briefly about dress code and behavior

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Business etiquette is undoubtedly one of the main components of a successful business. This unspoken set of rules is on the same level as professionalism, experience, and literacy. Ignorance of etiquette, if it does not completely shut the door to the world of business, will greatly complicate this path. What are these rules?

Business etiquette: briefly about the main

“They meet by their clothes…” – this also works in the business environment. The appearance speaks of status, success, and accuracy. Neat in clothes is a must in business. The business suit has been around for centuries.

In the old days, it was possible to determine the profession of a person by it, uniforms were often practiced. The dress code has become an integral part of corporate ethics.

briefly about dress code and behavior

The rules are not as strict as they used to be. But office style presupposes restraint, good quality fabrics (this allows you to always look neat), elegance of accessories, which, however, should not be abundant. The color scheme is not necessarily black and white, but in calm, sustained tones.

It is better to choose classic shoes. The bag is preferable in the form of a travel bag, tablet or briefcase. It will hold all your business papers and fit your style. You cannot carry two bags, for example a clutch and a briefcase.

Important: business style does not allow short skirts, deep necklines, bright makeup, catchy jewelry, or anything that can distract the partner’s attention.

“Time is money”

This is the second important rule of business etiquette. A business person is obliged to value his own and other people’s time. Punctuality, commitment, accuracy – these qualities will not allow you to be late for a meeting, or “pour water” in negotiations.


Competent speech and the ability to express one’s thoughts briefly and clearly are the essential qualities of a businessman. Structured speech allows you to clearly and accurately express your thoughts and the essence of the problem, which means it saves time.

Respect for the interlocutor, the ability to conduct a conversation, speak correctly and clearly, listen to a partner – will ensure mutual understanding in negotiations and help make the necessary decisions.


This, figuratively speaking, is one of the components of the inner world of the employee, his ability to respond promptly, without fuss, to the remarks and wishes of the manager. Order on the desktop means order in thoughts, and the ability to build a plan of action.

Business gestures

Business etiquette recognizes only one gesture – a handshake. It should be simple and short, without shaking hands and without delay. Recommended: do not tap the pen on the table, do not wave your arms, do not swing your leg, do not fuss, keep calm and dignified.

An experienced psychologist can always determine the mood of a person and even his intentions by gestures or movements. It is also recommended to pay attention to facial expressions, although they are much more difficult to control.

In business etiquette, in contrast to secular etiquette, the priority is subordination, not gender or age.

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