Breeding ostriches at home: where to start
Breeding ostriches at home is an interesting and rather profitable activity. These large birds provide a wide variety of raw materials. But at the same time, they do not require special care.
Where to start breeding ostriches
Before you start breeding ostriches, you need to think about where and how you will do it. After all, these are not the usual chickens or ducks, they require special conditions.
Therefore, to begin with, you should:
- buy or rent a large plot of land that is well lit by the sun and protected from the wind;
- build the necessary premises and corrals;
- purchase compound feed and equipment for the production of green feed;
- purchase heating devices and incubators.
You should also decide on the method of keeping birds, choosing the most suitable one. With intensive breeding, birds are kept in a small area, and all their needs are provided by humans. This method is fine if you don’t have a lot of pasture or live in a fairly cold climate.
The extensive method implies that the living conditions of birds are closest to natural ones. It is great for warm climates and helps save on feed costs.
Semi-Intensive combines the previous two methods and can be a good choice for beginner poultry growers. It is also suitable for growing ostriches in areas with harsh winters.
When everything you need to keep ostriches is ready, you can buy birds. As a rule, several monthly chicks, as well as adult females and a male, are immediately acquired.
General rules for breeding ostriches
A complete diet plays an important role in the raising of ostriches. The health of birds depends on it.
Food for ostriches is best prepared with your own hands. The diet must include cereals – barley, oats, sunflowers, soybeans, corn. Also, the menu should contain a variety of fruits and vegetables, except for potatoes and parsley. Green forage made from nettle, clover, alfalfa and quinoa are no less important in the nutrition of these birds. In winter, they can be replaced with hay or silage. If self-preparation of feed causes difficulties, you should purchase a special compound feed.
Ostrich care has some features:
- birds should walk in open areas under supervision;
- chicks can be released into the street only after they reach 3-4 months;
- even in winter, in the absence of severe frosts, birds should walk in the fresh air;
- it is necessary to ensure that rodents do not get into the enclosure to the ostriches: they can cause serious diseases;
- you need to clean the pens every day;
- regular vaccinations should be carried out.
In addition, it is important to systematically disinfect the house and place sick ostriches in a quarantine room.
Despite the fact that breeding ostriches is an exotic type of poultry farming, it is simple and quite interesting. With proper care and maintenance, ostriches will be healthy and active.