Broccoli Tonus is an early ripe representative of the culture. The variety has long been included in the State Register of the Federation, it is distinguished by its large size, and is universal in use. Such cabbage is planted mainly with seedlings, but direct sowing is also acceptable.
Description of broccoli variety Tonus
Broccoli Tonus has been listed in the State Register of the Federation since 1986. The originator is the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing”. A variety was bred in the Moscow region. You can grow it in any regions.
In terms of ripening, broccoli Tonus belongs to early ripening varieties. The harvest is in July-August. From the moment of emergence of seedlings, 2-3 months pass. The duration of this period directly depends on the growing conditions, including climatic, and care.
The main characteristics of the variety:
- head size is large;
- weight 160-200 g;
- height 5-8 cm;
- the color is bluish-green, the shade may become brownish at low temperatures;
- the density of heads of cabbage is average;
- excellent taste;
- dense and compact socket;
- whole leaves of small size, dark green color with a bluish-gray tint, moderate wax coating.
Large size at the central heads. After their collection, lateral (axillary) heads of cabbage are formed. They have the same taste characteristics and properties, but the sizes are already significantly smaller – 50-70 g. They are usually formed a week after the central heads are cut, they grow quickly and amicably.
Broccoli Tonus is undemanding to heat. The optimum temperature for culture growth is 16-20 °C. Cabbage of this variety can withstand frosts down to -7 ° C.

The germination of broccoli seeds remains at a decent level for up to six years.
1-1,6 kg of Tonus broccoli are harvested from 2 m². One plant brings a crop of 200 g to 1 kg.
Advantages and disadvantages
Broccoli Tonus is used fresh and harvested for the winter. The variety is attractive because, when frozen, it retains both taste and other properties.

Seedlings of the variety Tonus appear together
- early maturation;
- large heads;
- excellent taste;
- friendly maturation;
- universality in application;
- undemanding to heat.
- a tendency to bloom;
- irrigation sensitivity.
Planting Broccoli Tonus
Broccoli Tonus can be sown with seeds immediately in the garden or seedlings first. The site is selected in accordance with such requirements;
- good lighting;
- optimal loam or chernozem;
- cold wind protection.
Growing seedlings of broccoli Tonus from seeds
Sowing seeds of broccoli Tonus for seedlings is carried out in the last decade of March or in early April. Dates should be oriented to the climate of the region.
For seedlings, they use ready-made soil or make it up on their own, taking the following ingredients in a ratio of 1: 4: 8:
- sand;
- sod land;
- humus.
Half of the humus can be replaced with peat. For 10 liters of soil mix add a glass of wood ash and 1 tbsp. l. complex fertilizer type Fertiki Lux. For seedlings, you can use cassettes or boxes. The optimal depth is 5-7 cm.
The sowing algorithm for seedlings is as follows:
- If there is no hole in the bottom of the tank, pour a layer of drainage – expanded clay, sand or perlite. A height of 1 cm is sufficient.
- Fill containers with potting soil.
- Moisten the soil using a spray bottle.
- Soak the seed for five minutes in hot water (50 °C).
- Sow seeds with an interval of 1 cm, leaving 3 cm between rows. Deepen by 5-10 mm.
When a true leaf appears, the seedlings swoop down. Use a container with a depth of 10 cm.
You can do without a pick if you immediately use individual containers. In this case, the seeds must first be placed in a damp cloth so that they hatch.
Broccoli germinates well at 20-24°C. After germination, the temperature is reduced to 15 ° C.

It is effective to grow broccoli seedlings in greenhouses or greenhouses – the conditions in them are better than in an apartment
Seedlings are planted in open ground when they are 35-45 days old. By this age, 5-6 leaves should form. Before planting, seedlings need to be accustomed to new conditions. During the week, she is exposed to the street, starting from 1-2 hours and gradually increasing the time to a day.
The site for culture is prepared in advance. When digging for 1 m², make:
- humus – 2 buckets;
- wood ash – 1 l;
- bone or dolomite flour – 1 cup;
- superphosphate – 1 tbsp. l.
Cabbage is planted in open ground at intervals of 35-40 cm. 0,6 m is left between rows. Holes are made with a diameter of 50 cm. The day before planting, seedlings are watered abundantly, again before moving into the ground. Moisturize the wells themselves. Seedlings are planted after absorbing moisture. After it is watered again
Sowing in open ground
This option is possible due to the fact that the variety can withstand frosts down to -7 ° C. In the middle lane, landing is planned for the second decade of May, in the south – at the end of April.
The plot is prepared in the same way as for seedlings. The wells are watered abundantly and after absorbing moisture, 3-5 seeds are placed in each. After the emergence of seedlings, they are thinned out, leaving the strongest and healthiest specimens. The rest can be discarded.
The first landing time must be covered. For this, agrofibre on arcs or cut and inverted bottles are suitable.
Care for Broccoli Tonus
Immediately after planting and watering seedlings, cabbage should be mulched. Straw or cut grass will do. It is better to shade the first time of planting.
In the care of broccoli Tonus, regular watering is important. Even short-term drying of the soil is unacceptable. This is bad for marketability.
Broccoli Tonus is fed every two weeks. There are several options:
- herbal infusion;
- wood ash;
- complex fertilizer – Agricola, Biohumus.

At temperatures above 24 °C, shading or sprinkling is recommended
Harvesting and storage of crops
When growing broccoli Tonus, it is important to harvest the crop in a timely manner. This should be done immediately after closing the heads. The crop must be harvested within 2-3 days after that.
Cut heads of cabbage. It is better to do this early in the morning or in the evening. When cutting, you can capture a part of the stem up to 7 cm. It is eaten. The cut is made oblique.
The broccoli crop is harvested in several stages, while not stopping the care of the crop. This will ensure the formation of the side heads.
Fresh broccoli does not last long. Optimal conditions for this:
- temperature 0-10 °C;
- humidity 90-95%.

Freezing is recommended for storage of the Tonus variety.
Broccoli Tonus is an early ripe variety of domestic selection, included in the State Register of the Federation. After harvesting, the cabbage forms smaller lateral heads; young shoots and inflorescences are also eaten. Freezing is practiced for long-term storage.