Breeding quail hens at home
Egg quails carry an average of 250 to 290 eggs per year. For a family of 4 people, 10 females are enough to fully provide themselves with useful eggs. Let’s find out how to breed and keep quails at home so they run well.
Laying quail breeds for breeding at home
At home, a laying quail is capable of laying for five to six days, after which there is a break of one or two days. In the first year of keeping, the female gives the greatest number of eggs, in the second year her productivity decreases, but she is still able to lay. After three years, the laying hen completely ceases to lay eggs and must be replaced.
Quail breeding can be done at home.
Among the egg breeds, the most valuable are:
- Japanese. Oviposition in females begins at the age of 35-40 days. For a year, a laying hen is capable of carrying up to 320 eggs. In the second year, poultry productivity is halved;
- English white. Egg production is at a high level, up to 280 eggs per year for one layer;
- Manchu golden. Egg weight – up to 15 g, and carcasses – about 200 g. The breed is used not only for obtaining eggs, but also for meat. Average egg production – 260 pcs. in year.
These breeds are distinguished by their unpretentious maintenance and economy. For one adult, feed consumption is up to 100 g per day.
Young quails are kept in a brooder, where a comfortable temperature and humidity are maintained. The floor in the box should be mesh so that the legs of the quail do not part. In the first week after birth, the chicks need warmth, so the temperature should not drop below +35 degrees. Over the next 14 days, the temperature is reduced to +30 degrees, they do it gradually.
Lighting in the cage is one of the most important factors in quail breeding. In the first 14 days, the light should be on constantly, after which it is turned off every 4 hours for 60 minutes. At the age of 1,5 months, the quails are switched to a day mode with lighting for 12 hours. As soon as puberty sets in, layers are transferred to round-the-clock lighting. This allows you to double the egg production.
Adult birds are kept in cages in pairs: for one male – 3-4 females. In a dry and well-ventilated room – at a temperature of +25 degrees.
Feeding laying quails at home
Quail feeding is organized in such a way that the bird does not overeat. The diet must necessarily contain greens, vegetables, vegetable oils, sprouted grains and compound feed for layers. Once a week, it will not hurt to add small fish or bone meal, chalk to the mash. The birds are fed at the same time, two to three times a day, while the daily dose is divided equally between feedings.
Young animals in the first days of life are fed according to the scheme:
- boiled quail eggs, crushed together with the shell;
- 2 g of low-fat cottage cheese per head;
- chopped greens.
On the fifth day, the number of eggs in the mash is reduced by increasing the dose of cottage cheese and herbs. By the 14th day, the quail is transferred to compound feed. Young animals are fed four to five times a day.
It is possible to keep laying quails in small cages that will fit in a city apartment. Correct feeding and a clear regimen will make the bird productive and healthy. Be sure to listen to the advice, then breeding and feeding quails at home will not be difficult.