Varieties of broccoli for the Moscow region are quite numerous, since most varieties of such cabbage are suitable for any region of the Federation. Grow it in open ground or greenhouses. Varieties differ in terms of ripening, yield, mass of inflorescence heads and other parameters.
Features of the climate in the region
In order to successfully grow broccoli in a garden in the Moscow region and other areas of the middle lane, one should clearly understand the conditions for cultivating such cabbage.
The climate features in the region are as follows:
- temperate continental type;
- warm summer – average temperature 17-22 ° C;
- sufficient humidity;
- partly cloudy prevails in summer;
- the driest season is spring;
- snowmelt occurs in March;
- in the first half of autumn it is usually warm and dry;
- frost starts in November.
The best varieties of broccoli for the Moscow region
To choose a broccoli variety for cultivation and care in the Moscow region, you need to decide on the desired planting and harvesting dates. It is also important where exactly it is planned to cultivate cabbage.
For open ground
Growing broccoli in the Moscow region in the open field is best suited for mid-season crop varieties. Some varieties are ideal for beginners.
With an iron
This variety is medium-late, it has been included in the State Register of the Federation since 2008. Its main characteristics:
- heads 400-600 g each, no secondary ones, rounded shape, gray-green color;
- socket vertical type up to raised;
- leaves are blue-green, pimply.

In the Moscow region, about 1 kg of Ironman crop is obtained from 4 m²
This variety is mid-season. It was included in the State Register of the Federation in 1997. Basic Features:
- heads-inflorescences of 350 g;
- elliptical shape, dark green color, moderate tuberosity and density;
- covering leaves are absent;
- raised type socket;
- the shape of the leaves is elliptical, the color is gray-green.

From 1 m² of plantings of the Linda variety in the Moscow region, 3-4 kg are harvested
This type of culture is medium-early; it has been included in the State Register of the Federation since 2011. Her characteristics are as follows;
- stems are low, several pieces per plant;
- heads-inflorescences of 300 g;
- the shape is rounded flat, the color is green, good density;
- there are covering leaves;
- rose sockets;
- the foliage is blue-green, smooth, the edges are slightly wavy.

From 1 m², 3,6 kg of Macho crop are harvested
For greenhouse
In the Moscow region, ultra-early or late variations of the crop are usually grown in a greenhouse. Such conditions provide protection against return spring or first autumn frosts and accelerate maturation.
Medium-late broccoli Lucky has been in the State Register of the Federation since 2003. The main characteristics of culture:
- heads of 300-600 g;
- the shape is rounded flat, the color is gray-green, the tuberosity is small;
- delicate texture;
- raised sockets.

1 kg of Lucky crop is harvested from 1,5 m²
An early ripe variety of Tonus has been in the State Register of the Federation since 1986. It looks like this:
- large dark green heads, moderate density;
- weight 160-200 g;
- small whole leaves of dark green color, bluish-bluish tint, truncated-ovoid shape.

From 1 m² of Tonus cabbage plantings, 1-1,5 kg are harvested, after cutting the central head, the rest quickly grow
cabin boy
This type of culture is very early. Basic features of the variety:
- loose heads-inflorescences of 200 g;
- the shape is rounded flat, the color is green;
- raised sockets;
- green leaves, medium size, moderate wax coating.

Yung’s variety in the Moscow region brings up to 3-4 kg per 1 m², marketable yield of 1,3 kg
Representatives of this group of varieties for the Moscow region ripen the fastest. The process takes 2-3 months.
Moscow souvenir
This variety for the Moscow region is medium early. His description is:
- heads of 450 g each, no secondary ones, rounded shape, gray-green color, medium density;
- covering sheets are absent;
- average height;
- socket type semi-spreading.

An average of 1 kg of cabbage is harvested from 1,1 m² Moscow Souvenir
This variety for the Moscow region has been in the State Register of the Federation since 2017. Main characteristics:
- tall stems;
- raised sockets;
- long leaves;
- pronounced wax coating;
- heads of 400 g;
- the shape is rounded flat, the color is dark gray-green;
- covering leaves are absent.

The yield of the Venus variety is 1,8 kg per 1 m²
This variety has been in the State Register of the Federation since 1999. Its main features:
- the mass of inflorescence heads is 600-800 g, individual specimens weigh up to 1,5 kg;
- shape from rounded flat to rounded, color dark green;
- vertical sockets;
- middle outer stump;
- there are no side shoots;
- long blue-green leaves, strong dissection, light waxy coating.

Fiesta cabbage ripens together, 1 m² of plantings brings up to 3,5 kg
A variety of Vyarus culture has been in the State Register since 2005. Its main characteristics:
- central heads-inflorescences up to 120 g;
- elliptical shape, green color, small tuberosity;
- sockets are horizontal;
- foliage is gray-green, bubbly, medium size.

Commercial yield of cabbage Vyarus – 3 kg per 1 m²
The middle-ripening
The ripening of the crop of this group takes from 105 to 130 days. It is considered universal in application.
This species has been listed in the State Register of the Federation since 2008. Culture looks like this:
- heads of 700 g, there are secondary ones;
- the shape is round, the color is gray-green;
- rose sockets;
- strongly bubbly gray-green leaves on long petioles.

From 1 m² of plantings of Batavia cabbage, 2,9 kg are harvested
This variety has been listed in the State Register of the Federation since 2007. Its basic data is:
- heads-inflorescences of 400 g, there are secondary ones;
- elliptical shape, gray-green color, medium tuberosity;
- rose sockets;
- gray-green foliage, light wax coating.

In the Moscow region, 1 kg of crop is harvested from 2,5 m² of plantings of the Gnome variety
curly head
This type of culture has been in the State Register of the Federation since 2010. Basic data:
- heads of 600 g, there are secondary ones;
- the shape is rounded flat, the color is gray-green, the tuberosity is small;
- covering leaves are absent;
- raised sockets;
- small gray-green vesicular foliage with strongly wavy edges.

Curly head brings from 1 m² to 2,5 kg of crop
This group of varieties in the Moscow region matures from 130 to 145 days. Harvest is used mainly for winter storage, since the keeping quality is maximum.
Broccoli Agassi has been in the State Register of the Federation since 2009. Main characteristics:
- mass of heads up to 700 g;
- the shape is rounded flat, the color is gray-green, the tuberosity is medium;
- rosettes vertical to raised;
- the intensity of the wax coating is medium.

Agassi yields 3,7 kg from 1 m², secondary heads available
Broccoli Bathory in the State Register of the Federation since 2018. It looks like this:
- low or medium height;
- raised socket;
- rounded flat tuberous heads, no secondary heads, medium size, dark gray-green color, no cover leaves;
- weight up to 1 kg.

Bathory yields up to 3,8 kg per 1 m²
This type of culture has been listed in the State Register since 2006. Its main qualities:
- rounded dense heads-inflorescences of 800 g;
- green color, delicate texture;
- rose sockets;
- the foliage is gray-green, bubbly, the edges are slightly wavy.

1 kg of Marathon cabbage are harvested from 3,2 m²
Features of growing broccoli in the Moscow region and the middle lane
To grow broccoli in the middle lane, it is important to correctly choose a variety, planting dates and observe agricultural practices. The main points are:
- sowing for seedlings occurs at the end of March or the beginning of April;
- growing seedlings takes an average of 45 days;
- let’s allow direct sowing in the ground – the end of April or the beginning of May is optimal, when the temperature is from 10 ° C for at least a week;
- site requirements – good lighting, neutral acidity;
- preparing the beds in the fall – digging, applying compost or manure (a bucket per 1 m²), superphosphate and potassium salts (25 g each);
- timely and plentiful watering – it is better to use an automatic system;
- mulching to retain moisture;
- prevention of cabbage, cruciferous flea.
Varieties of broccoli for the Moscow region are diverse, you can choose crops of any ripening time. Super-early and late varieties are best grown in a greenhouse, mid-season varieties are universal. Be sure to take into account the yield, the size of the inflorescences, the possibility of the formation of secondary heads.