Breastfeeding: the 10 golden rules of good weaning

Weaning: go gradually

We need to predict at least three weeks so that the child slowly gets used to the new taste of milk. We first replace the mid-day breastfeeding with a bottle of 1st age milk. Two to four days later, you will replace another breastfeed, and then, two days later, a third. To avoid engorgement, pay attention to how your breasts feel: It is best to stop a new feed as soon as the breasts and the milk supply have become accustomed to this new rhythm. If this is too hard on your breasts, skip half a feed first.

Weaning the breastfed baby: start with bottles of breast milk

Why ? So that your baby gets used to the pacifier and enjoys the benefits of breast milk for as long as possible. By first switching from breastfeeding to bottle feeding breast milk, the baby will get used to the container, which will then make it easier to change the contents, when you replace breast milk with infant milk. The change will be less brutal, more gradual.

Weaning: take over with an infant milk that meets their needs and your requirements

Weaning is a time full of emotions. For it to go well, it is important to approach it as calmly as possible. It also involves infant milk that you trust and that allows you to focus on the essential: the relationship with your baby. To help you do this, Babybio has been developing infant milks for more than 25 years that meet a double requirement: that of infant nutrition and that of organic farming. Made in France, from French organic cow’s milk and organic goat’s milk, by an SME committed to animal welfare and the preservation of the environment, they contain no palm oil and simply meet the needs nutritional requirements of your baby according to the regulations. They are available near you (in large and medium-sized stores, in pharmacies and organic stores and on the internet). So that each bottle is a moment of pleasure shared with your baby.

Important Notice : breast milk is the best food for every infant. However, if you cannot or do not want to breastfeed, your doctor will recommend infant formula. Infant milk is suitable for special nutrition for infants from birth when they are not breastfed. Do not change milk without further medical advice.

Legal notice : In addition to milk, water is the only essential drink.

Weaning: rather keep the morning and evening feedings

If you have to choose, continue to him instead breastfeed in the morning, evening and night. In the morning, the milk is indeed more abundant and you want to avoid congestion. You will also have more availability for your baby, ease, to entrust him to a third party during the day and thus offer him another milk. As for evening and night feedings, you will gradually cut them short, until your baby agrees to take something else instead.

Weaning: do not insist

If your baby refuses to bottle-feed, don’t insist. And try again after a few days of break, in an environment that baby knows, quiet. feel free to try several bottle nipples to finally find the one that baby accepts the most easily.

Prefer the switch to the bottle on weekends

Weekends are easier! Your partner can participate, and everyone is more relaxed. Also avoid that weaning coincides with a period of weakness of your little one (cold, illness, etc.).

Change places during weaning

Sit somewhere other than where you usually breastfeed, but find a reassuring position, close to the one you were breastfeeding her in. One of the challenges of weaning for your baby is having new sensory experiences and not feeling the warmth and smell of your skin against their face.

In video: Breastfeeding: how to wean Baby?

In video: Breastfeeding: how to wean Baby?

Multiply hugs during weaning

To compensate for this frustration due to the lack of clinch, whisper soft words in his ear, stroke him, look at him constantly and “catch” his gaze. There are times other than breastfeeding to keep this almost fused bond with your baby. Portage physiological, for example, will undoubtedly be an asset.

Weaning: the bottle horizontally

The breastfed baby is not used to receiving milk with a very rapid flow. Also, it is advisable to put the bottle horizontally when it is given to it, and to watch that it does not show signs of stress. If so, turn the bottle down before pouring the milk again.

Have a third party bottle-feed

When possible, ask for relay. A trusted person can test the bottle, and in this case, do not stay nearby, take the opportunity to get some fresh air! If baby sees you, he may not understand why he is not allowed to breast while you are there. At the start of weaning, it is advisable that someone other than the mother gives the bottle.

Baby weaning: give warm or hot milk

Prefer to give your baby lukewarm milk, even hot (37 ° C maximum), rather than cold, which will bring it closer to the temperature of breast milk. As much as it is quite possible to give milk at room temperature to a baby, as much, to make accept the infant milk to a baby previously fed on breast milk, it is better to start with put the milk at the same temperature as when it comes out of the breast, i.e. 37 ° C. Especially since it is also more digestible than cold milk!

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