Breathing exercises for weight loss. Video
Recently, a system of breathing exercises aimed at losing weight has become increasingly popular among overweight people. One of the most popular areas is body flex. This system is very widespread all over the world, is simple to implement and has a large number of fans.
Breathing for weight loss
The fundamental principle of the bodyflex system is breathing. The final result will depend on how you can breathe correctly during specific exercises.
So, correct breathing in the first stage involves completely exhaling air from the lungs through the mouth. Then you should take a sharp breath through your nose. Inflate your belly very strongly as you inhale. Next, breathe out sharply with your mouth. In this case, the stomach must be drawn in as much as possible under the ribs. Lock in this state for eight seconds. At this time, you need to do the exercise. Then calmly inhale the air through your nose, remembering to swell your stomach as much as possible.
Such a respiratory system is strictly contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases.
Basic exercises for weight loss
Exercises to reduce the volume of the fat layer in the biceps area. Stand up straight. Bend your arms at the elbows, and bring the palms of your hands together at chest level. Breathe out a full breath, then inhale strongly, exhale deeply and hold your breath. While holding your breath, begin to press as hard as possible with your brought palms together. Hold this position for eight seconds. Loosen your arms and inhale air through your nose. Repeat 3 times.
If at the time of the breath-holding exercises you really wanted to breathe in air, then you are doing everything right
Take a deep breath. Exhale. While holding your breath, take both arms back and tense them. After eight seconds, relax your hands and take a deep breath. Do three repetitions.
The next exercise is aimed at reducing the volume in the hips. Stand up straight. Hold your hands on the back of the chair. The left leg is straight and laid back. The toe is bent. Perform a breathing complex. Straining your toe, slowly lift your leg up. You should feel tension in your thigh area. Do the exercise three times. Repeat the same with the right leg.
Exercise to reduce the volume at the waist. Sit in a chair. The back is straight. Perform a breathing complex. While holding your breath, raise your left hand and, turning your torso, turn to the right side. In this case, the pelvis must remain motionless.
When doing this exercise, you should feel the muscle tension in the waist area.
Repeat three times. Next, do the same with your right hand.
This is the main set of exercises for simple breathing exercises for weight loss. In addition to this system on the Internet, you can get acquainted with video tutorials in which additional complexes of breathing exercises such as yoga and Taoist breathing, ibuki breathing are presented.
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