Breastfeeding is the healthiest and cheapest. What to do when there is not enough food?

Breastfeeding is the best way to feed your baby. However, there are situations in which it is difficult to feed mum’s milk, e.g. a woman has too little food and is unable to meet the needs of the child. What to do in that case? Is the so-called mixed feeding, i.e. breastfeeding and bottlefeeding?

  1. Food deficiency, painful and wounded nipples, heart attack, food stagnation – these are only some of the problems that may arise in young mothers. However, it is worth not to give up too quickly – says the expert
  2. If the child’s weight is low, the doctor may recommend supplementation with formula milk
  3. Research shows that about 40 percent. of women feed their child in a mixed way or only with modified milk at an early stage of the infant’s life, and later this number increases up to 70%.
  4. How to flexibly combine these two types of feeding? A handful of tips below
  5. You can find more similar stories on the TvoiLokony home page

The most important questions about breastfeeding and bottlefeeding are answered by Agnieszka Kacalak, midwife and expert cooperating with

Breastfeeding matters a lot!

According to WHO (World Health Organization) recommendations, the best and most appropriate food – because it is best suited to the needs of the developing organism – is mother’s milk. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding of the child for the first 6 months of his life, and then extending the diet with simultaneous breastfeeding up to the age of 2, and even longer. However, it very often happens that the beginning of breastfeeding is not the easiest one. Food deficiency, painful and wounded nipples, heart attack, food stagnation – these are only some of the problems that may arise in young mothers. The most important thing is not to give up too quickly and try to stimulate or maintain lactation! Having a good attitude is half the battleand the problems that arise – still in the hospital – will be helped by midwives and doctors. When you return home, you should consult your community midwife or lactation advisor.

  1. Breastfeeding – Everything You Need to Know [EXPLAINED]

Mixed feeding – when is this method of infant feeding justified for health reasons?

One of the most common causes of breastfeeding problems is a large loss of body weight in the newborn right after delivery. In the first few days, the child loses weight and it is a physiological process that consists of many factors. A newborn usually loses about 10 percent. birth weight. This is important to remember, because if he is approaching this limit and the weight loss continues – neonatologists will certainly recommend increasing the frequency of breastfeeding or feeding.

The method of feeding will depend on many factors. One solution is to express milk with a breast pump and feed the baby with your own expressed milk. Another possibility is feeding with modified milk, i.e. introduction mixed feeding. Does this mean that a woman is a “bad mom”? Absolutely not! Research shows that approx 40 percent of women feeds their baby in a mixed way or only with modified milk in the early stages of an infant’s lifeand later this figure rises to as much as 70 percent. The main reasons are the unexpected challenges associated with breastfeeding, such as insufficient food intake, food stagnation and inflammation of the breast. So what to do?

The main thing – not to give up!

The baby must be full, so if necessary, after consulting a doctor or lactation advisor – give him modified milk, but this does not mean the end of lactation – just the opposite. This is a transitional period that allows lactation to start in the body of a young mother.

How to implement mixed feeding in practice?

Emotions play a key role here, the more that most often it is just a transition period. It is worth hugging the baby as often as possible, kangarooing, i.e. ensuring the baby has direct contact with his mother’s skin (this method, used from the first minutes of a child’s life, gives him comfort and safety), apply it to the breast before feeding with modified milkso that it stimulates the development of lactation and milk production as often as possible. Thanks to this, it will not forget the smell or taste of mother’s food. In addition, the woman and the baby will have time for each other – to get to know each other and cuddle. It is worth remembering that after 15-20 minutes of cuddling and breastfeeding, you should start feeding your baby – he must eat at least 8 times a day, preferably every 3 hours.

When the baby falls asleep full, it’s time to work, i.e. stimulate the breast with a breast pump. Ask your midwife how to do this and ask for help if needed. Every amount of food that can be obtained must be given to the baby – no matter if it will be a few drops or a few milliliters. Food should increase with each passing day. It is important that, after feeding the breast, first of all, feed the baby with previously expressed food, and then – if necessary – feed it with modified milk..

It is also very important to choose the right mixed feeding bottle. Ideally, the nipple should look like a woman’s breast, it was made of a soft material, but at the same time, so that the baby had to put some work and effort into obtaining food (in the case of breast suckling, the baby has to work hard for the milk to start flowing). It is worth choosing one type of teat – frequent changes to them may result in the toddler not wanting to eat from the breast or from any bottle. However, it should be emphasized once again that mixed feeding is only a transitional stage – following the advice of midwives or lactation consultants, most often after a few days, allows you to return to exclusive breastfeeding.

  1. The 7 most common health problems associated with breastfeeding

Some simple tips for a breastfeeding and bottle-feeding mom

Breastfeeding is of great importance in maintaining and establishing a close relationship with a baby, but just as much is touching, hugging, talking, kangarooing or massage – simply closeness. Usually it is so that all temporary problems from the initial lactation period can be overcome – for example, thanks to the correct stimulation with a breast pump, a young mother should easily stimulate the breasts to produce more milk for the infant. Injured, painful nipples with proper care (airing, lubricating them with food or pure lanolin) quite quickly get used to frequent sucking, heal and stop hurting. With the right support, the first problems after a few days or weeks should usually only be a memory. Sometimes, however, it happens that you will not be able to get enough of your mother’s milk to completely give up formula milk – this is also not a cause for concern. The moments spent together – whether the baby is placed on the breast or bottle-fed – are equally invaluable for the mother and the baby.

  1. Medical benefits of breastfeeding

Regardless of the reason why the mother cannot breastfeed exclusively, in order to support the harmonious maturation of her baby, she should choose the appropriate formula (in consultation with the pediatrician). The results of the latest research by Nutricia experts allowed for the development of new modified milk formulaswhose recipes are inspired by the properties of human breast milk, thanks to which the infant is not exclusively breastfed with key nutrients.

Important information

Breastfeeding is the most appropriate and cheapest way of feeding infants and is recommended for young children along with a varied diet. Mother’s milk contains the nutrients necessary for the proper development of the baby and protects it against diseases and infections. Breastfeeding gives the best results when the mother is properly nourished during pregnancy and lactation, and when there is no unjustified feeding of the baby. Before deciding to change the feeding method, the mother should consult her doctor.

Read also:

  1. Breastfeeding – every woman should know about it!
  2. Breastfeeding and COVID-19. What rules to follow?
  3. What to do when exclusive breastfeeding is not possible?

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