From century to century, a seductive breast has been considered the strongest weapon of the female sex. However, she is one of the most delicate and finicky parts of the body. Any changes in the female body – pregnancy, sudden weight loss or weight gain, hormonal disruptions – instantly leave their mark on the skin of the breast. Therefore, in order to keep the breast beautiful and attractive, it is necessary to perform a set of procedures with daily breast massage. At the same time, it is important to do it correctly so as not to harm and bring the maximum benefit to your appearance.
Requirements for proper breast massage
Before starting a breast massage, you need to consult a mammologist for advice.
Indeed, there is a whole list of contraindications to this type of massage:
- the presence of moles in the chest area
- mastopathy, cyst, swollen
- violations of the integrity of the skin cover – all kinds of wounds, scratches, cuts, injuries, etc.
Remember that the skin of a woman’s breasts is very delicate and sensitive. It is strictly forbidden to make sudden movements or use force during the massage. Otherwise, you will end up stretching the skin.
Once you’ve heard your doctor’s approval, head to a professional massage therapist. He will clearly and in detail tell you how to properly perform this type of massage. Do not try to massage your breasts based on theoretical knowledge gained from books and other teaching aids. Experience is very important in this matter.
Also, you should buy creams with which you will massage. One of them should have a tonic effect, and the other massage. When choosing a bra, pay attention to its size. It should support and not squeeze your breasts.
How to properly massage a female breast
Stroking your breasts. Start the massage by gently stroking your breasts clockwise and then counterclockwise. Thus, repeat 3 cycles of 8 movements. Further, in the direction from the nipple, make light tapping with the edge of the palm. After that, in the direction from the base of the breast to the nipples, gently pinch the skin, while slightly turning it, as it were. You do not need to touch the nipples. The tingling shouldn’t be painful. Finish the massage by stroking your breasts. Start with more vigorous movements and finish with light, stroking movements, barely touching the skin.
Breast massage has a strict time limit – 5-7 minutes per day
In addition to traditional classical massage, there are also types such as breast hydromassage, vacuum massage, etc. Breast hydromassage has 3 types: contrast shower, jet massage and water compresses. For a proper jet massage, you need to take a bath, covering the entire chest, while the back should not be bent. Make the water temperature a little warmer than room temperature. Direct the jet towards your chest underwater. Please note that the pressure must be strong enough and perceptible under water.
First, direct the stream under the chest from left to right (20 times), raise your hand up, then direct it over the chest (20 times), lower your hand down. Then, in the direction from the nipples, do a circular motion with a stream of water, each time increasing the diameter (20 times). Finish this massage with circular motions around the chest (20 times). Dry the skin with a towel and apply a special breast cream on it for a more massage effect. Vacuum massage is done in specialized salons. At home, it can be done using special vacuum massagers.
Remember that your beauty is in your hands. Therefore, take care of yourself and treat your body with care and tenderness.
The effect of breast massage is based on improving the blood supply to the organ. Activation of microcirculation and lymph circulation against the background of increased nervous impulses significantly improves the appearance and health of the female breast. The key direction of our technique is the prevention of mastopathy and the fight against age-related changes, which manifests itself in the form of a loss of tone and elasticity of the muscular frame of the chest and skin, including the mammary gland itself.
The second most important effect of this type of massage is lymphatic drainage in the tissues of the mammary gland and the surrounding tissue in case of pastosity or swelling – the so-called breast massage using the “suction” technique with elements of lymphatic drainage, which is especially effective in some forms of mastopathy. It releases the lymphatic ducts and blood vessels, which allows the transport of toxins to the place of disposal, harmonizes, returns the overall balance of the work of all organs.
Corrective breast massage in combination with special means increases the blood supply to the mammary glands, which causes them to increase in volume. We can observe a similar effect every month, a few days before ovulation.
At this time, the blood filling of the mammary glands occurs, which we feel as a thickening and expansion of the chest. In addition, breast massage in women improves the appearance of the skin and décolleté.
As you know, the skin here is very thin, so it quickly dries out, becomes flabby, wrinkles form on it, and after a sharp weight loss and stretching. Breast massage with moisturizing and nourishing creams helps to restore skin tone, healthy and attractive appearance.
The preparatory stage consists of superficial planar and then encircling stroking of the mammary glands with the palms of both hands. The procedure itself is divided into five techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, tapping and vibration. One without the others gives a positive result, but the greatest effect can be achieved only by combining them into a combined procedure. Massage movements are made with wide strokes, covering the chest in the direction from the bottom up and outward to the armpits. The session itself begins with soft and gentle stroking movements. After stroking, you can move on to rubbing, kneading and other massage techniques. With a flaccid pectoral muscle, it is also useful to conduct vibration. The breast massage procedure ends with breast stroking. During the session, strong stretching of the skin should be avoided,
Women’s breasts vary in degree of sensitivity. Owners of delicate and sensitive breasts will benefit from a gentle and gentle massage. Owners of firm and elastic – moderate pressure.
- Strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the pectoral muscle;
- Relaxation after exercise;
- Prevention of the appearance of stretch marks on the skin;
- Shape correction, size increase;
- A way to avoid lactostasis in nursing;
- Prevention of breast diseases;
- Maintaining breast health;
- Just a pleasant procedure;
- temperature increase (above 37 °);
- acute inflammatory processes;
- neoplasms of any localization;
- the presence of pregnancy of any period;
- postpartum period 3-6 months;
- severe diseases of the heart, kidneys, etc.;
- skin diseases in places of massage;
- any formations in the gland;
- pain during and after the session.
Breast massage is a set of measures aimed at strengthening and restoring the organ, as well as other systems and structures of the breast. The essence of these techniques is to activate blood circulation, microcirculation and normal lymph flow, improve cell nutrition, which invariably leads to normal functioning, healthy skin and an excellent state of the structure and shape of the breast.
Lymphatic drainage massage of the mammary glands allows the lymph to pass freely through the lymphatics, preventing its stagnation, which is very important for a woman’s health. After all, lymph protects and cleanses the body. It allows you to remove toxins, the result of decomposition, processing of drugs and food, while simultaneously cleansing the body. It is thanks to the lymph that our chest is protected from negative internal and external influences.
Breast massage of a girl or woman with mastopathy is an effective method of treating certain forms of the disease, as well as preventing aging. However, do not forget that a prophylactic session, like any cosmetic procedure in aesthetic medicine, does not work wonders, and the sooner you start preventing age-related changes with breast massage or their treatment, the more noticeable the results will be. You will notice them after 3-4 sessions. Only in this case can we talk about health, preventive measures that prevent the development of many mammological diseases.
✨ In the latter case, it is the healing, lymphatic drainage massage of the mammary gland that plays the leading role (of course, in the absence of contraindications). This is the only way to count on the long-term preservation of the forms of this important female organ.
Lymphatic drainage in the tissues of the breast and surrounding glandular cells with developing edema allows you to clean the vessels and lymphatic ducts, which allows you to normalize the process of transporting harmful substances to the place of their disposal. The most positive effect is achieved by combining this procedure with a general lymphatic drainage massage of the body . Such manipulations allow you to balance the work of all systems and organs, making them more harmonious.
Increasing the size of the mammary glands without implants, skin tightening without surgery is a complex therapeutic technique that combines elements of lymphatic drainage massage with the use of special professional cosmetics, aimed at restoring, correcting and strengthening the female breast, as well as all systems and tissues of the chest.
Gernetic International.
Cellular cosmeceuticals GERnetic International is a professional line of preparations for the face and body, which is developed and produced by the biomedical laboratory GERnetic Synthese (France). The founder of the laboratory – a talented scientist, physician and biochemist Albert Laporte – has an unconventional, innovative approach to solving aesthetic problems. The basis of his scientific interests is the connection between the internal problems of the body and their external manifestation. For 47 years, Dr. Laporte has studied the organic composition of every cell in the human body and the properties of essential nutrients. This allowed him to create GERnetic International products with unique formulas that have the ability to penetrate deep into the skin, correct aesthetic problems and heal the body.
Gernetic International breast care and correction preparations contain active substances and trace elements obtained biotechnologically from plants. Unique formulas allow you to adjust the shape and size of the bust, tone and tighten the skin.
One of the creams that may be used in preventive massage has special properties that make it effective in all cases of ptosis (demineralization, sagging), hypertrophy and atrophy of the mammary gland. Normalizes the function of the ovaries, provides the skin with the necessary nutrition. Stimulates metabolic processes in the skin. Another cream perfectly tones, restores and strengthens the skin of the bust, supports the muscles of the mammary gland.
Massage improves microcirculation and regeneration of the epidermis, prepares the skin for the use of other preparations of the line. It is also recommended for the treatment of acne in this area caused by hormonal disorders – it accelerates the maturation of inflammatory elements, helps to reduce hyperemia, relieves pain. Contributes to the normalization of ovarian function (in combination with massage of the pelvic organs ).
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