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The UK variant of the coronavirus is becoming dominant in many countries. It has already been detected in 75 countries, including Poland. According to information obtained from the Ministry of Health, eight cases were diagnosed in our country by February 9. According to prof. Krzysztof Pyrcio, this strain is responsible for many more infections.

  1. The UK variant of the coronavirus is 40-80% more contagious. from the basic variant
  2. It was first detected in British Kent in September 2020.
  3. Official data from the Ministry of Health show eight cases of B.1.1.7 infections. in Poland
  4. Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć, who leads the research to check the scale of the presence of this virus in our country, says that the variant is responsible for 5-10 percent. infections.
  5. You can find more up-to-date information on the coronavirus on the Onet homepage

The UK variant of the coronavirus has appeared in 75 countries

The first case of the British variant coronavirus (also known as B.1.1.7) was discovered on September 20 in Kent in south-east England, another one a day later near London. So far, it has appeared in 75 countries. Most cases – over 46 thousand. – recorded in the UK Britain, as well as Denmark, France, the Netherlands and the USA. It is believed that its infectivity is 40-80% higher. from the basic variant of SARS-CoV-2.

According to epidemiologists, it will become the dominant variant in many countries in just a few weeks. In France, at the beginning of January, it was 3,2 percent. infections, at the end of the month it was already 10 percent. The latest data show a weekly increase in infections in this country at the level of 60%.

  1. UK Coronavirus Variant – Five Things You Need to Know

It’s spreading just as quickly in the United States. The number of new cases doubles every 10 days.

British variant of the coronavirus in Poland – officially eight cases

The British strain has also been present in Poland for a month now. The first case was discovered on January 21 in Małopolska. How many infections have there been so far? According to information we received from the Ministry of Health on February 9, “we are currently diagnosed with eight cases of coronavirus in the British variant”.

What does this mean for us?

– We know that the British variant is more infectious and will tend to dominate as usual in such cases. In the case of viruses, it is just the case that when a more infectious variant appears, it pushes the previous variant to the sidelines. So it’s a matter of time when the British variant will dominate our country – explains prof. Robert Flisiak from the Polish Epidemiological Society.

– We had a similar situation last spring, when the Chinese variant was dominated by the Italian variant. And this was not talked about then, because it did not have such a practical significance, because there were no vaccines or drugs, so it was not a problem. Does the British variant have any practical significance? Only that there is only an argument to vaccinate as soon as possible – adds prof. Flisiak.

  1. Coronavirus in Poland. Should restaurants be open?

The British variant is not the only one found in Poland. However, it is not about the more infectious South African or Brazilian strains, but … Czech.

“In the context of SARS-CoV-2 variants in Poland, at least two variants were found in the meaning of the mutation pattern in the S gene provided by ECDC (the so-called” Czech “with the characteristic mutation N439K and the British one with the characteristic mutation N501Y) and strains with various mutations significant not assigned to the pattern of specific variants »- we read in the information from the Ministry of Health.

In Poland, the British variant is responsible for 5-10 percent. cases

As for the British variant, the situation is presented slightly differently from the Ministry of Health by Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć from the Małopolska Center of Biotechnology of the Jagiellonian University. Pyrć is leading the research, which started at the end of January, to investigate the scale of the presence of the B.1.1.7 strain in our country.

Medonet: What can we already say about the presence of the British variant of the coronavirus in Poland?

Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć: That is. And it accounts for 5-10 percent. all cases. The remaining VOC (“variant of concern”) variants from South Africa and South America have not been identified so far. At the moment, we have conducted a quick screening of samples collected from teachers as part of a nationwide survey and we base our conclusions on this. On the other hand, other units, such as the National Institute of Public Health, the University of Gdańsk or companies, such as genXone, are also active in this field and generate the necessary data.

  1. Virologist on the new coronavirus mutation: it’s no wonder [EXPLAINED]

Can we already draw any conclusions about the bitrate with us?

Based on epidemiological analyzes, it is suggested that the transmissivity is higher. Undoubtedly, the information about the emergence of a given variant and the dynamics of its spread are key signals for epidemiologists and decision-makers. It should be taken into account that this may also affect the situation in Poland, but it is debatable how big this effect will be. We are always rigorous to prevent the virus from spreading freely. In the coming weeks we will see if the existing dam will be enough to stop this tide. It should be remembered that the sudden outbreak of the epidemic, including in the British Isles is not only the result of the emergence of a new variant, but rather the resultant of several factors, ranging from the virus itself, through factors beyond our control, such as weather or temperature, to factors completely dependent on us, such as social contacts and compliance with the rules of the regime sanitary.

So in the face of the new tribe, we should behave the same as before?

At the moment, we have scientific data. Recently, virology has turned into pop science. Something that previously ended up in reviews and corrections in scientific journals now ends up – without much explanation – in the headlines of daily newspapers and needlessly heat up the situation. From the point of view of a normal person, the principles we have been talking about since the beginning of the pandemic should be followed. If the cases of the British variant continue to increase and it actually prevails and we see dangerous shifts in dynamics, then further action will have to be taken.

  1. Mutation, variant, strain, variant of the coronavirus. Can these terms be used interchangeably? [WE EXPLAIN]

We don’t have to worry about the effectiveness of vaccines used in Poland?

As for the British variant, the effectiveness of the vaccines is not in doubt. There is concern about a South African strain trying to elude our immune system.

For the time being, most vaccines will be fine, but survivors, for example, may be more likely to fall ill again. Remember, however, that our immune system is an extremely complex mechanism, and even when the virus tries to escape, we have a whole defense arsenal at our disposal. If a replication-capable variant emerges in a convalescent or vaccinated person, our immune system is likely to suppress it so that severe disease does not develop.

Read also:

  1. In France, many more infections, but fewer deaths than in Poland. Why do we have such a high mortality?
  2. Nine arguments to convince skeptics to vaccinate
  3. The British variant of the virus mutated again. What does it mean?

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