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We often hear about the importance of calcium in the diet in relation to children and people who are experiencing increased physical activity or poor nutrition …
Meanwhile, few people know that calcium is no less important for women at a certain age who are going through a period of hormonal changes. Let’s figure it out!
Unfortunately, not all women have a detailed idea of what happens to the body during the period of age-related hormonal changes. In addition to the well-known signs of menopause (gradual fading of the cycle and reproductive functions in general, hot flashes, irritability and mood swings, increased fatigue), other, less noticeable changes occur in the body.
For example, during menopause, the rate of biochemical reactions in the body slows down, including the inhibition of the metabolic process. In particular, the absorption of calcium may deteriorate, and it will begin to be flushed out of the body faster.
Keep in mind that not only age-related changes, but also a diet that is too rich in proteins, excessive coffee craving and some bad habits can aggravate this process and contribute to the rapid removal of calcium from the body.
In order for all this not to lead to undesirable consequences – osteoporosis (increased fragility of bones), osteomalacia (softening of bones) or other symptoms of calcium deficiency (problems with the cardiovascular system, the appearance of muscle cramps and spasms, brittle nails), it is important to constantly carry out prevention possible calcium deficiency in the body.
To do this, it would be beneficial in the first place to include calcium-rich foods in your daily diet. These are fermented milk products (especially natural yogurt without additives), soft cheeses (mozzarella, tofu), fatty fish and legumes.
It is imperative to eat foods rich in calcium in combination with foods with a sufficient content of vitamins C and D. These are bell peppers, broccoli, citrus fruits, zucchini, potatoes and fatty fish liver – one of the best sources of vitamin D.
In addition, you should definitely consult with a specialist doctor about the need to take additional calcium, in the form of dietary supplements. In many cases, this can help prevent the risk of calcium deficiency or being flushed out of the body too quickly.
Calcium supplements can be taken in any convenient form, such as modern effervescent tablets. The effervescent form is preferable in that it is better absorbed by the body (compared to the usual tablets) and reduces the risk of a negative reaction from the gastrointestinal tract.
An excellent example of an effervescent calcium is
So remember: the main thing is not to let age-related changes take you by surprise! A well-planned diet, timely medical supervision and timely prescribed nutritional supplements help to pass each age stage calmly and with dignity!