Weaning in practice
Weaning is never an easy step. One day we are very motivated, then the next day we feel guilty watching our baby suck… When to wean my baby? How to do ? How long does it take? Switching from breast milk to powdered milk is not insurmountable as long as you follow a few common sense rules.
When is the best time to wean baby?
In practice, most mothers who are not working start weaning their babies between the 4th and 6th month. For those who return to work, weaning usually occurs earlier, after the 2nd month. In reality, the perfect time is the one that best suits the mom. In all cases, the stop of the breast must be chosen and not coerced. Don’t let anyone influence you. You are the sole judge in this matter. In addition, even if it takes a real organization, it is still possible to breastfeed after returning to work, think about it! Remember also that the WHO (the World Health Organization) recommends exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months, because breast milk has many virtues both for the baby and for his mother.
To discover in video:
In video: Breastfeeding: how to wean Baby?
Which infant milk to choose as a substitute for breastfeeding?
When the time comes to stop the breast, also comes the time for questions for the parents, and this is normal. You want the best for your baby, which is why it is important to have a choice and to find the powdered milk that will be accepted by your baby and meet your expectations. To support you in this moment, Babybio offers a wide range of high quality infant milks. Expert in organic infant nutrition for more than 25 years, Babybio manufactures from French organic cow’s milk and organic goat’s milk, infant milks that meet the essentials. They are produced in France, without palm oil, with respect for animal welfare. So that each moment shared with your baby is a moment of serene pleasure.
Important Notice : breast milk is the best food for every infant. However, if you cannot or do not want to breastfeed, your doctor will recommend infant formula. Infant milk is suitable for special nutrition for infants from birth when they are not breastfed. Do not change milk without further medical advice.
Legal notice : In addition to milk, water is the only essential drink.
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How to stop breastfeeding without risking engorgement?
When deciding to space feedings, the first risk is engorgement of the breasts. Milk gets stuck in the nipples and cannot flow out. This sensation can be very painful and lead to complications. To avoid this accident, take it slow. Gradually decrease feedings and watch your breasts. Lactation will naturally decrease. In general, it is necessary to count a good fortnight to wean her baby. But if you have a lot of milk, it may take longer.
Example for an infant who has 5 feeds per days :
- the first 3 days: 4 feedings and 1 bottle
- the following 3 days: 3 feedings and 2 bottles
- the following 3 days: 2 feedings and 3 bottles
- the following 3 days: 1 feed and 4 bottles
- the following days: 5 bottles
Stopping breastfeeding: the importance of adapting to the child
Weaning depends on the baby’s age. It is easier to wean a 15 day old newborn than an 8 month old baby who is much more accustomed to the breast. Some babies may refuse the bottle straight away, so mixed breastfeeding is complicated. If you go to work, for example, dad or someone else may try to give it to him. Sometimes the baby understands and accepts the bottle. Try to change your position. Sit your child in front of you in a deckchair and offer him the bottle. You can also try a bottle of breast milk and gradually replace with infant milk or simply dip the pacifier in your milk. Another tip, soak the nipple of the bottle in hot water to make it more pleasant in the mouth for the baby, because it is closer to the breast. What is important is not to force the child because there is a risk that he will steer. Starving him is not the right solution either.. Calmly explain to him what you are doing. The difficulties and reactions differ greatly depending on the age and temperament of the child. The bigger it is, the more it will be able to understand. And above all, redouble hugs to show him your love. A good dose of affection and understanding of what he is going through will help you to have a smooth transition.
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