Breast health in your hands

This is important for every woman.

According to polls of sexologists from the California Institute of Beauty, female breasts are in the first place in the subconscious of a man as an element of attraction and a factor in mental fantasies. The breast is the most delicate and at the same time the most vulnerable part of a woman’s body. Nevertheless, it is about breast health that many women often forget. If you do not pay enough attention to the prevention of breast diseases and do not undergo regular preventive examinations, the likelihood of a malignant breast tumor increases many times over.

Relentless statistics

Worldwide, the incidence of breast cancer is growing by 3% annually. This is due to factors such as poor ecology, late onset of a regular sex life, the use of hormone replacement therapy, late menopause, artificial termination of pregnancy, lack of breastfeeding, menstrual irregularities. Over the past 20 years, the incidence of breast cancer in Russia has increased by almost 1,5 times, the mortality rate has increased by 25%. More than 40% of breast tumors are diagnosed at a late stage. When diagnosed at an early stage, the probability of a complete cure reaches 94%.

Take care of your health today!

Self-diagnosis and modern methods of medical diagnostics make it possible to identify cancer diseases of the mammary gland at an early stage, and therefore, help maintain a woman not only health, but also beauty.

About Avon Together Against Breast Cancer Charity

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