Kalina Buldenezh (Viburnum Boule de Neige) is the result of the work of French breeders. At the time of flowering, the bush strikes the imagination with beauty and elegance, which has become the reason for the enormous popularity of the plant. Many gardeners are interested in how Buldenezh viburnum can be propagated, since it does not form seeds and is not found in the wild.

Optimal timing

Since the seed method is not available for the propagation of viburnum Buldenezh, only vegetative methods are used – cuttings, creating layering, dividing the bush. Each of them is used at a certain time of the year. According to the advice of professionals, layering is done in April and May to obtain new plants, cuttings are taken in spring or summer, and in autumn reproduction is carried out by dividing the bush.

Breeding methods viburnum bulldenezh

Buldenezh means “snowball” in French.

How to multiply viburnum buldenezh

As a result of selection work, a sterile form of viburnum was created, which does not pollinate, does not form berries and seeds. The easiest way to propagate viburnum Buldenezh is by layering. It does not injure the mother plant, does not require much time. An adult seedling with a well-developed root system is obtained in the fall or next spring.

Cuttings are a more labor-intensive process of reproduction, requiring compliance with the terms, rules and conditions of rooting. Planting material for this method is harvested specially or obtained after formative pruning of bushes. It will take two to three years to grow a full-fledged seedling.

Reproduction of viburnum Buldenezh by dividing the bush is the most traumatic and time-consuming method. It does not give a XNUMX% guarantee of survival, plants do not tolerate transplantation.

If in the process of growing a shrub near the base a shoot has formed, it can be carefully dug up and transplanted to a new place. Reproduction by shoots gives a good result only if the root system is sufficiently developed and not disturbed during transplantation.

How to propagate viburnum bulldenezh cuttings in spring, summer

Despite the fact that grafting is the most time-consuming of all methods of viburnum propagation, it is used more often than others. For this purpose, different planting material is used – green or lignified cuttings.

How to cut viburnum buldenezh in summer, spring

To obtain new seedlings, you need to choose high-quality planting material. Use lignified or green cuttings. The first is received in the spring, the second – in the summer.

For propagation of decorative viburnum Buldenezh with lignified cuttings in late April – early May, parts of branches up to 10 cm long, with bark, are cut. It should be whole, even, without signs of disease, damage and fractures. The presence of rot or white bloom is unacceptable. The cuttings are cut so that each of them has two internodes.

In summer, scheduled pruning of bushes is carried out in order to form a crown. It is during this period that green cuttings are harvested for propagation. They are taken from shoots that are no more than a year old. Choose only healthy, not damaged, with no signs of wilting and drying of the foliage.

Breeding methods viburnum bulldenezh

Above the upper internode, the cut is made diagonally, and under the lower one – straight

How to root cuttings of viburnum bulldenezh

In order to speed up root formation, Buldenezh viburnum cuttings are immersed in water with the addition of heteroauxin (100 mg per 1 liter) and kept in a growth stimulator solution from 6 to 10 hours.

Important! When using a chemical preparation, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use.

For planting cuttings, a substrate is prepared, consisting of three components (sand, humus and soddy soil), taken in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. All components are thoroughly mixed and filled with soil mixture in pots or containers with a depth of at least 10 cm.

Cuttings can be planted in open ground, after preparing the site for this. It is freed from debris, dug up, all the necessary components are added to the soil, and the surface is leveled. Planting material for propagation is planted in a row with an interval of 15 cm or one at a time in a container. The cuttings are buried in the soil up to the first bud at an angle of 60⁰. The soil is slightly compacted, watered. In autumn, after rooting, the seedlings are transferred to a permanent place.

In summer green cuttings, the lower leaves are removed before planting, and the rest are shortened by half. For the winter, they are securely covered with spruce branches and foliage, and with the onset of spring they are transplanted to a permanent place.

The video will help you to get acquainted in more detail with how cuttings of viburnum Buldenezh are carried out in the summer:

Kalina Buldonezh. Reproduction.

Planting cuttings of viburnum buldenezh in open ground

Before planting viburnum Buldenezh seedlings, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate place for them. The shrub does not like intense lighting throughout the day. The fall of direct sunlight on the foliage ends with their twisting and drying. Too shaded place leads to a reduction in flowering time and stretching of shoots. Kalina Buldenezh feels great near a pond, in a light, lacy penumbra. The soil should be breathable, loose, without stagnant water and waterlogging. The optimal composition is loam or sandy loam with an acidity of 6 units.

Important! To normalize the pH, slaked lime or dolomite flour is used, spending 500 g of the substance per square meter.

If the soil is not fertile enough, add peat, compost, humus and mineral fertilizers. You can mix 500 g of wood ash, 200 g of nitrophoska and three buckets of humus.

For planting cuttings of viburnum Buldenezh act according to the scheme:

  1. Holes are made, the volume of which is twice the size of an earthen coma of a rooted plant.
  2. Drainage from crushed stone, broken brick and expanded clay is laid at the bottom.
  3. The previously prepared soil mixture is poured on top.
  4. The seedling is set in the center of the pit, its roots are straightened.
  5. Completely fill the hole with soil.
  6. Form a roller around the perimeter.
  7. Plentifully watered with warm, settled water.
  8. Mulch the surface with foliage, bark and peat.

It is very easy to breed viburnum Buldenezh with cuttings if you fulfill all the conditions and requirements for planting. Already in the next season, the shrub begins to vegetate and bloom quickly.


Further care for viburnum Buldenezh seedlings obtained by one of the propagation methods consists in watering, timely feeding, pruning, protection from diseases and pests. After breeding by cuttings and obtaining new plants, each of them requires regular watering. Water consumption is 30-40 liters for an adult bush and about 15 liters for a young one.

Breeding methods viburnum bulldenezh

In the fall, moisture-charging watering is carried out to prevent freezing of the roots in winter.

Top dressing is carried out in the summer until the second decade of August. Organic matter and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied. Annual pruning is carried out after flowering. The bushes are given a well-groomed appearance, forming a crown. In autumn, it is thinned out, damaged and diseased shoots are removed. In the spring, when plants are attacked by leaf beetles, bark beetles, moths, aphids and cruciferous fleas, the crown is treated with an insecticide solution or an infusion of ash with the addition of laundry soap.

Reproduction of viburnum bulldenezh layering

Kalina Buldenezh reproduces not only by cuttings, but also by layering. The method is applied in the spring, before flowering. They act according to the algorithm:

  1. Dig a small hole near the bush.
  2. Fill it with humus, add nitrogen fertilizer.
  3. Choose a long run.
  4. Put it in the prepared hole.
  5. Fix with staples.
  6. Cover with soil, lightly tamp.
  7. Abundantly watered.

After two years, layering gives a good increase. At this point, it is separated from the mother plant, dug up and transplanted.

Reproduction by layering gives a high percentage of survival, does not require special care, the plant receives nutrients from the main bush.

Breeding methods viburnum bulldenezh

The first time the plant will bloom after two to three years

Breed division multiplication

One of the easiest ways to propagate viburnum Buldenezh is to divide the bush. From one mother plant, you can get several full-fledged seedlings. This breeding method is used for viburnum, which is at least five years old, its root system is developed, the crown is without signs of disease.

The division is carried out in early spring or late autumn. Carefully dig, shake off or wash the earth from the roots with water. After inspection, they decide how many parts to divide the uterine bush. They are guided by the rule – each of the “delenok” should contain developed roots, several shoots and live buds. If it is impossible to divide into parts with your hands, use a knife, pruner or shovel. To prevent decay, the cut sites are treated with charcoal or activated charcoal, after which new plants are planted in prepared pits in compliance with all the rules. Within a week, care should be taken to shade them so that they do not get burned.

Important! Plants will take root faster if, after planting, they are watered with Kornevin’s solution.
Breeding methods viburnum bulldenezh

Propagation by dividing the bush should not be used if the mother plant is very large.

Recommendations and common mistakes

In order for the reproduction of viburnum to give the expected result, it is worth listening to some advice from professionals:

  1. Sufficient illumination of viburnum ensures its abundant flowering.
  2. Heavy soil needs to be diluted with sand or peat.
  3. At the end of flowering, not only dry and damaged shoots are removed, but also wilted inflorescences.
  4. To enhance bud formation, carbamide granules are introduced into the soil.
  5. When propagated by layering, shallow cuts are made on the bark of each of them to accelerate root formation.
  6. For more lush flowering next year, fresh growth is pinched in July.

Very often, gardeners follow all the rules for breeding viburnum, but years pass, and it does not bloom. The cause may be excessive deepening of the root collar, excessive moisture, too much light or shading of the crown, fungal diseases and macronutrient deficiencies. After the elimination of these causes, viburnum Buldenezh begins to bloom profusely every year.


To get a lot of beautiful plants, you can propagate viburnum Buldenezh using one of the proposed vegetative methods. They are easy to perform, with strict observance of the rules give a good result. With the help of new seedlings, in just a couple of years, the garden changes beyond recognition, looks more comfortable and spectacular.

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