Broccoli Batavia F1: variety description, photos and reviews

Broccoli Batavia is a Dutch hybrid, which is characterized by a good presentation of the fruit, excellent taste. Suitable for spring and autumn harvest. It is resistant to high temperature and fusarium. In order for the yield of the hybrid to correspond to the declared one, it is necessary to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for planting and further care.

Broccoli Batavia F1: variety description, photos and reviews

Broccoli Batavia is suitable for open and closed ground

Description and characteristics of broccoli Batavia F1

The hybrid is characterized by medium-sized bushes, the height of which reaches 0,7-0,8 m. Plants are characterized by an accelerated growth rate. The vegetative period of Batavia broccoli is 60-65 days, so this species is ideal for getting an early harvest.

The heads are rounded, dense, dark green in color. The average weight of each ranges from 0,8-1,2 kg. Batavia broccoli inflorescences are fine-grained, easily separated. After cutting the main crop, the plant forms lateral forks weighing up to 200 g.


This hybrid belongs to the category of early. The first fruits can be cut two months after germination. The yield of broccoli Batavia is 4 kg per 1 square. m.

Important! The hydride is suitable for industrial and private cultivation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Broccoli Batavia, as noted by gardeners, has many advantages. But the hybrid also has certain disadvantages that cannot be ignored.

Broccoli Batavia F1: variety description, photos and reviews

The variety needs good illumination of the bushes.

The main advantages of Batavia:

  • accelerated pace of development;
  • high content of useful components;
  • good presentation;
  • excellent taste;
  • Fusarium resistance;
  • low susceptibility to high temperature;
  • high yield.


  • protection from pests is necessary;
  • needs regular watering and fertilizing;
  • demanding on the composition of the soil.

Features of landing

Batavia broccoli can be grown in seedlings and direct sowing in the ground. Each of these methods has certain features that you need to familiarize yourself with in advance.

When to plant Batavia broccoli seedlings

When planting Batavia broccoli for seedlings, fruiting can be accelerated by two weeks. However, in this case, it is necessary to sow in advance at home. To do this, you will need to prepare wide containers, the height of which will be at least 10 cm. They must have drainage holes to remove excess water.

It is also necessary to prepare a nutrient substrate. It should include sod, sand, humus and leafy soil in the same proportion.

A few days before planting, pour the ground with Fitosporin solution, and then dry it slightly.

Batavia broccoli seeds, immediately before planting, are recommended to be soaked in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes, and then rinsed with plain water. After that, they need to be slightly dried until a characteristic flowability appears.

Important! For sowing, seeds that have sunk to the bottom during soaking are suitable.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Fill container with substrate.
  2. Water it generously and wait until the moisture is absorbed.
  3. Level and compact the surface.
  4. Spread the seeds at a distance of 1 cm from each other.
  5. Sprinkle them with a layer of earth 1 cm thick.
  6. Moisten the surface with a spray bottle.

After planting, the container must be covered with a film or glass and transferred to a dark place with a temperature of + 20-23 ° C. Every day, crops must be ventilated and the collected condensate removed. And after the emergence of seedlings, the container must be transferred to a bright window sill and the content regime should be reduced to + 18 ° C.

Broccoli Batavia F1: variety description, photos and reviews

Batavia broccoli seeds germinate in 5-7 days

Hybrid seedlings do not require complex care. It is recommended to water the seedlings moderately as the topsoil dries up. And when they are well strengthened, they need to be adapted to external conditions and the shelter completely removed.

At the stage of 2-3 real leaves, Batavia cabbage must be dived into separate cups to build up the root system. Ten days after this, you need to carry out the first top dressing with mineral fertilizer, which should include boron and molybdenum.

It is recommended to plant seedlings in a permanent place in early May, when the soil warms up enough. By this time, the seedlings should grow 4-5 true leaves. The recommended landing pattern is 30 by 50 cm.

Sowing in open ground

When sowing in open ground, it is necessary to prepare a bed at least two weeks in advance. To do this, dig it up, add 10 kg of humus and 200 g of wood ash for each square. m. After that, carefully level the surface.

For planting Batavia broccoli, prepare holes 1 cm deep at a distance of 30 cm, and maintaining a distance of 50 cm between rows. They need to be watered abundantly, and then put three seeds in each. After that, sprinkle with earth and cover the area with agrofiber. And when shoots appear, remove the shelter and water the garden bed abundantly by sprinkling.

Features of care

Broccoli Batavia does not require complex care. For successful cultivation of the hybrid, it is necessary to regularly water the cabbage. It is recommended to do this in the evening. The frequency of moisturizing 1-2 times a week, depending on weather conditions. In this case, the wetting of the soil should be 5-10 cm.

As the seedlings grow, they need to be hilled up; this will allow the plants to develop a powerful root system. It is also recommended to regularly weed until the bushes close together.

The accelerated development of Batavia broccoli requires sufficient nutrients in the soil. Therefore, it is recommended to fertilize the hybrid three times per season. The first time feeding is recommended ten days after planting the seedlings in a permanent place. During this period, you can use chicken manure 1:10 or mullein 1:15.

Subsequent times you need to feed the hybrid every 14 days. The second time fertilize the cabbage with nitroammophos at the rate of 30 g per bucket of water, and the third time with superphosphate 40 g and potassium sulfide 25 g per the same volume of liquid.

Important! It is recommended to pour at least 0,5 liters of nutrient solution under each Batavia bush.
Broccoli Batavia F1: variety description, photos and reviews

Top dressing should be carried out with moist soil

Broccoli Batavia needs protection from pests. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to spray cabbage with garlic solution weekly, and use insecticides if signs of damage appear.

Harvesting and storage of crops

It is recommended to collect the fruits of Batavia in the morning in dry weather. At the same time, it is important not to delay the timing so that the broccoli does not bloom. Otherwise, the taste of the vegetable deteriorates. It is necessary to cut off the forks with a 10 cm long tuft. It is recommended to store the harvested crop at a temperature of +2 ° C and a humidity of 60%. The retention period under such conditions is three weeks.


Batavia broccoli is one of the most sought-after early varieties, as it can produce high yields with minimal care. In addition, the vegetable has a rich chemical composition, therefore it is in demand in dietary nutrition. And the accelerated rate of development of the hybrid makes it possible to obtain, if desired, two crops per season.

Reviews of gardeners about broccoli Batavia F1

Maria Gerasimova, Podolsk
I am growing broccoli Batavia for the second season, but I think I will continue to plant this hybrid in the future. I like it for a good presentation of fruits with densely spaced inflorescences. They have an excellent taste and retain it after cooking, freezing. This species does not require complex care, and easily tolerates heat.
Svetlana Ostapova, Kaluga
Broccoli Batavia grew for the first time last season and was pleasantly surprised. The fruits grew dense, large, but at the same time their inflorescences were easily separated. The taste of cabbage is excellent. The yield is high. After cutting the main forks, the bushes formed fairly large lateral inflorescences.
Broccoli. Hybrid Batavia. Harvest 2020.

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