
If there is a king among the cheeses, then it can only be brie. This title product has been proudly carrying for over 200 for years. Until that time, Brie was the favorite food of kings. He was adored by Charlemagne, Philip II Augustus, Louis XVI, Queen Margot and the English monarch Henry IV.

Monarch’s favorite cheese

Brie is a French product from the group of soft cheeses with mold. Like Camembert, it is made from cow’s milk, and some analogues are made from goat’s or sheep’s. But in any case, use whole milk. This famous French cheese comes from the province of Brie. No one undertakes to say how and when the first head of this product appeared, but it is known for certain that already in the XNUMXth century the French greatly appreciated this delicacy.

In spite of the fact that today brie is produced all over the world, the product made in France is considered the most “correct”. Moreover, the special certificate of the French government went to only two types: Brie de Meaux (Brie de Maus) and Brie de Melun (Bri de Meulen). There is still a third variety – Brie de Culomiere, but lately this product is more often spoken of as a separate sort of cheese.

Brie de Meaux is a delicate cheese with a creamy texture and creamy taste. From above it is covered with white mold, on which red specks may appear. Brie de Melun is less popular than, de Meaux. Recognizable by solid texture, strong smell and salty taste. Although between them there are some gastronomic differences, but both types of cheese are made from one product – whole milk, heated to 37 degrees Celsius. But the method of thickening both species is slightly different. In the case of Brie de Meaux, rennet is used, under the influence of which the dairy product coagulates within half an hour. For Brie de Melun take lactic acid bacteria, under the influence of which the folding process is delayed for 18 hours. The resulting mixture is then placed in a mold, salted and left to age for 3-4 weeks. It is believed that Brie de Meaux is the “father” of all currently known varieties of this cheese. They say that it was him who tried Charlemagne in 774.

The legend says that the king of the Franks treated the delicacy of the monks of the monastery of Rueil-en-Brie. The monarch liked the product so much that he wanted it so that the delicacy was regularly delivered to him directly to the castle in Aachen. Appreciated this cheese and King Philip II August. And it is not known how the life of Louis XVI would change if it were not for Brie. Running away from the revolutionaries, he lingered to taste the brie with red wine. For the meal and caught him.

The glory of this cheese still many centuries ago went beyond the borders of France. English King Henry IV first tried this delicacy during dinner with his wife Margarita de Valois (queen Margot) in France in the castle of Mo. Then he fell in love with brie forever. Rumor has it that since that evening the queen had always told her husband to serve brie for dinner. And not just like that. Previously, the king preferred to dine with his favorite Gabriel d’Estre, but brie cheese changed everything in the royal family.

If in earlier times Brie was the cheese of kings, in the XIX century he himself won the royal title. This happened after the first competition for the most delicious cheese was held in France. More than 60 product varieties, including from England, Holland, Italy, Switzerland, participated in the competition. But won, you guessed it, brie.

Gastronomic characteristics

This kind of cheese is made in the form of discs, the diameter of which is 30-50 cm, and the thickness 3-5 cm. Some manufacturers make the heads taller, but the thicker the ring of brie, the worse it matures. Large heads are most often over-ripe at the edges, and unripe inside. The fact that the cheese has not yet ripened, indicates the white flesh of the product. Good cheese inside should be a delicate straw color with a grayish tint. The crust of a good brie is firm, covered with velvety white mold, and the flesh is very tender, sweet-salty and melts at room temperature.

The taste of the delicacy is gentle and pleasant, albeit with a faint smell of ammonia. The mildewed crust has a more pungent smell, but at the same time it has almost no taste. Gourmets love brie for rich aroma. In the mature product, mushroom and nut notes are captured, which are almost impossible to find in young cheeses. By the way, the younger Brie, the more delicate his taste and aroma. Mature and thin heads usually taste tangy.

How to make royal cheese

As already mentioned, the basis for brie is cow’s milk. The original recipe uses whole, although in some countries, analogues of the delicacy are made from pasteurized. To produce one product head (with a classic diameter of 35 cm), 20 liters of milk heated to 37 degrees are needed. Rennet is added to it. After coagulation, lumps of cheese mass are traditionally transferred to marble forms. At this stage, the French use a special perforated scoop (in France it is called – scoop for brie). After 18 hours, the cheese is removed from the mold, salted well and treated with a special fungus Penicillium candidum. The fungus first creates a characteristic mold crust on the product, and then “penetrates” the pulp, making it more tender. The ripening process takes one to two months.

Nutritional characteristics and beneficial properties

A slice of French cheese provides the body with a large supply of energy. 100 g of product contains more than 330 kcal, which is almost 16% of the daily norm. But because of such a high energy value, the product should be consumed in small portions. The calorie content of brie is influenced not so much by carbohydrates (there are only 100 g of them in 0,5 g), but rather fats. Each 100-gram slice of the delicacy is almost 30 grams of fat, including 17 grams of saturated fat. But with them, brie also contains many useful unsaturated fatty acids. In addition, this cheese is a source of complete protein and supplies the body with all the essential amino acids.

Interestingly, this type of cheese contains minimal portions of lactose, although it belongs to the group of dairy products. Due to this, in small quantities it is suitable for people prone to food reactions to lactose. By consuming brie, a person provides himself with several vitamins at once, including from group B, A and D, which have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, the immune system, healthy bones, teeth, the condition of connective tissue, skin and hair. Thanks to this set of vitamins, the product is useful for vision, the nervous system, prevents insomnia and eliminates chronic fatigue. Brie is also a source of important minerals. Each slice of cheese is not only an amazing taste, but also reserves of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, which are indispensable for bone tissue. Brie contains zinc necessary for enzymatic activity, antioxidant substance selenium, as well as good reserves of copper and manganese.

Like other dairy products, brie contains a lot of protein, which is necessary for all body cells for proper formation and growth. But at the same time, the delicacy has its own unique advantages that cheese mold gives to it. Beneficial bacteria living in it are very useful for the digestive organs. The special chemical composition of the cheese mold also has a beneficial effect on the skin. In particular, this substance contributes to the production of melanin, which is not only responsible for skin color, but also an important factor in protecting against cancer. Regular use of brie will also help protect against ultraviolet radiation and prevent the occurrence of sunburn. Other research results indicate that French cheese is also very good for teeth, as it prevents tooth decay. The benefit of this product will undoubtedly be felt by people of old age, because the cheese mold prevents the risk of developing many cardio diseases.

Possible harm to cheese

If someone thinks that tasty and healthy brie cheese can be consumed in huge quantities, then he is deeply mistaken. This high-calorie and rather fatty product can be harmful to people with high cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension and obesity. The fat content of French cheese varies between 40-50%, and in every gram of fat there is 1 mg of cholesterol. Sometimes abuse of blue cheese can cause listeriosis or allergies. For this reason, nutritionists do not recommend it for children and pregnant women. It is also advisable to exclude blue cheese from the diet of people suffering from fungal diseases or allergies to penicillin. By the way, penicillin fungi contained in French cheese can sometimes cause dysbiosis and imbalance of the microflora in the intestines.

Brie is credited with products whose abuse can be dangerous.

What to combine and how to eat

Of the entire family of French brie cheese, the most versatile. It is suitable for sweet and salty dishes, for a solemn gourmet meal and for a snack “on the run.”

Culinary experts value this product for its rich aroma that will make any sauce perfect. This delicacy is combined with almost all food groups. It perfectly emphasizes the taste of meat and vegetables, it is good to combine it with nuts (especially walnuts) and berries (for example, strawberries or grapes). Of the fruit group with brie, wine apples, melons, pears, and figs are best “friends”. Soft French cheeses serve as an exquisite appetizer for white or red wines (Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Chateau Clarcke), and also complement sparkling drinks, especially champagne.

The unusual texture and shape of the brie in many people raises questions: “How to properly serve and eat bri? Is moldy cheese crust edible? ” Experts advise before serving briefly hold the brie warm, so that his flesh is slightly melted. As such, a brie bouquet reveals a full measure. There are cheese in two ways. If the head is still solid, then it is cut into slices-triangles and eaten with baguette, vegetables, other products or separately. The thawed delicacy is eaten with a spoon, choosing the flesh from the crust. As for the mold crust, it is not something you can, but you have to eat. Gourmets believe that it is hidden in her main highlight of brie cheese. And do not be afraid of possible poisoning with cheese mold – this is a special kind of regular fungi bred for this delicacy.

How to choose and store

The smell of ammonia is almost always a sign of overripe brie. Old product can also be found on the brown sticky crust. With a slight pressure on the overripe product, a fossa forms on it.

A cut brie head should not be stored longer than the 2-3 of the day. And to do this, of course, need in the refrigerator. It is believed that the whole head can be kept in the cold for up to six months, but the cheese connoisseurs say that the “life” of a real brie lasts exactly 84 of the day. Further, its gastronomic characteristics lose all their charm.

Several culinary ideas

Brie can be consumed as a standalone dish, and can be used to make cold snacks or hot delicacies. For example, tomatoes, garlic, basil, olive oil and brie cheese make an excellent spaghetti sauce.

And from boiled chicken, fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and slices of French cheese, you can prepare a delicious and healthy salad, which will serve with lemon juice and olive oil.

French culinary experts often bake brie in puff pastry – you get aromatic cheese buns. Lovers of original snacks can try baked brie. To do this, the cheese head must be cut in half, between your two halves put your favorite vegetables and herbs. Wrap “stuffed” cheese in foil and send for 1-3 minutes in the oven or microwave. No less interesting snack – sandwiches with brie. To do this, slices of baguette should be smeared with melted cheese, and on top lay slices of pears, apples or previously fried slices of figs. As you already understood, brie cheese lends itself to various culinary experiments.

Today, the cheese that kings once loved so much is available to almost everyone. So why not give yourself a truly royal dinner with delicious wine and brie cheese? Especially since the first and second products, used in reasonable quantities, are not only tasty, but also useful.

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