Breast fibroadenoma

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Breast adenoma is a common benign breast cancer. Therefore, if you or your partner feel a small lump in your breast, do not panic. Be sure to consult your doctor, but also remember that it is possible that the lesion is benign breast fibroadenoma.

Breast fibroadenoma – definition

Breast adenoma (fibroadenoma) is a benign neoplasm that is very common in young women and girls in their puberty (between 15 and 25 years of age). The disease presents a thickening and a lump in the breast, usually single (every fifth woman has multiple lumps). The diameter of these lesions may be even several centimeters. Lumps / thickenings may change in size due to lactation or hormones. They are clearly demarcated from adjacent tissues, moreover, they have a cohesive consistency. Fibromatous fibroadenoma does not usually disturb the normal shape of the breast. The ailment is often diagnosed in patients who have had a breast lump biopsy. The risk of developing cancer is associated with complex fibroadenoma, which occurs in elderly women with a family history of malignancies. Usually, fibroadenoma resolves spontaneously, however, it may be necessary to surgically excise it.

Not every lump is cancer

Sometimes young women find lumps in their breasts that are a source of anxiety. However, feeling a lump does not necessarily mean a malignant change.

Who has the most common fibroadenomas?

  1. women before the age of 20,
  2. women without children,
  3. women with irregular periods and those with a family history of breast cancer.

Types of fibroadenoma

There are several types of fibroadenomas:

  1. simple fibroadenoma – does not pose a threat; consists of glandular and fibrous tissue;
  2. Complex fibroadenoma – associated with a certain risk of breast cancer; in addition to fibrous and glandular tissue, it also includes other lesions of breast tissue;
  3. Giant fibroadenoma – this is a fibroadenoma, the diameter of which is more than 5 cm;
  4. juvenile fibroadenoma – is a tumor that occurs most often in teenagers.

Thyroid fibroadenoma – causes of its formation

The causes of fibroadenoma are not fully understood. However, an increased risk of these changes has been observed in women with a family history of breast cancer. Fibroids are also common in socioeconomic societies and in black people. A lump (fibroadenoma) is formed as a result of the growth of both glandular and fibrous tissue. The lesion is most often located in the upper quadrants of the nipple and appears as a well-delimited, painless, flexible and easily displaceable nodule 1-3 cm in diameter. Fibroadenoma in about 20 percent cases are plural.

Although fibroadenomas do not increase the risk of breast cancer, it is recommended to remove them with local anesthesia, leaving the rest of the gland behind. If the fibroadenoma is not removed, it can sometimes reach a size of 10-20 cm, mainly during pregnancy or due to the use of exogenous estrogens in the form of contraceptives. Removal of the lesion does not guarantee that a benign neoplasm will not reappear in the future.

Breast fibroadenoma – symptoms

Fibrosing adenomas generally do not cause pain. They are single lesions located in the upper outer quadrant of the breast. The nodules are usually well defined and round or oval in shape with a rubbery consistency. They are movable in relation to the ground, and their size can be up to 3 cm. Much less frequently, fibroadenomas occur in multiple forms in one or both breasts. Lesions that are more than 5 cm in diameter may appear, for example, in pregnant or breastfeeding women, but not only. Also, young girls are exposed to huge fibroadenomas, which are characterized by very rapid growth, which unfortunately often causes breast asymmetry and deformation. Fibroadenoma may enlarge under the influence of estrogens and progesterone in the final phase of the menstrual cycle. After menopause, the lesions may calcify or atrophy.

How to recognize fibroadenoma?

The first test that the doctor should perform in the doctor’s office is palpation. The patient herself can also perform them at home as part of breast self-examination. After preliminary examinations, the diagnosis is extended by Breast ultrasoundthanks to which it is possible to assess the nature of the lesions and distinguish them from other lesions (e.g. cystic). In a certain group of women, the ultrasound image shows the features characteristic of breast cancer, in such cases it is necessary to extend the diagnosis to include other examinations, e.g. fine needle aspiration biopsywhich allows to determine with high precision whether the lesion is benign or malignant. In older women, breast mammography is recommended.

Treatment of fibroadenomas

Women under the age of 35 who have been diagnosed with fibroadenoma should be under constant medical supervision (every six months) until reaching the above-mentioned age. During this period, the lesion may completely disappear or reduce its size (then the patient should be constantly monitored until the lesion resolves). If the lesion grows or does not change at all, and the patient is over 35, surgical removal of the tissue along with the margin of healthy tissue is recommended.

Indications for the removal of fibroadenoma:

  1. the tumor causes pain,
  2. fibroadenoma gradually increases,
  3. the tumor causes breast asymmetry,
  4. the exit diameter of the tumor is over 4 cm,
  5. there is a suspicion of malignancy of fibroadenoma.

What’s the prognosis?

Some fibroadenomas disappear with age, while some may remain unchanged for years, and others may (rarely) increase with time. The risk of malignant transformation of fibroadenoma is relatively low (about 0,002 – 0,0125%).

Read also: Why are we afraid of breast examinations?

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