British university opens course to train sex workers

Progress does not stand still: new professions appear, and sex is becoming less and less a taboo topic. Working in the sex industry, judging by social networks, is also of interest to young people. One of the universities in Britain analyzed all these trends and launched a new course for students who want to provide sex services. What came of it?


Teachers at Durham University in the UK have discovered that some of their students have started working in the sex industry. The students themselves talked about this on their social networks, in particular, on TikTok.

The student union decided that if young people had chosen such a “profession”, they should be protected as much as possible. In this regard, a course was launched, the purpose of which is to inform about the risks of working in this area.

The university management supported this initiative, believing that such classes will allow students to make the right choice. “We categorically do not encourage sex work, but we strive to support our students,” the school said.

The first session of the course was held online via Zoom.

There were a lot of people who wanted to attend the lecture.

Nevertheless, Michelle Donelan, Minister of State for Universities, denounced the idea of ​​Durham University. She believes that one of the best universities in the country in this way only encourages an extremely dangerous field of activity.

Dounlan also noted the need to support women who have been sexually exploited. “I am deeply concerned that the university is legitimizing a dangerous industry that thrives on the exploitation of women. This course is aimed at normalizing the sale of sex, which has no place in our universities,” the minister stressed.

Durham Student Welfare and Liberation Officer John Graham disagreed with her. “Anyone who cares about the safety of students should support this training and study its actual content before making negative comments,” he said.

At the same time, Dawnlan did not deny that students facing problems should receive support from their educational institution. According to her, in 2020, the British government allocated an additional 85 million pounds sterling (8 Russian rubles) to universities for these needs.

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