This system of exercises was proposed by I.B. Temkin, O.A. Sheinberg and P.I. Anikeev.
Hatha yoga with Olga Bulanova. Pranayama.
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European version of breathing exercises
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Therapeutic breathing exercises are mastered in three stages. When performing each exercise, it is important to mentally imagine the nature of the movement, its connection with breathing and the pace of execution. The system of exercises should not be considered as something mandatory and unchanging: after a phased solid mastering, these exercises can be included separately in morning exercises, in other independent physical education classes, they can be performed during walks and, of course, during work breaks.
Pranayama: breathing exercises from yogis.
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When mastering gymnastics, practice outdoors or on a balcony, in a bedroom with an open window and, if possible, alone. Practice every day, better for 20 minutes every day than for an hour 2 times a week. The clothes are soft, loose, not restricting movements. Music is not required, rather than rhythmic music, Chopin or Tchaikovsky will help to relax and switch.
The development of the first stage usually requires 10-12 independent lessons with a gradual increase in the duration of the exercises. With the help of an experienced physical therapy methodologist, you can master everything three times faster.
At first — static breathing exercises (lying on your back, side, sitting and standing):
1. Rhythmic nasal breathing with a closed mouth at the usual pace (duration 30-60 seconds).
2. The same with a mental count of the number of inhalations and exhalations through the nose in 15-30-60 s.
3. Rhythmic breathing through one nostril with the other nostril clamped by hand, alternately 3-4 times (30-60 s).
4. Abdominal breathing. Trying to keep the chest motionless, while inhaling, they protrude the front wall of the abdomen as much as possible, especially its lower part. During exhalation, the abdominal wall is vigorously drawn in. For visual control of the correctness of movements, the hands are on the chest and abdomen (4-8-12 times).
5. Chest breathing. Trying to keep the front wall of the abdomen motionless, while inhaling, expand the chest as much as possible. When exhaling, the chest is vigorously compressed. Breathe through your nose. For control, the hands are located on the sides of the chest (4-8-12 times).
6. Full breath. During inhalation, the chest is expanded with a simultaneous protrusion of the anterior wall of the abdomen. Exhalation begins with a vigorous retraction of the abdominal wall and subsequent contraction of the chest. Breathe through your nose. For control, one hand is on the chest, the other on the stomach (4-8-12 times).
7. Exercise in an arbitrary slowing of the rhythm of breathing and its simultaneous deepening. Breathe through the nose (30-60-120 s).
After performing a static exercise — dynamic an exercise. Namely, this is uniform nasal breathing combined with walking at a slow pace (in place or in motion). It can be carried out in the form of an imitation of walking from the initial positions lying or sitting. Exhalation is somewhat longer than inhalation, both phases are performed for a certain number of steps (60-120-180 s).
At the first stage, one had to consistently learn static breathing exercises in order to consciously master the mechanism of breathing and the ability to control it. The second stage provides for the use of static breathing exercises of the first stage and additional static exercises, as well as dynamic exercises. At this stage, special attention is paid to the ability to arbitrarily change the rhythm, pace and amplitude of respiratory movements. To master it, it usually takes 10-12 independent lessons with a gradual increase in the duration of the exercises.
Again, at the beginning static breathing exercises (lying on your back, side, sitting and standing):
1. Uniform breathing with inhalation through the nose and jerky, in 2-3 doses, exhalation through the mouth (3-6 times).
2. Uniform breathing with inhalation through the nose and extended exhalation through the mouth with the pronunciation of vowels or consonants (3-6 times).
3. Way of breathing with oncoming movements. During inhalation, the chest expands and the abdomen retracts; during exhalation, the chest contracts and the abdomen protrudes. Perform the exercise rhythmically, without tension and silently. Breathe through the nose (4-8-12 times). This exercise is borrowed from Chinese breathing exercises.
4. Slow breath in through the nose, exhale in one quick movement through the mouth, then hold the breath for 3-5 seconds (4-8 times).
5. Quick deep breath through the mouth, slow exhalation through the nose (4-8 times).
We finish with dynamic breathing exercises:
1. Lying on your back, sitting or standing. Hands down, feet together. Raising the arms through the sides up — inhale, return to the starting position, exhale (3-6 times).
2. Sitting or standing. Hands to the side. Arbitrary breathing while rotating the arms in the shoulder joints forward and backward, alternately 4 times in each direction (4-6 times).
3. Sitting or standing. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent, hands clenched into fists. Strikes that imitate boxing strikes. Breathing is uniform (8-10 times with each hand).
4. Lying on your back, sitting or standing. Feet together, hands on waist. Leading the straight leg to the side and returning to the starting position — inhale, pause — exhale (6-8 times in each direction).
5. Lying on your back, sitting or standing. The legs are extended together, the arms are lowered. Alternate bending of the legs at the knee joints. When performing the exercise — exhale, when returning to the starting position — inhale (6-8 times with each leg).
6. Sitting or standing. Feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. Torso forward — exhale, return to the starting position — inhale (4-8 times).
7. Lying, sitting or standing. Feet together, arms to the sides. Body tilts to the side. When performing the exercise — exhale, when returning to the starting position — inhale (4-8 times in each direction).
The third stage is the development of breathing skills in conditions of increased stress, the development of proper breathing when performing household and professional loads. Classes include breathing exercises during long walks, sports exercises or games, etc. The duration of mastering this stage is more significant — 30-35 self-study.
Static breathing exercises. Starting position — standing, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, tailbone, heels and crown — on the same line; look straight ahead, relax and lower your shoulders, fold your hands on your stomach.
I. Mastering the rules of diaphragmatic breathing: when inhaling, lower the diaphragm, slightly protrude the stomach, while exhaling — retract; exhalation is slightly longer than inhalation; breathe evenly, through your nose, at your usual pace; adjust the movement to the breath, and not vice versa.
II. The actual exercises.
1. Breathe diaphragmatically with your eyes closed to help you focus. Do not hurry! Practice only breathing until it becomes natural for you, and only then add new movements.
2. Bend your knees as you exhale, straighten them as you inhale. Move up and down continuously adjusting to the breath. The lower you squat, the greater the load.
3. Imagine that your hands are on an air cushion: your palms are at shoulder level, your fingers “look” down, your elbows are slightly lowered, do not pinch your armpits. While exhaling, squat, hands drop to the level of the hips, as if you are stroking the air. As you inhale, rise, hands also move up (at first, to control breathing, you can leave one hand on your stomach).
Dynamic breathing exercises:
1. Lying on your back. Feet together, arms arbitrarily (depending on the strength of the abdominal muscles). The transition to a sitting position — exhale, return to the starting position — inhale (6-8-12 times).
2. Standing. Feet together, hands on waist. Squat — exhale, return to the starting position — inhale (6-10-15 times).
3. Standing. Feet together, hands on waist. Jumps — uniform breathing (20-40-60 times).
4. Uniform breathing when running in place or in motion at a slow and medium pace (30-60 seconds).
5. Profound nasal breathing when walking up the stairs, along the planned route.
6. Breathing while swimming — through the mouth; shortened vigorous inhalation and lengthened exhalation.