Broccoli Green Magic is a high-yielding French hybrid that is characterized by an early ripening period. Suitable for cultivation in all regions of Our Country. Shows a stable yield even in unfavorable seasons for the crop. However, in order to maintain the high productivity of the hybrid, it is necessary to follow the rules for planting and further care, which must comply with the requirements.

Broccoli Green Magic: features of the appearance of plants and heads, yield, strengths and weaknesses
Description Broccoli Green Magic F1
The hybrid is distinguished by medium-sized plants in one stem, the height of which reaches 45 cm. The leaf rosette of Green Magic F1 broccoli is of an elevated type. The plates of the hybrid are medium in size, gray-green in color. They are slightly bubbling with a wavy edge. Petioles thickened of medium length, without anthocyanin.
The head of this type of broccoli is elliptical, of medium density, of a gray-green hue. The weight of the heads of the Green Magic hybrid does not exceed 700 g. Covering leaves are absent above the head. The palatability of this species is rated as excellent.
Green Magic is an early ripening species, the crop can be harvested 2,5 months after germination. The heads ripen almost simultaneously in the garden. The yield level of the hybrid is 2,2-2,5 kg per 1 sq. m. Fruits are suitable for fresh consumption, conservation and freezing.
Advantages and disadvantages
Broccoli Green Magic has many advantages that gardeners have been able to appreciate. But also the variety has certain disadvantages that must be considered when growing it.

Broccoli variety Green Magic was included in the State Register of Our Country in 2008
Main advantages:
- early maturation;
- stable yield;
- excellent taste;
- high content of vitamins and minerals;
- resistance to temperature extremes;
- versatility of application;
- low susceptibility to fungal diseases.
- needs protection from pests;
- requires regular watering and fertilizing.
Rules of landing
You can grow a hybrid in seedlings and direct sowing in the ground. However, in each case, certain planting rules must be observed, since the further development of seedlings and their yield depend on this.
Growing Broccoli Green Magic Seedlings
Sowing seedlings of Green Magic broccoli should be carried out at the end of March, at the beginning of April. By the time of planting in a permanent place, the age of the seedlings should be 30-35 days. For growing seedlings, you need to prepare wide containers about 10 cm high. They should have drainage holes to remove excess water. You will also need a soil mixture of turf, sand, humus and peat, taken in equal quantities.
A few days before planting, it is recommended to pour the soil with a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate, and then dry it slightly. This will prevent the development of root rot and blackleg at an early stage in the development of seedlings.
Algorithm of actions:
- Place a layer of drainage 1 cm thick on the bottom of the container.
- Fill it with nutrient soil.
- Water abundantly and level the surface of the substrate.
- Spread the seeds at a distance of 1 cm.
- Sprinkle them with a layer of earth 1 cm.
- Moisten the surface of the soil with a spray bottle.
After planting, it is necessary to cover the container with a film or glass and put it in a dark place with a temperature of +20 °C. After seed germination, the container must be transferred to a bright window sill and the content regime should be reduced to +18 ° C.
When the seedlings get stronger, they should be adapted to external conditions and the film or glass should be completely removed. Broccoli Green Magic seedling care involves moderate watering as needed, as well as picking in the cotyledon phase.

Friendly seedlings of the hybrid appear 3-5 days after planting
It is necessary to plant seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground when the soil warms up to a depth of 10 cm. The recommended planting pattern for a hybrid is 30 by 50 cm. In case of a threat of return frosts, seedlings should be covered with agrofiber.
Sowing in open ground
For direct sowing of the hybrid in open ground, it is necessary to prepare the site at least two weeks in advance. To do this, you need to dig it up, add 10 kg of humus for each square. m and level the surface. Then it is necessary to make holes up to 2 cm deep at a distance of 30 cm and, observing the distance between rows of 50 cm. Place three seeds in each recess and sprinkle them with earth. After that, it is recommended to water the bed by sprinkling and cover with agrofiber. After about a week, when friendly shoots appear, it is recommended to remove the shelter. And when the seedlings get stronger, leave one of the strongest in the hole, and remove the rest.
Care instructions
This type of broccoli, like others, is moisture-loving. And for the full formation of heads, he needs regular watering. Humidification should be carried out 1-2 times a week at moderate air temperatures, and daily during hot periods. Moreover, watering under the root is recommended to alternate with sprinkling.
Green Magic broccoli should be fed three times per season. The first time it is recommended to fertilize ten days after the adaptation of seedlings in a new place. During this period, you can use urea at the rate of 30 g per 10 liters of water. Subsequent top dressing can be done at intervals of once every two weeks. For them, it is recommended to use 30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfide per 10 liters of water.
Also, throughout the entire growing season, it is necessary to carry out weeding and hilling broccoli seedlings, which will strengthen the root system. These measures are recommended before the plants close in a row.
Harvesting and storage of crops
Green Magic broccoli can be harvested at the end of July. It is important to observe the timing so that the vegetable does not bloom. Otherwise, its consumer properties are reduced. Optimal storage conditions: dark room, temperature +2 °C and humidity at 60%. Subject to all recommendations, the vegetable retains consumer properties for four weeks.

You need to cut off the heads with a petiole 10 cm long, which is also used for food
Broccoli Green Magic is rightfully considered one of the best crop hybrids for getting an early harvest. Its heads are distinguished by excellent presentation and high taste. However, this can be achieved only if the rules of agricultural technology are observed, taking into account the characteristics of the plant.