken rows have a wonderful taste and pleasant mushroom aroma. Interestingly, in addition to their excellent taste properties, broken rows also have healing qualities. The fruit bodies of this fungus contain a lot of vitamin B, and therefore extracts from such mushrooms are often used to produce certain types of antibiotics used to prevent tuberculosis and get rid of tuberculosis bacillus.

The cap of broken rows is 7-15 cm in diameter, it is characterized by a semicircular shape in young mushrooms, gradually transforming into a convex-outstretched one in mature mushrooms. Often in its central part, the cap of the described mushroom is slightly depressed, has an uneven color, and can be brownish-red, chestnut-red or yellowish-chestnut. Its surface is almost always shiny, to the touch – silky fibrous. The edge of the caps of young fruiting bodies is turned up, and in ripening mushrooms it often cracks and becomes uneven.

The length of the leg of a broken row varies between 5-13 cm, and its diameter is 2-3 cm. The shape of the leg of this mushroom is more often cylindrical, very dense and thick, usually narrowing at the base. Its color above the cap ring is white, often has a powdery coating. Under the ring, the color of the stem is the same as that of the mushroom cap. The surface of the stem of the described fungus is often fibrous, with a flaky coating visible on it. Mushroom pulp is dense, white in color, and when broken and damaged under the cuticle, it acquires a reddish tint. She has a rather unpleasant, powdery smell. The taste is bitter.

Mushroom hymenophore – lamellar. The plates in it are often located, have a white color. In mature mushrooms, reddish spots can be seen on the surface of the plates. The spore powder is white.


Broken rows grow mainly in groups, on fertile soils, in pine forests. Active fruiting of the fungus – from late autumn until mid-winter.


The mushroom is edible, but must be soaked for a long time before being eaten. Recommended for use only in salt form.

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