Brief description of the 4 main types of temperament in psychology and one universal

Good day to all! Temperament is given to us by nature, and we are not able to change it, the only thing we can do is to understand about the features, then it will be easier to live. There will be fewer claims to loved ones, to oneself, and sometimes to children, who often, due to temperament, are not able to sit very quietly for a long time. And today I will talk about the most ancient Hippocratic typology about 4 types of temperament, which is already two thousand years old, but it does not lose its uniqueness.

About the theory

Hippocrates himself had an interesting theory that a person behaves in any situations depending on which liquid prevails in him. For example, if there is a lot of lymph — then this indicates balance, yellow bile — then such a person is usually very impulsive. It happens that blood predominates, which adds cheerfulness and activity, but black bile, on the contrary, tends to cause depressive states when a person gets stuck on living sadness. But once Ivan Pavlov slightly modernized the Hippocratic typology, emphasizing that temperament is closely related to the nervous system, which is innate, proving once again that we cannot change temperament.



Brief description of the 4 main types of temperament in psychology and one universal

a brief description of

Very active, it is sometimes difficult for them to sit still for half an hour. Routine and monotony is terrifying. Therefore, they try to fill their lives with vivid impressions and events. They travel, attend exhibitions, concerts, whatever, where there are people and where they can be in the spotlight. People with this type make excellent speakers, they may well lead the crowd, because their irrepressible energy simply attracts. In addition, they find a common language with almost any person, and are often able to resolve the most protracted conflicts, and even more so to find a compromise. Due to their sociability, they have a large number of friends, but sometimes their personal life does not add up, because they are very fickle and crave diversity.


Speech is fast and distinct, usually full of gestures and vivid facial expressions. They have a high level of adaptability, that is, they adapt very quickly and easily to any conditions. It is customary to call them optimists and cheerful people, this is because, according to Pavlov, they have a very high degree of excitement, and the inhibition threshold, on the contrary, is low. They sometimes perceive this world illusoryly, not noticing reality, hence the belief in beauty and goodness. Feelings can quickly replace each other, but if a sanguine person told you about his, for example, hatred, do not despair, because usually their emotions are unstable and do not differ in depth.

Regarding emotionality, I would like to add that you should not be wary if you are hugged or kissed at a meeting, sanguine people are very expressive and do not like to hide their emotions. This is especially good if you will always know how such a person treats you, without expecting a dirty trick behind your back.

Working capacity

Excellent and active workers, but only until they get bored with their activity, if it is monotonous or requires perseverance and a long wait for results. In this case, they feel bored and exhausted. But in case of failures, they do not give up, but on the contrary, they gain strength and move on, sometimes it seems that nothing can break them. The desire to diversify their everyday life also affects their appearance, they are ready to take risks and try on different images, just to see something new in the reflection.


Their willpower requires very active attention, because in the modern world, in order to achieve something, it is important to be able to wait, and when they take up work, they do not always bring it to the end. Difficulties may arise in a career, because the authorities will not be able to trust large projects, but only rely on a quick win and a bright presentation. In addition, due to the illusory perception of the world, they also cannot really evaluate themselves, sometimes exaggerating their capabilities. From which they can very often be disappointed, because they failed to initially measure their strengths and resources. It’s good that they know how to quickly recover and rush back into battle, but if you initially calculate your capabilities, then life will become much easier.


Brief description of the 4 main types of temperament in psychology and one universal

a brief description of

Just like sanguine people, excellent speakers, very active and active, resolve conflicts and disputes of any complexity. But about the work — they are ready to take on an impossible task and bring the matter to the end. The main feature is imbalance, that is, absolutely all mental processes in them occur very quickly and intensively. Because of what they are very active, mobile and cannot always control their actions. That is, if according to Pavlov, then excitation of the nervous system prevails over inhibition. Therefore, choleric people are sometimes very irritable, they can be rude, because it is difficult to restrain their emotions, and their mood changes very often. Too pronounced gestures and facial expressions may be alarming, but this is also due to impulsiveness and restraint.


Unlike the sanguine, who is loved by those around him for his positivity and sociability, choleric people can sometimes repel and injure with their irascibility and harshness. Create conflict situations. Being in the same team is sometimes very uncomfortable with them.

Working capacity

Given the willingness to take on tasks of any complexity, the choleric person in the process of completing them may well lose his “combat” enthusiasm, which is why he loses interest and enthusiasm. In this case, he should recover, rest. And then he will be able to boldly continue to «turn mountains.» But as leaders, they are wonderful, because they are fair, they know how to organize the work process and be responsible for their actions.


But in a love relationship with them it is difficult, because the partner is perceived as their property. Periodically, for no reason, they are jealous and encroach on the freedom of action of the chosen one. But they are very amorous, and quickly get used to, become attached to another person. But due to imbalance, aggressiveness, there will often be scandals and quarrels in relations with such a partner.


It is important for them to learn to control themselves, slow down and wait. So, before making any decision or expressing your point of view to another, especially in a rude form, mentally count to 10, take a couple of breaths, and only then start speaking and acting. This is in short. But I recommend starting to practice meditation, with the help of which you will learn to contemplate and deliberately approach the solution of issues. How to do this, you can read in this article.

Phlegmatic person

Brief description of the 4 main types of temperament in psychology and one universal

a brief description of

That’s who, and phlegmatic people know how to realistically assess the surrounding reality. Soberly look at the situation and slowly, deliberately and calmly approach the solution of issues. And no matter how monotonous and difficult the work is, they will definitely complete it. Endurance and calmness are the main features of his character, since mental processes proceed very slowly. Because of this, he expresses emotions extremely rarely, and very weakly, keeping mostly calm. Phlegmatic is almost impossible to piss off, even in a stressful situation, he will show composure and poise.


In life, they prefer to «go with the flow», without showing excessive activity. But if you met a person for whom feelings arose, then he will make every effort to achieve reciprocity. Very reliable partners, both in friendship and in marriage. It is very difficult for them to adapt and adapt, so any changes in their habitual habits can cause tremendous stress. And given that the phlegmatic rarely shows his feelings and gives vent to emotions, this can affect his physical health.


Before letting another person close to them, they will look closely for a very long time, so they have not so few friends. But they don’t need much, because they like to spend their free time at home, alone with themselves or with a loved one.

Working capacity

They can perform painstaking work indefinitely, in addition, they usually have a good memory, capturing and remembering details and large amounts of information. Due to the fact that due to restraint in emotions, they have more developed attentiveness and concentration.


It is important to learn how to manage your energy in order to stay in good shape, otherwise, due to lethargy and a weak reaction to external stimuli, they can become lazy, sometimes without a sense of joy and pleasure from life, without having pronounced desires and aspirations. In this case, I recommend reading my article «10 methods for managing and increasing energy».


Brief description of the 4 main types of temperament in psychology and one universal

a brief description of

Melancholics have the slowest mental processes, the level of reaction to external stimuli is quite insignificant, so they are very slow and passive. Some prolonged stress can cause a desire to stop the activity, because they are very vulnerable. They may not show their feelings and emotions, especially as actively as choleric people. But at the same time, the level of depth of living sometimes exceeds their capabilities, therefore, if they feel melancholy and sadness, then for a long time, often living through depression. It is believed that a greater percentage of people who commit suicide are melancholic. And all because they hold back their emotions, they are mostly pessimistic and all attention is directed deep into themselves. This accumulates irritation and aggression, which is difficult to direct outward, then they deploy active actions in relation to themselves.


Not sociable, as the new person causes too much anxiety, embarrassment and awkwardness. Sometimes they can even react very slowly to some events. But, interestingly, they can choose a completely opposite sanguine as a partner, having a subconscious desire to be led and admiring his activity.

Working capacity

The psychology of such people is that, due to pessimism and vulnerability, they are very difficult to live through failures that grow more and more complexes and take away the desire to act and try. From which the desire to feel sorry for yourself grows even more, and thoughts arise about the injustice of this world, in which there is nothing good.


Melancholics should learn to recognize their desires, and especially start taking risks. To do this, try to declare to others about yourself, do not close. Get to know this world, discover something new, be interested in it, travel and try yourself in different roles. Try to do some kind of sport, it will help to be in a circle of people with similar interests and raise self-esteem. You can also read my article on how to believe in yourself, here at this link.


Brief description of the 4 main types of temperament in psychology and one universal

Completely «pure» species do not exist, usually there is a characteristic of several types that prevails in human reactions and activities. But there are times when 25% of each type is combined in one person, who in this case is called a tetravert.

How to determine your type?

If you read the characteristics, but could not understand what prevails more, then there are many different methods with which you can easily determine your affiliation. The most popular is the Eysenck test. There are also various projective techniques, where you will be offered options for the development of events in any stressful situation. You can take all these tests online, there are enough resources on the Internet with automatic calculation.


That’s all, dear readers! Knowledge of psychotypes greatly simplifies life, because knowing your weaknesses and features, you will know in which direction you should move. What you need to pay attention to and what to rely on in case of difficult and unforeseen situations. You will better understand how to set up a workflow so that all mechanisms work smoothly and without interruptions. Add the article to your social media. network, I will be pleased that you share it, and you will not forget what is written in the article. See you soon.

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