Bryoria Fremont (Bryoria fremontii)

Brioria Fremonta

Bryoria Fremont is an edible lichen. Belongs to the Parmelia family.

The species is found in Asia, Europe, Central and North America. The fungus grows on the branches and trunks of coniferous trees. Most often found in larch forests in well-lit areas.

It looks like a bushy lichen. The length of the thallus is 15-30 cm. The thallus is hanging down, has a brownish-reddish color, slightly shiny. May be olive brown.

The blades have 1,5 mm in ∅. can be of different thickness. Form – twisted, finely pitted.

Pseudocifellae are weakly expressed, have an elongated spindle shape. Color – pale or bright yellow. The width is the same as that of the branches on which they are located.

Apothecia are rare. They have 1-4 mm in ∅. Sorals and apothenia have vulpinic acid.

If you act on the crustal layer with elements C, K, KS (or a joint solution of KOH gi with a saturated aqueous solution of calcium hypochlorite) and P (this is a saturated aqueous solution of calcium hypochlorite), then the color of the lichen will not change.

Bushy lichen loves light. The method of reproduction is vegetative (using fragments and mediums).

The trend of changes in the abundance of the species and range has not yet been studied.

The distribution is affected by air pollution, deforestation and fires in them.

The fruticose lichen is under state protection due to the constant need to monitor the state of the species. It is included in the Red Book of the USSR and the Red Book of the RSFSR.


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