Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

There are many breeds of chickens, but the broiler deserves special attention. Broilers are a special breed that has been bred specifically for meat gain with low feed intake. Many believe that this breed is unhealthy in terms of consumption, however, broilers are absolutely safe in terms of the chemical composition of the meat. The bird of this breed is distinguished by its mass of meat, rapid weight gain and fairly simple cultivation. It is worth considering this breed in more detail.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

What are broilers for?

Broilers are a breed of chickens that is focused on a quick weight gain, meat, at lower feed costs. This breed is oriented, first of all, but compensation of expenses in the balance of money spent and chicken meat received. That is, balancing the investment with the result. Despite the fact that it is the breed of chickens that is usually called broilers, other bred breeds of animals, and not just birds, are called by the same name.

Broiler is the name of the breed, which is divided into several subspecies, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics, both genetically and externally. The bird can also lay eggs and hatch chickens, like standard bird species, however, having already become a chick, the bird differs sharply in the rate of development due to breed modification.

How were received

Hunger, lack of meat, eggs and other products forced the states to breed more profitable breeds of chickens, which, at the same cost, can carry more productive benefits, that is, meat. Before selective testing, there was always the question of what would be more profitable from a chicken and from a new breed – more eggs or more meat. The choice fell on meat, as this product is more versatile. Until the beginning of the 30s to the 60s, hybridization of breeds did not lead to satisfactory results, and only closer to the beginning of the 90s, successful genetic pairs made it possible to isolate the most productive breeds of chickens, the hybrids of which made it possible to breed a modern broiler.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

Hybridization was based on obtaining more meat and sub-products (feather). Approved hybrid breeds have become a way out of the meat shortage situation. Contrary to the opinion that the crossing of breeds of chickens led to the appearance of meat dangerous to health, this opinion is fundamentally erroneous.

The broiler is absolutely safe to eat cooked, while being beneficial in terms of mass production and rearing.

Types of broiler chickens – photo and description

The breed of chickens “broiler” has several subspecies. And since hybridization was carried out by several countries, several groups are distinguished with subgroups divided not only by the breeds of chickens themselves, but also by the geography of their breeding and selection tests. It is worth considering in more detail the most relevant breeds.

Domestic selection

Below is a list with known breeds of broiler chickens, which were bred in the Federation and on the territory of the former USSR countries.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home


COBB-500 is a breed of broiler chicken that has been bred from many other genomes:

  • Cornish – hydride, bred by English experts;
  • Plymutroka – a hybrid bred by American breeders;
  • Kuchino jubilee chicken;
  • Rhode Island chicken;
  • Zagorsk salmon chicken;
  • New Hampshire chicken;
  • Breed Pantsirevsky;
  • Pervomaisky breed.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

Characteristic features of KOBB-500 broilers:

  • Powerful meat structure of the carcass of the breed;
  • Big chickens;
  • Wider chest and neck than standard breeds
  • Powerful wings and legs (due to which the breed is physically stronger);
  • Only white feathers;
  • In chickens, the beak is more developed and more powerful;
  • Less developed scallops are pale red.

The breed is gaining maximum weight by the 40th day, due to which it is appreciated by farmers who breed birds only in the summer.


Despite the fact that the breed was officially ranked among the Soviet ones, it was first bred in England. This breed of broiler chickens has the following distinctive features:

  • This breed always has only white plumage, birds with excellent colors are culled;
  • The crest is straight and red, the beak is small, the head is also small;
  • The pectoral muscle is large, and the neck is small;
  • The torso is positioned horizontally, the abdomen is large;
  • The plumage is one-color, dense, without breaks;
  • The skin is white, the color is uniform;
  • The wings are small, the tail is shorter, although the coccygeal part of the carcass is larger;
  • Paws are thick, fleshy;

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

External exceptional features of the breed of broiler chickens ROSS-308:

  • Thighs and lower legs have a large fleshy mass;
  • The back of the carcass is wide;
  • The neck is very short;
  • Metatarsus large, yellow, widely spaced.

The breed of chickens is characterized by precocity and unpretentious care. The average weight of a chicken is 3,5 kg. Of these, the share of pure meat is 75%.


This bird is bred not only in terms of increasing the mass of meat, but also the number of eggs, which is especially important. Advantages:

  • Brings a lot of meat;
  • Amazing egg production.

Rules for growing broiler poultry:

  • A full-fledged meat broiler is obtained from a chicken on the 150-180th day;
  • A quality egg-laying broiler is obtained from a chicken also on the 180th day;
  • To obtain a combined variety (both meat and egg-laying), old chickens are slaughtered, and new ones are grown up to 180 days, everything that does not go for meat before this day is considered to be the maximum egg-laying.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

Characteristics of broilers ROSS-708:

  • Since it was bred for the most part from dwarf counterparts, the broiler carcass is more squat, the chickens, although fleshy, are short-legged;
  • The legs are short, but powerful and fleshy;
  • The plumage is exclusively white;
  • The comb is even, bright red;
  • The beak is more massive, strong and large;
  • The earlobes are exactly the same color as the comb.

Quickly gaining weight, has a white skin color, uniform color.


A very interesting variety of broilers, which has both pros and cons. Among the advantages are:

  • Very high productivity in terms of meat – after 45-50 days, a chicken carcass reaches a weight of 3 kg, and a rooster 5 kg;
  • Requires simple care and conditions for breeding;
  • 94-98% chick survival;
  • The maximum concentration of meat on the shins and breast, which is a big plus;
  • The products are clean, quickly bought up, and therefore paid off;
  • The best balance of investments and end products at the output.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home


  • This cross of chickens consumes food constantly, therefore feeding must be constant;
  • High-quality feed is required, the need for selection is justified by the quality of the meat;
  • In the chicken coop, the temperature and humidity level must be observed for maximum weight gain by chickens;
  • To hatch chickens, a special incubator with special conditions for keeping eggs is required;
  • Water should always be clean and at a certain temperature.

This cross is not suitable for beginner farmers, but for professionals, it will be almost the best choice for getting the maximum amount of quality meat.


This is a fairly young variety of broiler chickens, bred in Our Country in 2006.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

Briefly about birds:

  • Plumage color – white;
  • The average weight of a chicken is 2,5 kg, a rooster is 3 kg;
  • Carries about 170 eggs per year;
  • On average, an egg weighs 60-65 grams;
  • Eggshell – white;
  • Productive in terms of meat – good.
  • The average cost of a young chicken is 70 rubles.

The disadvantage of the cross is that the weight of 1,5-1,8 kg reaches only after 1,5-2 months, which is quite a long time, alternative breeds weigh 2 times more by the 40th day, if properly fed before slaughter.


Cornish is a natural broiler, the selection of which took place almost naturally. Initially it was fighting, especially in India. Over time, the instincts of aggression decreased, and the mass of the carcass increased significantly. Cross Pros:

  • Excellent taste qualities;
  • A lot of meat;
  • Excellent egg production;
  • large chickens;
  • Unpretentious care;
  • Does not require a complex cell.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

When breeding, breeders tried to create a chicken with fighting qualities that could protect the chickens without human intervention. However, a very flexible laying hen was bred, which quickly gains weight and lays a lot of eggs. External signs:

  • Color fawn-black, fawn-white, white.
  • Scallop pink-red;
  • Time to set the optimal weight – 2 months;
  • Chicks are large, with a caring mother hen, they have a high survival rate.

First of all, it is valued for the taste of meat, and only then for its quantity. This balance makes the Cornish the most popular mass-raised chicken for marketing. Compound feed for birds is suitable for almost any.


This is a meat and egg cross, which was bred on the territory of the Federation. The variety is popular, unpretentious in care, has a lot of meat, which has a delicate taste.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

Brief description of chickens:

  • The color of hens and roosters is white;
  • The average carcass weight is 1,8-2 kg;
  • About 170 eggs per year;
  • The average egg weight is 60;
  • The percentage of hatching of chickens in an incubator is 95%;
  • The average cost of a chicken is 70 rubles.

Derived from such analogues as White Plymouthrock and Cornish. In general, an excellent broiler for both beginner farmers and professionals working in the marketing of finished products. Requires a lot of water every day. The economy is not whimsical cross.


Very beautiful broilers, which are easily identified by the color of the feathers.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

Short description:

  • Color tricolor – white, black, brown;
  • Chicken weight – 4 kg, rooster – 5 kg;
  • Carries about 250 eggs per year;
  • The average egg weight is 60 g;
  • The color of the egg shell is brown;
  • The percentage of hatchability of chickens in an incubator is 98%;
  • The cost of young stock is 60 rubles per young chicken.

This is a very profitable chicken, it is the most meaty, while it carries a lot of eggs (almost 40% more than all of the above. But there are special nuances and conditions for breeding it that must be observed. More suitable for professional farmers.


Another productive bird in terms of meat.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

Key Features:

  • Color – blue, black, red, red;
  • The weight of an adult chicken is 4 kg, a rooster is 5 kg;
  • Carries about 120 eggs per year;
  • The average egg weight is 55-58 kg;
  • The egg shell is brown or white;
  • Egg hatchability in incubator conditions: 95%;
  • The cost of an adult carcass is 70 rubles.

Cross-country chickens are interesting, first of all, with meat, which is plentiful. And in terms of egg production, it is less profitable than the types described above. Suitable for beginners and more experienced farmers.


A meat variety of broilers, which is also bred in the Federation.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

Short description:

  • Color is always white;
  • Weight 1,5-1,8 kg whole carcass;
  • Carries about 150 eggs per year;
  • Egg weight about 60 g;
  • The percentage of hatchability at the incubation content is 95%;
  • Meat productivity is very good;
  • The average price of a chicken is 70 rubles per chicken.

An excellent variety for breeding with little experience in farming.


Cross is a balance between meat and egg-bearing species.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

Short description:

  • Broilers are always white, the crest is bright, red;
  • The average weight of a chicken is 3 kg, a rooster is 2,5 kg.
  • Carries an average of 140 eggs per year;
  • The egg weight is about 60 g;
  • Incubation hatchability as a percentage – 95%
  • Efficacy in meat and eggs is good;
  • The average cost of a chicken is 600 rubles.

Chicken is expensive, but its efficiency is higher, while it is not demanding on care and maintenance, which is also a plus.


This is a very meaty broiler cross that, when growing rapidly, produces an incredible mass of clean meat and eggs. Although it is a meat-and-egg type of chicken, it is valued primarily for the weight of the meat.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

Short description:

  • The color of the feather is white, the tuft is pale red;
  • Chicken weight – 5 kg, rooster weight – 6 kg;
  • Lays 200 eggs a year;
  • Productivity in the balance of meat and eggs is very good;
  • The hatchability percentage in incubators is 98%.

This is an ideal cross for those who want to breed chickens in large quantities, with a large sales volume of both meat and eggs. At the same time, the average price of a chicken is only 50 rubles. It has almost no disadvantages. When slaughtered, it gives a lot of meat, they also rush well.

Foreign selection

Not only domestic crosses, but also foreign ones can boast of productive selection.


The selection was made in England. Cross is profitable for both meat and eggs. Consumers pay special attention to the tenderness of meat and taste.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

Katko about cross:

  • The meat is tender, there is a lot of it, there are also enough eggs in the annual count;
  • Chicks eat normal feed, grow quickly and gain weight;
  • They perfectly adapt to different climates, can successfully endure even cold winters;
  • The hens fledge noticeably faster than the roosters of this cross;
  • Very massive chest;
  • The dwarfism gene is excluded from the genome of this chicken, because the carcass weight can reach as much as 7 kg;
  • A carcass body weight of 2 kg can be achieved as early as 5 weeks;
  • Excellent survivability.

This is a great cross for both beginner farmers and professionals.

Arbor Acres

Arbor is a XNUMX% meat broiler that is valued for its meat. In terms of eggs, it is not particularly beneficial.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

Briefly about the cross:

  • Plumage – white;
  • Chicken carcass weight – 4,5, rooster – 5,5 kg;
  • Lays 120 eggs a year;
  • Hatchability of eggs in incubators – 99%;
  • Efficiency in meat mass is very good;
  • The price for a chicken is 50 rubles.

This variety is close in performance to the cross Cobb 500. At the age of 2 months, you can slaughter for meat.

Master Gris

This is a great cross that gives a lot of eggs, but even more eggs.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

Briefly about the cross:

  • Color mottled, silvery black;
  • Chicken weight – 4 kg, rooster – 6 kg;
  • Eggs are 300 per year (a very large figure);
  • Egg weight on average 60 g;
  • Hatchability during incubation growth – 90%;
  • Meat efficiency is very good;
  • The average price in the world market for a chicken is 1400 rubles.

Yes, the bird is expensive and has less hatchability, but it carries 300 eggs a year, and this more than compensates for the costs.

Foxy Chick

Also a good cross, which is considered both meat and egg.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

Briefly about the type of broilers:

  • Color – red, yellow, orange;
  • Chicken weight – 4 kg, rooster weight – 6 kg;
  • Carries 200-250 eggs per year;
  • Egg weight about 65 g;
  • 100% hatchable in incubators under the right conditions;
  • Broiler meat efficiency – maximum;
  • The price for young animals is 450 rubles.

A very profitable variety of chickens for breeding, especially due to large eggs, which is important for mass hatching. In addition, there is really a lot of meat in the chicken.

Sasso XL 551

French broiler, which is positioned as meat.

Breeds of broilers: description, selection, selection of the best for breeding at home

Briefly about the cross:

  • Color – red, black, yellow, red;
  • Chicken weight – 4 kg, rooster – 5 kg;
  • Carries 120 eggs per year;
  • Egg weight – 58 g;
  • Hatchability in incubator conditions – 95%;
  • Efficiency in meat is good;
  • The price per unit of young stock is 70 rubles.

An excellent variety of imported selection. It pays for itself well, has a delicate taste of meat.

What breeds are better and larger

In terms of meat from domestic species, Hubbard is best suited, and from imported breeding samples for meat, Foxy Chick will be more profitable.

The largest broiler

One of the largest broilers cannot be determined, since a lot depends on the conditions of detention. But due to the absence of the dwarfing gene, it is fashionable to grow the largest bird from the ISA F15 cross.

Growing broilers at home

Growing broilers at home is a whole science. There are simpler types that do not require special care. There are more picky ones. It all depends on the experience of the farmer and his budget for the construction of aviaries, chicken coops and incubators.

Which breed is better

It is impossible to name the best cross. Each of them is unique in its properties and has individual benefits. Some are cheaper, some are tastier, some give more meat or eggs. It all depends on the scale and for what it is planned to grow a bird.

Broilers that grow best are those that are properly cared for. If we consider this issue in terms of the speed of gaining maximum mass, then the ISA F15 would be the best choice. However, the bird is expensive, and if we consider a cheaper analogue, it is worth paying attention to the Hubbard of domestic output. The same goes for meat.

In a private yard, it is better to use Sasso XL 551 or the domestic Tricolor. The counterpart is cheaper and easier to grow, but business with European poultry will be more expensive, but its meat is also tastier. The same applies to weight gain with the right food and conditions.

Selection recommendations are always based on the farmer’s budget and experience. If there is little experience, it is better to start with domestic crosses of a cheap category.

Where is the best place to grow broilers?

Pros and cons of broiler breeding


  • Always eat meat;
  • There are always eggs;
  • Finished raw materials can always be sold;
  • Chickens are not whimsical, especially in small farming;
  • The meat is tasty and safe to eat.


  • It is necessary to have and increase experience in breeding;
  • It is important to understand how birds grow and what they lack;
  • Maintenance and procurement costs (although they pay off with the right approach).

Peculiarities of growing

The broiler requires care and feed, everything must be verified. Some species need a certain amount of moisture, others individual food, and others need much more water in their diet. Each variety has its own characteristics both in care and as a result of the raw materials obtained.


Diseases of chickens are often caused by improper care, but cases associated with parasites are also frequent. To protect your pets from illnesses, it is important to select the right food, clean water and monitor the cleanliness of the chicken coop.

Recommendations for home raising broilers

Growing broilers at home is easy enough if you have at least a little experience in this. However, it is important to pay maximum attention to the construction of the chicken coop, incubators, food system and drinking bowls. It is important to understand that broiler breeding is difficult, but pays off. They need to be dealt with daily and tirelessly. Only then can you achieve maximum results and benefits.

Growing Broilers / Broiler Growing Guide


Oleg Sharmashev

I have been breeding for a long time, now I have switched to Foxy Chick, I am very pleased. They grow quickly, gain weight steadily, pay off perfectly. I recommend.

Irina Lugovaya

She started farming with cross-country ROSS-708. The chickens are unpretentious, fleshy, the meat is tasty, there are also enough eggs. The main thing is to build everything you need correctly, it is better to start small and cheaper, and after gaining experience, move on to more expensive and meat.

Sergey Vinokurov

I am engaged in broilers for the first time, before that there were simple chickens. Breeding is simple, I started with COBB-500. Cheap, delicious, not expensive. Recommended for beginner poultry farmers!

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