Breathe in skin

Fresh air gives us a blooming look and an excellent complexion. But the metropolis is not the most suitable place for air baths. How can our skin breathe?

How does the skin breathe?

The skin is called the respiratory organ, our second lungs. How does she breathe? “The skin does carry out 1-2% of all gas exchange in the body (the rest of the gas exchange occurs through the lungs), says dermatologist Ekaterina Turubara, an expert at Vichy Laboratories. – By diffusion, oxygen from the air enters the blood vessels through the skin, and carbon dioxide, on the contrary, is released from the surface of the skin. Cutaneous respiration is closely related to the activity of sweat glands rich in blood vessels. Therefore, it is so important to allow the skin to breathe – for this, there are clothes made of breathable fabric, breathable (non-comedogenic) cosmetics.

Does she need extra oxygen?

This issue remains debatable. On the one hand, “oxygen starvation” leads to a deterioration in all cellular functions. On the other hand, oxygen has powerful oxidizing properties, namely, oxidants are responsible for premature aging. “In fact, oxidation is a natural process that constantly occurs in all cells of our body,” explains Ekaterina Turubara. – Oxygen oxidizes a number of substances (carbohydrates, fats), and during this process a large amount of energy is released, which is stored in the cell (more precisely, in its power plants – mitochondria) until it is needed. The division of epidermal cells, the synthesis of collagen and elastin by fibroblasts – all this requires energy.

In English, oxygenation (saturation of tissues with oxygen) and oxidation are denoted by one word – oxygenate, this creates such confusion in the consumer’s head that some cosmetic brands have abandoned the use of the concept of “oxygen” in their marketing and advertising strategy. “Saturation of the skin with oxygen and oxidation are two sides of the same coin,” says dermatologist Elena Fuflygina. “Lack of oxygen is bad, but its excess is also useless. Any oxygen therapy should be used, as they say, according to indications. In dermatology, this can be, for example, dull skin color, lack of tone – procedures that increase skin oxygenation give a powerful express effect in such cases.

Boris Zakharov

There is a remedy

Cosmetics that improve skin breathing can work on different principles. Some of them do contain oxygen. Others include substances that improve the transport of oxygen to cells. Still others include active ingredients that improve all metabolic processes in cells. “It is important not only to increase the amount of oxygen entering the tissues, but to optimize the ability of cells to use the incoming oxygen,” explains Ekaterina Turubara. “Therefore, all substances that activate the process of oxygen uptake from the blood are very important for the skin (for example, ubiquinone or coenzyme Q10, vitamin B6 and others). We can say that they affect the processes of its rejuvenation and self-renewal. “In principle, in order to improve skin breathing and stimulate all metabolic processes, the simplest cosmetic techniques are suitable,” continues Elena Fuflygina. “Timely release the skin from dead cells, activate blood circulation with the help of massage – do not forget about elementary daily care.”

Take a sip of oxygen

There are several effective ways to supply the body with oxygen directly – such procedures are called “oxygen therapy”.

Literally, “oxygen cocktails” help to get oxygenated: airy foam made from protein or fruit juice, to which vitamins B and C are added, infusion of wild rose, licorice and other medicinal plants. This method called “enteral oxygen therapy” was invented half a century ago by the Soviet pathophysiologist academician Nikolai Sirotinin: once in the gastrointestinal tract, oxygen is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, improving metabolic processes, increasing immunity.

Now such cocktails are prepared in beauty clinics and in many fitness clubs. Kits for making oxygen cocktails at home (for example, Ecotel) can be bought at a pharmacy.

Inhaling an oxygen mixture is another way to increase the level of oxygen in the blood. Inhalation cocktails are prepared from a mixture of oxygen and various essential oils – this mixture is breathed through special tubes or using a mask. Such cocktails give an instant powerful tonic effect, so devices for their preparation began to be installed not only in aesthetic clinics, but even in some dance clubs.

Inhalation of the ozone mixture is one of the components of therapy in spa capsules, whether it is an anti-cellulite, anti-stress or detox procedure (oxygen activates all metabolic processes).

Oxygen injections are one of the options for mesotherapy, when the mixture is injected under the skin to combat cellulite. During this procedure, not only the breakdown of fats and the removal of toxins are accelerated, but tissues are also tightened. Other indications for oxygen injections are stretch marks, acne marks, pigmentation, and other skin problems. Despite the fact that various methods of oxygen therapy are widely used in medicine, you should know that there are many contraindications for it: these are clotting disorders and other blood diseases, strokes, thyroid problems, and a tendency to allergic reactions.

Oleg Grigoryev

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