Broccoli – nutritional values, health properties, application

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Raw broccoli has a significant anti-cancer effect in cancer of the lung, prostate, colon, breast and skin. This is due to the presence of sulforaphane in them, which blocks the formation of neoplastic DNA mutations and facilitates the elimination of cancer cells. Most of us, however, eat them after processing – mostly cooked. This is a mistake!

Broccoli – a place of occurrence

Broccoli is one type of these vegetables that are made from crossbreeds. This group also includes cauliflower, cabbage, kohlrabi, pak-choi, turnips and kale. Broccoli, also known as green cauliflower, consists of tightly arranged florets that sprout from a thick, short stem. In fact, these little florets are flowers that have not had time to bloom. If they stayed in the flower beds for a long time, yellow flowers would appear in their place.

At the bazaar, we can also find other varieties of broccoli that do not form a compact head, and their florets are embedded along the stem. The number of subspecies of these vegetables includes several varieties, often differing in color – from green-pink, dark green to sage.

Broccoli is found practically on every continent, especially in the Mediterranean areas of Europe, western North America and central Asia. In the original version, broccoli was one of the varieties of wild cabbage. As a result of agricultural practices and numerous crosses with other plant species, it evolved to the form we know today.

If you want to know which vegetables and fruits are the healthiest, be sure to read: Fruits and vegetables will help with specific health conditions. Check what.

Broccoli – nutritional properties

Broccoli should be included in our diet because it contains many nutrients that are beneficial to health. The first is kaempferol from the flavonoid group, which has anti-inflammatory properties and prevents the occurrence of allergies. Broccoli is also rich in vitamins K and A, which help the body absorb vitamin D. In addition, one of them – vitamin A, also known as the vitamin of youth, delays the aging process, prevents night blindness and strengthens bones.

The nutrients found in broccoli also include: fiber, which is 100 grams in 2,6 grams of the product; carotenoids – zeaxanthin and lutein, improving eyesight; glucoraphanin, which transforms into another chemical during the digestive process, supporting skin regeneration and antioxidants that fight free radicals. Broccoli also contains: potassium, responsible for reducing cramps; calcium – 100 grams of the product contains as much as 4 percent. daily requirement for this substance and vitamin C (approx. 65 mg per 100 grams).

Broccoli seed oil stimulates tissue regeneration and protects it against the harmful effects of external factors. You will find it in Bioherba Banana, Broccoli and Cucumber Cream for dry hands.

Why should you provide your body with calcium? Check: Calcium – not only for strong bones and healthy teeth

Does eating broccoli protect against cancer?

A team of American scientists concluded that broccoli owes its healing properties to glucosinolates. These are organic compounds (sinigrin, glucobrassicin, glucoiberin and glucoraphanin), belonging to glycosides, composed of a sugar residue in the form of glucan and a side chain, different for each of them. Constant consumption of glucosinolates significantly reduces the risk of particularly dangerous cancers: prostate, colon, breast, skin and lung.

Their decomposition leads to the creation of products with an even stronger anti-cancer effect and increases the level of substances in the human body that facilitate the removal of carcinogenic substances. The most important of these is sulforaphane (SFN) – a vegetable isocyanate formed as a result of the breakdown of glucosinolates, found in cruciferous vegetables.

Research on this compound has been conducted for several years by scientists from various countries of the world, including From Poland. Moreover, the amount of glucosinolates increases with higher levels of methyl jasmonide. It is a hormone produced by broccoli that is formed as part of the plant’s defense system against late blight, especially bacterial and fungal diseases.

Sulforaphane prevents the transformation of carcinogenic compounds and directly blocks their binding sites with DNA molecules, which means that it prevents the formation of tumor-promoting mutations. Moreover, once cancer cells have arisen, SNF prevents them from spreading in the body and promotes the mechanism of their destruction through the mechanism of induced cell death.

Broccoli and hypertension

As you know, broccoli is an excellent source of potassium. 100 grams of cooked vegetables contain as much as 295 mg of this element. Potassium makes the blood vessels wider, which means that the blood can circulate freely in the bloodstream. This leads to a pressure drop. In addition, potassium accelerates the process of removing excess sodium from the body – this process also helps to lower blood pressure.

What is sodium in the human body responsible for? Read on: Sodium (Na)

The influence of broccoli on autism

According to a study by American scientists from the Mass General Children’s Hospital and John Hopkins Medical University, consuming broccoli may relieve symptoms of autism for a while. This is due to the high content of sulforaphane, which inhibits inflammation caused by oxidative stress. Conducting therapy with the use of this substance has a positive effect on patients. Autistic people who have started taking sulforaphane are more communicative and calmer. Unfortunately, the effects of this therapy are only temporary and they wear off with its end.

How to recognize autism in a child? Read on: Autism – symptoms, causes, treatment

Broccoli and ulcers

Broccoli sprouts and broccoli itself can save our body against duodenal and stomach ulcers. How do they have such properties? Present in broccoli, the previously mentioned sulforaphane is able to destroy a dangerous bacterium – Helicobacter pyloriwhich is conducive to the development of various types of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, including ulcers. Sulforaphane also helps fight esophagitis and even stomach cancer. This compound kills these bacteria regardless of whether it is inside or outside the stomach lining. Sulforaphane is even able to fight certain groups of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics used in treatment.

Also read: Stomach cancer – early symptoms, prognosis, treatment and causes

Broccoli and diabetes

People struggling with diabetes can safely reach for broccoli, because their glycemic index is low – it is 15. This is not only one advantage of these vegetables! They also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in diabetics, who are much more at risk of this type of disease. Broccoli has these unique properties due to the sulforaphane they contain, which stimulates and regenerates blood vessels. In addition, broccoli also contains chromium, which, together with insulin, optimizes blood sugar levels.

What is the diet of diabetics? Read on: Diabetic diet – menu and recipes in type 1 and 2 diabetes

Broccoli and slimming

Due to the fact that broccoli is low in calories (100 grams of boiled is only 35 kcal), it can be part of a diet focused on fat loss. The fiber found in broccoli makes the body feel full and therefore we eat snacks between meals less often. It is worth remembering that broccoli cannot be the only component of a slimming diet, because, like vegetables from the cruciferous family, it causes gas and bloating.

Why is it worth introducing fiber into your diet? Read on: Fiber – Not Only for Digestion

Broccoli and joints

Sulforaphane, found in broccoli, has one more application – it protects the joints against various types of degeneration. It is great at blocking one of the enzymes that degrade articular cartilage. The effectiveness of this flavonoid has been confirmed by studies in Great Britain. Another research by scientists on this issue is to show that consuming broccoli can completely eliminate damage to the articular cartilage.

Diseases involving all kinds of degeneration of the joints can take years to develop in both young and old people. Degenerative ailments are most severe when we start physical work after a long rest.

Joint degeneration is the result of the increased activity of enzymes, i.e. collagenase, which effectively inhibit the reconstruction of articular cartilage. Thanks to sulforaphane in broccoli, this process can be slowed down.

How to care for joints? Read on: Ways for strong joints

How to buy and store broccoli?

When buying broccoli, make sure that the florets are healthy and free from bruised heads. Depending on the type of broccoli, the color should be uniform – purple green, sage or dark green. When looking for the right broccoli, we choose those vegetables that do not bloom yellow flowers, because it means that the broccoli is ripe. Young broccoli is best to eat because it has the most nutrients. The broccoli stalk should be firm, without visible discoloration or damage, and the leaves green, not wilted.

Until now, vegetables such as broccoli were blanched, i.e. immersed in boiling water or subjected to a high-temperature steam bath prior to freezing for long-term storage, to inactivate enzymes that could change the taste, color or aroma of broccoli during 18 months of storage. Meanwhile, blanching also destroyed myrosinase, the enzyme necessary to make sulforaphane.

Sulforaphane, so important in broccoli, is formed in the greatest amount when a fresh vegetable has been chopped or sliced ​​so that myrosinase is mixed with another substrate – glucoraphanin, which belongs to glucosinolates. However, for this process to take place, do not defrost deep-frozen broccoli in the refrigerator; they must be left to thaw completely at room temperature. Broccoli is best eaten chopped and raw. Then their action is best. Cooking broccoli, especially long, deprives it of its nutritional value.

If you want to know more about freezing vegetables and fruits, check out: Which products can be frozen?

Healthy Broccoli Recipes

Broccoli should appear in the kitchen of anyone who focuses on quick and simple recipes and does not have time to prepare dishes. Broccoli does not need long heat treatment, so it can be prepared quickly without losing its nutritional value. They are perfect for quick burgers.

To prepare such burgers you will need: medium broccoli, a glass of oatmeal and water, a tablespoon of potato flour, a teaspoon of turmeric, three cloves of garlic, and salt and pepper to taste. We start preparing burgers by grinding oat flakes with a blender. Then we do the same with broccoli. The next step is to mix the broccoli with the flakes – at this stage, we also add flour, water, salt, pepper, turmeric, oil and garlic.

We can also add a little soy sauce to taste. The mixed mass should be set aside for 10 minutes. The consistency of the dough should be thick and sticky. If not, add a little more water or semolina. In a hot frying pan with oil, put the dough with a tablespoon and fry until it is browned on each side. Put the fried burgers on a kitchen towel or breakfast paper to get rid of excess oil.

Another idea for a quick dinner is broccoli pesto with wholemeal noodles. To prepare, we will need one broccoli, ⅓ cup of almond flakes, two cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, approx. 150 ml of olive oil and salt and pepper to taste. The first step is to cook the broccoli florets in salted water.

Put the cooked vegetable in a blender, adding two cloves of garlic, lemon juice and previously roasted almond flakes. The next point will be adding olive oil, salt and pepper to the mass. Mix the broccoli mass until smooth. If the pesto is too thick, add even more olive oil. Pesto can be served with brown pasta, which has more nutritional properties than regular white pasta. Pesto is also perfect as a paste for a sandwich.

It is worth remembering that the original pesto comes from the Italian city of Genoa and consists mainly of basil. The classic pesto is complemented by pine nuts, olive oil and Parmesan cheese. In vegetarian cuisine, pesto is very popular and is made of leaves or leaves, including parsley, kale, spinach or arugula.

It is also a good idea for dinner broccoli soup. To prepare it, we need 1 broccoli, 5 potatoes, 2 carrots, 1 leek, 1 onion and 2 cloves of garlic. In addition, we add 1 bay leaf, allspice, a tablespoon of oil and butter to the soup. From dairy products to broccoli soup, we need about 100 grams of cream cheese and 18/XNUMX cup of XNUMX% cream.

Start cooking the soup by frying the diced onion and leek using previously combined oil and butter. We also add salt and pepper and fry over medium heat. Then add the chopped carrot and cream cheese. Fry the entire contents of the pot until the ingredients combine. Pour about 2 liters of water and cook until the vegetables are tender. Finally, put the broccoli divided into florets and grated garlic into the pot. Cook the soup until the broccoli is softened. At the last stage, add the cream and the soup is ready to eat. We can blend the soup to a smooth mass, but it is not necessary.

Do you want to know if you can lose weight by eating only soups? Read on: Soup diet – description, benefits, indications and contraindications

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