Bringing your child to the merry-go-round: what’s the point?

Riding ride: why kids love it

From an early age, rides fascinate. You can bring your child there from 18 months, but only if he claims it. And for good reason, the little ones can enjoy the show more from the edge than once on the merry-go-round.

These little attractions allow children to imitate adults and let their imaginations run wild. At the wheel of a truck, the toddler reproduces the gestures of his father or mother in the car. He is an actor while his parents watch him, the roles are reversed. It is a way for him to acquire symbolic power. While some children prefer to focus on the controls, others will love the slight sensation of spinning and loss of control inherent in the ride.

The merry-go-round, a learning activity for children

In addition to being entertaining, the rides allow children to confront certain fundamental learning. Thanks to these attractions, the little ones understand the cause and effect link : by pressing a button, the merry-go-round rises and goes down again when letting go. The child pilots his machine alone and exercises his fine motor skills. It also allows him to approach space from a new angle and in a more complex way, especially as the landscape swirls before his eyes. He loses his usual landmarks and has to differentiate between fixed and moving parts to find new landmarks. The merry-go-round is also effective in reducing separation anxiety, which appears between 8 and 12 months, but which can last over time. Here, the separation is smooth for the child. As soon as the merry-go-round starts, his mother disappears, but at each turn she reappears and gives him a small wave of the hand. This succession of appearances / disappearances allows him to verify that his mother still exists when she is out of his field of vision, and to anticipate their reunion.

The merry-go-round also allows children to confront social rules and regulations. The little one must absolutely respect the ban on standing up. He also learns to take others into account, to wait for a child to get off before taking his turn at the controls of the truck, without jostling.


Caprices or anger at the merry-go-round: how to manage small incidents?

Between excitement and apprehension, rides on the merry-go-round can sometimes degenerate. Some little ones start screaming as soon as their vehicle starts. For its first turn, you will be allowed to climb onto the platform next to your child, while they become familiar with the sudden loss of their spatial references. If despite everything, he does not seem to like it, it is because he is still too young. You might as well wait before trying the adventure again. Your child may also refuse to have a little friend sit behind him. Do not talk to him about sharing his craft, but about taking passengers, which can enrich his scenario. Explain to him that the boyfriend will be reassured to be led by him. Presented as such, he will be flattered to take a younger child under his wing. Sometimes it is the opposite situation: he systematically wants to settle in an already occupied machine. In fact, observing the pleasure of the child who is there increases his desire tenfold, so that’s where he wants to be. In addition, the presence of another child reassures him. As long as he doesn’t covet the same seat as the little fellow, there is no problem. The merry-go-round is also a place of socialization.

Another recurring case: children refusing to leave the merry-go-round. To avoid this situation, it is better to anticipate. When you arrive, tell your child how many laps they will be doing. At each turn, count it down with him and let him know at the start of the last lap: after that, it’s over, we go home. If he refuses to get off his rocket, grab him and take him out yourself, you will discuss afterwards, when the merry-go-round can restart without him.

Finally, there may be a merry-go-round on your daily commute. Impossible to pass in front without him claiming. Keep in mind that you don’t have to give in every day: too systematic pleasure loses its flavor. Here too, we must anticipate. Tell him: “We are going to pass in front of the merry-go-round, today you can watch, but you do not go up. If you don’t make a fuss, tomorrow I’ll give you two tours ”. If he manages to walk past without complaining, praise him.

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