- Muscle group: Adductor
- Type of exercise: Isolation
- Additional muscles: Thighs, Buttocks
- Type of exercise: Power
- Equipment: The Simulator
- Level of difficulty: Beginner

The legs in the simulator technique exercises:
- Sit in a simulator for adductors and select desired weight. Place your feet on the stand, grasp the arm. The upper torso still. This will be your initial position.
- On the exhale, bring the feet.
- Pause for a moment, straining the muscles on the inhale return to starting position. Tip: to avoid injuries to the lumbar or back, ensure that the upper body remained motionless. Avoid sudden movements or jerks.
- Complete the required number of repetitions.
exercises for the legs
- Muscle group: Adductor
- Type of exercise: Isolation
- Additional muscles: Thighs, Buttocks
- Type of exercise: Power
- Equipment: The Simulator
- Level of difficulty: Beginner