Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

The benefits and harms of broccoli depend on the state of health and the amount of consumption. In order for the vegetable to benefit the body, you need to study the features and rules for using broccoli.

The chemical composition of broccoli

The unusual green inflorescences of cabbage contain a large amount of useful substances. In particular, it contains:

  • vitamin K – about 85% of the daily requirement;
  • vitamins of subgroup B – from B1 to B9, only B12 is absent in cabbage;
  • ascorbic acid – almost 100% of the daily norm;
  • vitamin A and beta-carotene;
  • substance choline;
  • vitamins E, PP and H;
  • silicon – more than 260% of the daily dosage;
  • dietary fiber and natural sugars;
  • amino acids;
  • potassium, phosphorus and manganese;
  • iodine, selenium and zinc;
  • magnesium and iron;
  • calcium;
  • fatty acid.
Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

Broccoli contains a lot of ascorbic acid and silicon

Most of all, cabbage contains carbohydrates – about 4 g in the total volume of the product. Proteins account for 2,8 g, and fats occupy only 0,4 g.

The calorie content of fresh cabbage is 34 calories per 100 g. The benefits of broccoli for women in diet are highly valued, it is impossible to gain extra pounds on the product.

Benefits of broccoli for the body

Thanks to the rich composition of broccoli, it brings significant benefits to the body. With regular use of cabbage:

  • protects organs of vision from diseases;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart;
  • increases the body’s immune resistance;
  • helps to quickly cope with colds;
  • fights against inflammatory processes of any nature;
  • cleans tissues and promotes the removal of toxins from the body;
  • helps healthy liver function;
  • accelerates metabolic processes and prevents constipation;
  • can serve as a preventive measure against cancer.

Not only adult inflorescences, but also seedlings have useful properties. The benefits of broccoli seeds are used in detoxification programs of the body, as sprouts are especially effective in ridding the body of accumulated toxins.

Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

Cabbage sprouts are very good for cleansing the body.

What is useful broccoli for a woman’s body

Cabbage is present in many diets, it has a low calorie content, a pleasant taste and a gentle effect on the intestines. Women also appreciate the benefits of broccoli for hair – vitamins and minerals in the composition of inflorescences have a positive effect on the beauty of curls and help maintain youthful skin.

You can eat broccoli during menopause or during painful periods. Cabbage contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels and improves the general condition.

What is useful broccoli for the body of a man

For the male body, the anti-cancer properties of inflorescences are especially valuable. Cabbage with regular use reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer after 40-50 years.

In addition, the product has a good effect on blood vessels, prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis and heart disease. Cabbage improves blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect not only on the general condition, but also on the potency of a man.

Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

The anti-cancer properties of the vegetable are especially beneficial for middle-aged men.

Benefits of broccoli for children

Broccoli is a valuable element of baby food. It very rarely causes allergic reactions, and the benefit is that the inflorescences support healthy peristalsis and prevent children’s constipation.

You can give cabbage to a child after six months of life in the form of a soft puree. The initial portion should be no more than 1 small spoon, you need to chop pre-boiled cabbage. If there is no negative reaction, then gradually the dosage can be increased.

Attention! The benefits and harms of broccoli for babies are not always the same – cabbage has certain contraindications. It is imperative to consult with a pediatrician before adding a vegetable to the children’s menu.

What is the healthiest form of broccoli?

Cabbage inflorescences can be eaten both fresh and after heat treatment. But the benefits of broccoli will not be the same.

Is it good to eat raw broccoli?

Regarding fresh cabbage, the opinions of nutritionists differ. On the one hand, raw inflorescences retain the maximum amount of vitamins, therefore they bring the greatest health benefits.

Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

In its raw form, the benefits and harms of a vegetable are ambiguous.

But at the same time, it is raw cabbage that gives the highest load on the stomach and intestines. In excess, the inflorescences can cause flatulence and abdominal pain. There is another danger – due to the structural features of the inflorescences, they are very difficult to properly rinse. Therefore, when eating raw cabbage, there is always a risk of contracting an intestinal infection.

Is frozen broccoli healthy?

For long-term storage, cabbage is often frozen – in the freezer, it can retain useful properties for up to six months. After freezing, unusual cabbage remains just as useful, vitamins and trace elements in it are not destroyed by low temperatures. At the same time, it is forbidden to freeze broccoli again, you need to use cabbage immediately.

Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

After freezing, the product retains all properties

Benefits of boiled broccoli

Boiled cabbage inflorescences have a softer structure and gently affect the digestive tract. When using boiled cabbage, flatulence and other unpleasant sensations in the intestines are less common. In addition, boiling allows you to properly disinfect the product and eliminate possible E. coli.

The calorie content of boiled cabbage is even lower than that of fresh cabbage – only 28 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, processed inflorescences are often added to the diet.

Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

Boiled inflorescences are softer and tastier than fresh ones.

Important! Cooking unusual cabbage is recommended for no longer than 3 minutes, in which case the inflorescences will have time to soften, but retain most of the vitamins and minerals.

Harm of broccoli

Under certain conditions, broccoli can not only benefit, but also harm the body:

  1. The negative impact of the inflorescence will have on the intestines during the period of exacerbation of digestive ailments. Broccoli stimulates peristalsis and promotes gas formation, therefore, with diarrhea and flatulence, you should not use it.
  2. Broccoli can be harmful if consumed in too large quantities. The recommended daily dosage is only 200 g.
  3. Like any cabbage, broccoli is not advised to eat at night. Since cabbage buds trigger active digestive processes, this can interfere with nighttime sleep and lead to stomach pain and gas.

The benefits of broccoli microgreens, or seeds, will only come to fruition with limited consumption of no more than half a glass of sprouts per day.

Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

It is not recommended to eat a vegetable before bedtime.

Contraindications for broccoli

For certain ailments, green cabbage inflorescences are recommended to be completely removed from the menu. The list of contraindications includes:

  • allergy to the product;
  • acute pancreatitis or stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis with high acidity in the acute phase;
  • tendency to diarrhea and gas formation.

It is not recommended to use cabbage inflorescences in the postoperative period. If the intervention was carried out on the abdominal cavity, increased peristalsis can be harmful.

Rules for eating broccoli

In cooking, broccoli is used mainly in processed form. Raw cabbage is quite healthy, but it is difficult to wash it well, and besides, a slight bitterness remains in the taste:

  1. Most often, broccoli is boiled over medium heat for 3-5 minutes. At the same time, the maximum benefit is preserved in the cabbage, the bitterness goes away, and the inflorescences become soft in consistency.
    Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

    In cooking, the product is used mainly in boiled form.

  2. After boiling, the cabbage can be lightly fried. Inflorescences are placed in a pan with a small amount of oil and kept for only a couple of minutes. When serving, the inflorescences can be sprinkled with cheese or sprinkled with lemon juice, garnished with herbs, nuts or raisins.
    Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

    Very tasty dish – fried broccoli

  3. The benefits and harms of broccoli soup depend on the method of preparation. In the first dishes, cabbage inflorescences are recommended to be added already in finished processed form. The fact is that the broth from under vegetable inflorescences contains substances adenine and guanine that can damage the body.
    Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

    It is better to add broccoli to the soup already boiled.

Cabbage is not only boiled, but also steamed, stewed and baked. In all cases, a very short heat treatment is required – no longer than 5 minutes. Cabbage florets go well with most foods – cheese, eggs, meat, cream, vegetables and sour cream.

The use of broccoli in traditional medicine

Numerous useful properties of unusual cabbage make it a valuable medicinal product. Green inflorescences are used to treat many diseases.

Broccoli for diabetes

The composition of cabbage inflorescences contains a valuable substance sulforaphane. It is best known as an anti-cancer component, but sulforaphane has another useful property – the substance lowers blood glucose. You can eat cabbage inflorescences to maintain normal sugar levels.

The glycemic index of cabbage is only 15 units, so broccoli in diabetes is almost always allowed. Use it in boiled form no more than 200 g per day.

Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

Vegetable is used to normalize sugar levels in diabetes

For the intestine

Cabbage inflorescences contain a large amount of fiber. Eating boiled broccoli is very useful for constipation – the product enhances peristalsis and helps normalize stools.

To get rid of problems with bowel movements, it is enough to introduce vegetable inflorescences into your diet on a weekly basis. With constipation, cabbage has a mild but powerful effect, usually already on the second day, and with regular use of inflorescences, problems with stool disappear.

Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

The product helps relieve constipation


Unlike other types of cabbage, broccoli contains very few purines in its composition and is therefore approved for use in gout. Against the background of the use of vegetables, uric acid does not accumulate in the joints, on the contrary, unusual cabbage helps to remove harmful salts from the body and alleviate the condition. Inflorescences are used for medicinal purposes after a short boil, broccoli juice also benefits, it can be drunk in the amount of 1-2 glasses a day.

Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

Broccoli florets and juice can be used for gout

For the liver

Broccoli can be used to treat liver diseases. The beneficial properties of cabbage inflorescences prevent the deposition of excess fat and improve the digestibility of incoming food. Broccoli removes toxins from the body and thereby facilitates the work of the liver, contributing to its recovery.

Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

The product helps cleanse the liver of harmful substances

With hemorrhoids

An unpleasant disease occurs mainly with a lack of mobility and against the background of malnutrition. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, not only drugs, but also diet play an important role. Food should be rich in dietary fiber and soft enough – under these conditions, bowel movement will occur easily, and hemorrhoids will recede.

Broccoli inflorescences contain a lot of fiber, and the structure of the vegetable after boiling is very soft and easy to digest. Therefore, it is simply necessary to include inflorescences in the diet for hemorrhoids, the product has a therapeutic effect. In addition, vitamins and trace elements of broccoli improve blood composition and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which also helps to cure hemorrhoids.

Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

With hemorrhoids, it is very useful to include a vegetable in the diet.

Can pregnant women eat broccoli

The composition of cabbage inflorescences contains many B vitamins, therefore, during the period of bearing a child, the product is highly recommended for use. Folic acid in inflorescences has a positive effect on the fetus and contributes to the proper formation of the baby’s nervous system. Ascorbic acid in the composition of the vegetable strengthens the immunity of a pregnant woman and protects her from viruses and colds.

Broccoli rarely causes nausea during pregnancy, and in the later stages it helps to fight constipation. Before use, cabbage must be boiled – fresh inflorescences can be poisoned in unfortunate circumstances, besides, boiled cabbage is better absorbed by the body.

When breastfeeding, you can return the product to the diet as early as 5 weeks after birth. The product rarely causes negative reactions in infants.

Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition

For pregnant women, the product helps to avoid constipation


The benefits and harms of broccoli are closely related to each other. In order for cabbage inflorescences to have a beneficial effect on the body, it is necessary to use them in small dosages and after proper processing.

The best cabbage Broccoli. Live healthy! 15.10.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX

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