Britain created flour to improve memory

British scientists from Loughborough University have created a unique flour that acts like an elixir for memory and allows people to get rid of age-related dementia over the years. The flour contains tempeh. This is a product that is made from the seeds of ordinary soybeans. It is widely used in Asia. It is well known here for tofu – a special soybean curd.

Tempeh contains a number of plant hormones (phytoestrogens) and vitamin B. They significantly improve memory in the elderly and relieve them of age-related dementia. The effect of flour on the body has already been tested in rodents. The scientists fed them the pace. And as a result, they got increased memorization rates and a minimum amount of special markers that are responsible for the appearance of dementia and amyloid plaques, localized in the brain in the elderly.

Scientists have noticed that in order to improve memory, people could eat temp in its pure form over the years. But it is too hard and requires intense work of the jaws, which is difficult for the elderly. Therefore, they created flour from tempeh, which is more convenient to use. Experts explain the effect of tempeh on the body as follows: cobalamin with folate contained in it has the ability to protect our brain. Thanks to this, it can work longer and retain a number of properties that are very important for health.

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