Sweets help us cope with a bad mood: eating a chocolate bar when we’re sad, a cake when it’s not going well at work or in our personal life, a greasy dinner when the day was especially hard. We run away from problems to the refrigerator and get even more upset when we step on the scales.
How to stop delighting yourself solely with food?
Remove temptation from sight
Everything that is in front of your eyes will be eaten in moments of weak willpower. Do not give her such a chance and remove seeds, cookies, sweets, marshmallows and other high-calorie delicacies from the desktop, shelves, kitchen table. Store sweets in opaque jars in the closet, so that every time you need something, your eyes will not rest on the seductive wrapper.
Remove food from your computer
When you work, you are completely immersed in the process and completely do not notice how food disappears from the table. By the way, you can replace junk food with healthy snacks – so you will imperceptibly saturate your body without harming your figure. Fruits and vegetables cut into strips, nuts and dried fruits, savory curd snacks or low-fat cheese are useful.
Brush your teeth
Oddly enough, but effective – you don’t want to stain your clean teeth with greasy cream once again. By the way, just being distracted by cosmetic procedures or playing sports is also effective – you are unlikely to want to quickly negate the effort expended. In addition, such activities improve your mood.
Count to 10
Count to 10 before you send the forbidden bite into your mouth. You can just take a break or get distracted. If the thought of food haunts you after that, it is still better to satisfy it than to lash out with a vengeance later. But often the distraction works great – the desire to eat is immediately forgotten.
Look for ways to calm yourself.
Praise yourself more often and stop self-criticism. Making mistakes, quarreling with loved ones, being imperfect is characteristic of each of us. If you notice such depressed moods in yourself, think over a plan in advance with what you can please yourself in such moments. Walking, shopping, cooking, cross-stitching, dancing, listening to music, talking to friends. Even just lying in silence, calmness and loneliness helps a lot!
Recall that earlier we told you which foods can easily ruin your mood, and also advised which ones, on the contrary, should be eaten to improve your mood.
Be healthy!