The choice of domestic varieties and hybrids of broccoli is not yet too large, so you have to “get acquainted” with the achievements of foreign breeders. Broccoli hybrid Lord F1 can be recognized as one of the most successful, which is distinguished by external presentability and exquisitely delicate taste, as well as good immunity, relative simplicity of agricultural technology, and the ability to adapt to different nuances of the local climate and weather.
Description and characteristics of broccoli Lord F1
Broccoli hybrid Lord F1 was created in the Netherlands, the originator is the world famous agricultural company Monsanto Holland BV. In 2007, an application was registered for its “admission” for sale on the territory of the Federation. The necessary variety tests were carried out quickly and successfully, a year later he was listed in the State Register of Breeding Achievements.

In Our Country, broccoli Lord F1 seeds are licensed by many agricultural firms.
It is recognized as the most suitable for growing by amateur gardeners on their own personal plots. Regarding the region of cultivation, no recommendations are given – Lord F1 broccoli “takes root” in any area where gardening is possible in principle.
In terms of maturation, this hybrid belongs to the category of late-ripening. If the summer is not too lucky with the weather, it can even be called very late. It takes 125-140 days to form the heads.
The plant is tall (more than 0,5 m), relatively compact due to the “elevation” of the outlet. The leaf plates are medium in size, of a classic “cabbage” greenish-gray color, with a pronounced “bubbly” surface and a wavy “border” running along the edge.

The stem is powerful, upright, without problems withstands the total mass of the crop
Broccoli heads Lord F1 are medium-sized or large (0,8-1,2 kg). The originator has other data – 0,7-1,5 kg. The shape varies from round to markedly flattened and domed.
The inflorescences are very dense, “fine-grained” (which implies good keeping quality and transportability), but at the same time juicy. The color of the head almost merges with the leaves. The taste is officially recognized as “excellent”.

The head is clearly visible even at an early stage of development due to the absence of integumentary leaves.
Broccoli Lord F1 has breeder-provided immunity to downy mildew and stem hollowness. Also, gardeners note that the hybrid as a whole has good resistance, with minimal care, it is extremely rarely affected by diseases typical of the culture.

Broccoli seedlings Lord F1 survive short frosts down to -2 ºС almost without damage
According to the State Register, the yield of Lord F1 broccoli is slightly more than 2 kg / m². In the description of the hybrid from the originator, much higher indicators are indicated – 5-5,5 kg / m². In principle, both of them can be right – a lot depends on the climate, weather and the quality of agricultural technology. But amateur gardeners are better off focusing on the first indicator.
Advantages and disadvantages
The taste and benefits of Lord F1 broccoli are preserved even after freezing. Inflorescences are separated from the head almost effortlessly.

Broccoli Lord F1 can be planted both in open ground and in a greenhouse, the dimensions of the plant allow this.
- the ability to adapt to very different and far from always favorable climatic conditions, to resist negative external influences;
- tolerance to negative temperatures both at an early stage of development and during maturation of the heads;
- productivity, little dependent on the vagaries of the weather during the season;
- good keeping quality and transportability;
- immunity against certain diseases, generally high resistance to pathogens;
- large size and external presentability of the heads;
- outstanding taste;
- versatility of the destination of the crop.
- increased interest from many typical crop pests;
- the need for regular top dressing during the season (otherwise the development of rosettes and heads slows down);
- requirement for good lighting.
Features of landing
Broccoli Lord F1 is grown both in seedlings and simply by sowing seeds in the garden. In both cases, it demonstrates good germination and is characterized by cold resistance. However, when choosing a method, one must take into account the long maturation of the heads and the likelihood of early autumn frosts in the region.
Growing seedlings of broccoli Lord from seeds
Growing seedlings of broccoli Lord F1 follows an algorithm typical for any other type of cabbage. The stage of preplant seed treatment with a biostimulant can be skipped.
Seedlings are transferred to the garden at the age of 6-8 weeks with 5-6 true leaves. The optimal planting pattern for Lord F1 broccoli is 30 cm between adjacent plants and row spacing 40-45 cm wide.

It is recommended to plant Lord F1 broccoli immediately in separate containers so that the seedlings do not have to dive
Sowing in open ground
Broccoli seeds Lord F1 can be sown in open ground no earlier than the 20th of April. Follow the same scheme as recommended for seedlings. In each “hole” put 2-3 pieces. 15 days after mass shoots, the seedlings are thinned out, cutting off the least developed specimens and transplanting the more powerful ones to the vacant places.

Seeds are buried in the soil by a maximum of 2-2,5 cm, otherwise you can not wait for seedlings at all
Features of care
Among the undoubted advantages of Lord F1 broccoli are endurance and ease of cultivation. She will have enough basic care:
- Watering. If there is no precipitation, the beds are watered every 4-5 days, in the heat – twice as often. Outlets react very positively to daily spraying with warm water in the evenings.
- Top dressing. The standard scheme includes four top dressings: when the seedlings begin to grow after transplanting or in the 5-6th leaf phase of seedlings (nitrogen), then after 12-15 days, at the beginning of head formation, after cutting it.
- Loosening and hilling. Ideally, loosening the beds with Lord F1 broccoli is combined with each watering. The required minimum is 2-3 times a month. Hilling is carried out twice: approximately 20 days after transplanting to the garden and another 12-15 days later.
- Prevention of pest attacks. Sufficiently effective and environmentally friendly prevention – folk remedies. But if pests typical of cabbage appear on other beds, it is better to pre-treat Lord’s broccoli with suitable insecticides.

Every time before fertilizing, the soil is well shed with water.
Harvesting and storage of crops
Broccoli Lord F1 takes 80-85 days to ripen. If the head is not cut off, it retains its “presentation” for the next two weeks, then “discolors” and becomes unfit for food.

The formation of smaller heads on the lateral branches of the stem is fast – the whole process stretches for 8-12 days
Broccoli Lord F1 is cut along with a part of the stem 8-10 cm long. Fresh at room temperature, it will not deteriorate for 15-20 days, you can still extend the “shelf life” by providing optimal conditions:
- constant temperature around 3 ºС;
- high (85-90%) air humidity;
- good ventilation;
- lack of light and cold drafts.
The cut on the stem is wrapped with a damp cloth, the head is packed in a plastic bag or cling film, having made several holes for ventilation. Then the cabbage is laid out in any container that provides the possibility of air exchange.

Do not wash Lord F1 broccoli before storage
Broccoli Lord F1 has successfully “taken root” in all regions where, in principle, it is possible to engage in gardening. It tolerates cold, heat, drought without much damage, does not suffer from direct sunlight, rarely gets sick, and does not enjoy increased attention from pests. Plants do not require any complex care, however, certain nuances of agricultural technology still exist. With them, as well as with the shortcomings of the hybrid, you need to familiarize yourself in advance.