Broiler chickens: growing, caring and feeding at home
Broiler chickens are one of the most profitable breeds. This breed grows quickly and produces a lot of meat. Growing and caring for broiler chickens must be such that these birds live up to their purpose.
Caring for broiler chickens at home
Usually chickens of this breed are raised for 80 days. After this period, they stop gaining weight, and they continue to consume food at the same level, so their maintenance becomes unprofitable.
Growing and caring for broiler chickens can be carried out at home.
Here are the basic rules for caring for chickens.
- The coop must be very clean. This breed does not tolerate dirt, in poor conditions it begins to hurt.
- The bedding will have to be changed daily. It is most convenient to put straw or other bedding on the oilcloth base.
- The chicks should have minimal space to move. The less they run, the faster they gain mass. For walking, they should be released for two hours a day in a small aviary.
- In the first week of life, broilers need to be kept at a temperature of + 32 … + 34 degrees, the next week – at 30. Then the temperature should be gradually reduced to 20 degrees.
One of the most effective and simplest is the cage-based method of broiler keeping. In the cages, these birds gain weight as quickly as possible.
From the first to the fifth days of life, the diet of babies is only four products: millet, wheat groats, boiled eggs and crushed corn. Most chick deaths are due to feeding errors in the first days of life. Please note that on the third day, each baby should receive one drop of trivitamin.
Starting from the sixth day of life, the chicks are almost picky about food. They can be given dry store food, wet mash, food waste. They perfectly eat soaked crackers, bread crumbs, boiled potatoes, etc.
The food and water container must be kept clean.
Give as much food as the birds can eat. Too much food is not profitable because you spend extra money on it. In addition, excess food turns sour and causes the appearance of pathogenic bacteria.
Change the water in the drinker daily. Give the chicks a bowl of mild potassium permanganate twice a week. It is a good prevention of stomach diseases.
Now you know all about the care, raising and feeding of broiler chickens. With the right approach, you will always have a lot of delicious chicken meat for yourself and for sale.
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